The Terror



I clung to Drake for dear life. We were in danger. Drenmore's goons had us where they wanted. They looked like savages. They had the look on their devious faces that was hungry and bloodthirsty. I looked away and buried my face in Drake's shoulders. I couldn't bear to look at them anymore. My heart thumped fast. I was afraid for our lives, but in a split second I felt my legs hitting one of the goon's faces. Drake used my legs to kick their faces. It worked, they were on the ground.

My legs were numb with the impact of the blows. "Are you okay?" Drake inquired as he tightened his grip. I could feel his breath on my face. He was forceful and dynamic. He ran with me in his arms. From there, I decided to trust him. I felt less terrified and more optimistic. I was in the hands of the alpha himself. I thought he would never come back, let alone save my life once again. It was strange yet overwhelming.

He ran with me for a mile, I think. I wasn't sure about the distance. It surprised me that he wasn't the least bit tired. I was quite heavy and full- bodied since the pregnancy. He was a strong man/beast. At this moment, I couldn't call him a beast. I called him my hero. He saved me twice already. When I turned around, I saw there was no one following us. Drake had managed to escape with me in his arms. It felt awesome to be in his arms.

"We will be safe here." He told me as he carried me upstairs. "Where are we going?" I looked around. "This is one of my many apartment buildings that I own. There's a vacant suite on the last floor. I reserved that for myself whenever I am tired of my penthouse and when I need to be alone." He revealed that to me.

He opened the door after placing me on my feet. "Will we be safe here?" I was fearful that Drenmore would come here at any minute. "We might be for now. No one knows about this place. But we can't be to sure." He warned me. That didn't help. "Why don't you make yourself some tea and relax," he suggested. "I don't think I can, not with my life in danger and Mathew not by my side. Where is he?"

"Somewhere very safe. Mathew is safely guarded. No one will ever get past my state- of the art security, so relax," he said. "You said you were going to give me the address of the hotel; but you didn't," I said. "I was going to text you when I left the building. It was a good thing because Drenmore would've gotten his hands on the information."

"How safe is this place?" I inquired. "Don't you trust me. It's much safer than your workplace and the alley; you walk in at night," he sneered. "Forgive me, but I didn't think that I was going to be attacked by your brother-the- wolf who wants to kill me!"

I countered. He gazed at me. "If my brother-the- wolf didn't attack, I am sure someone else would have beat him to it! You shouldn't walk in isolated alleys!"

"I didn't ask to be brought into this drama." I said as I tried to fight back the tears.

"Then you shouldn't have trusted the wrong people and came after my family," he pointed out. He was right, and I had no defense. I bowed my head and wiped my eyes.

"I know that." I said. He held me in his arms tight. I felt safe. "It's going to be okay," he said in a soothing voice. His arms wrapped around my body, reminded me of the weekend when Mathew was conceived, not the drama that came afterward. "Look, I didn't expect my brother to come after you again. I was sure that you would be safe there at the hotel until the next full moon. I underestimated Drenmore, but no more. I promise you that I am not going to let anything happen to our son."

He video-called the hotel, and I got to see Mathew. He looked like he was in a safe place. I talked to him and felt relieved. It took some of the tension off of my shoulders. I believed in Drake after that call. It was a pity that I couldn't get the chance to hold Mathew in my arms. I promised Mathew that I was going to come home soon, but I didn't know when.

I sat down feeling numb. Drake made me some tea. I sipped some and left the rest. There was no way I was going to feel relaxed until I had my son with me. "When will I get to see my son?" I sighed. Drake gave me a disapproving look. "You know that's not possible for now," Drake said. "If I bring him here now, he will be in grave danger. I know it is hard, but take note that he is safe. My men are on the lookout for Drenmore. Until we know where Drenmore's whereabouts are and he is no longer gunning for you, than we can re-unite you with Mathew."

"I just miss him, Drake,' I sobbed. "You have to be patient. Please don't break down. I need you to stay focused. You hear me! If you get too emotional, you will get yourself killed. I need for you to trust that everything will be okay. Now drink the rest of your tea and get some rest. You just came out of the hospital, you need your sleep." Drake ordered. "I am fine. The potion you gave, healed me. I can't sleep. I just want this to end."

"I do too. I want Drake captured so he won't be a thorn in my side. The sooner, the better. It's just that he's getting good at the game he's playing for the past five years. It scares me sometimes." Drake revealed to me. "Whatever happens, remember that I will always ensure that you and Mathew are safe. I can't take you to Mathew, right now because we might be followed by Drenmore or his goons. Just sit tight."

I took a deep breath. Drake was right; if I were to go to Mathew right now, he would be in danger. It was a nightmare. I was helpless, yet again. The only person I could count on was Drake. There was no one I could call. Everyone betrayed me. I was so wrong about Drake. He had proven himself yet again . I regret my actions that weekend. I wanted revenge so bad that I went after the wrong person, and I trusted people who 'placed me under the bus'.

"Are you okay now? I can't deal with any tears right now," he said. "I will be all right," I told him as I smiled. "You will be," he returned the smile. "Why don't I order some pizza. You must be hungry," he suggested. "It's okay, I am good." I assured him. I wasn't in the mood to stomach anything. My stomach was full of tension, and I was scared that Drenmore would pounce on us at any second.

"Suit yourself. I am hungry. I suppose more for me," he mocked with a wicked sense of humor. I saw a side to Drake that I haven't seen before. He was like a different person than on the weekend I spent with him. He was more caring. It made me feel even worse for trying to suss him out. He made me feel like I was special. Was I falling for him even more? It was probably the case..

It was going to be in vain, because I betrayed him. "Will you ever trust me again?" I pounced the question on him from nowhere. "What do you mean?" He asked me. He looked at me baffled. "You know, like after I tried to expose you?" He didn't respond to me as the doorbell rang. I was panicked, as I thought it was Drenmore or his goons.

It was the pizza delivery guy. I was relieved. The last thing I wanted was another encounter with Drenmore and his goons. Drake pretended like I never asked him anything. He was more interested in the pizza and watching a football game on television. He ignored me. I regretted asking him that question. "The game is good!" He eventually said. I nodded in agreement. He placed my question under the carpet, pretending like I never asked him anything


There was an elephant in the room now. He didn't want to look at me. There was an awkward silence when Drake's phone rang, He answered it quickly. When he spoke, he had formed a frown on his face, and he mentioned Mathew. I jumped up suddenly. Horrible thoughts ran through my mind. The unthinkable reached my head. What if Drenmore kidnapped or killed my child?