

"Drake, get into the car or else he may attack you!" Anna yelled out to me in panic. "Just stay in the car, Anna. Whatever you do, don't come out. I will handle him," I ordered. I just hoped she'd listen. "Shut the door now!" I shouted. She immediately did what I said. I looked straight into his eyes. He wanted food. "Easy boy!" I told him. He growled at me as I expected him to.

He didn't trust me. We were in his territory, and we were not welcome. I had to make him trust me. I could sense that he couldn't trust humans, not after they hunted them. I spoke to him with my eyes. I saw the pain in them. I communicated with him through our gaze. I told him what had happened. He gazed at me and listened. Anna was still panicking in the car. Her mouth opened wide when she saw the animal come up to me.

"Drake no!" She yelled once more. "It's okay, Anna; he just wants to find out if he can trust me or not." I looked at him straight in the eye. He saw I didn't fear him and also who I really was. He came up and licked my face and wagged his tail. That was a relief. Anna was taken in complete awe. She calmed down. The dog saw something that I didn't. He told me with his eyes that she was special to me and that there was a bond between us.

I didn't know what to tell him. I didn't deny it or agree with him. I just told him thank you for sparing us. He barked and licked me before wondering off. It was his way of telling me that he and his pack were no threat to us. I thanked him. It was a bizarre moment for me. No one had ever told me that I cared for someone. I had no idea what to make of it at that moment in time.

I opened the car door, and Anna gave me a huge hug. I felt warm. It was the first time I had felt this way about anyone. "I was really scared that he was going to eat you," she said in a 'little girl' voice. "I told you not to worry, and that I had it under control!" I said to her. She looked at me innocently. She was still a kid who had grown up too fast because of all the events that took place within this past year.

"I just told him that I am going to give you to him," I teased. "Very funny!" She patted my shoulder-like a child. "I told him that we were no threat to him, and we won't harm him, if we don't harm us," I revealed. "I didn't hear you speak. How did you communicate with him?"

"With my eyes," I replied. "I used telepathic communication that we werewolves have with other canines." It seemed super-natural, but true. "WOW!" She exclaimed. She seemed amazed. "You can actually do that?"

"Yes, I can, but I normally don't do it often," I said. It was the truth. "I normally do it when someone who is special is in danger."

I cupped her chin and kissed her tenderly. She responded, and I could feel her body trembling. It felt wonderful, kissing her soft, sweet lips after such a long time. I didn't want to stop. I had to keep sexual appetite at bay. I wanted to make love to her, right here and now. The moment felt so perfect, under the glittering stars. But I had to place my libido under notice.

Drenmore was still a threat, and we were stranded in the midst of nowhere. "Oh, Drake," she murmered. "We have to go," I told her after that wet kiss that left me breathless. I had to place the kiss under the carpet and think logically.

"Where are we going to go?" She looked around, with a scared look on her innocent face. "I don't know. Maybe if we walk, we can get to the main road and hitch a ride to a motel or something. There's no signal on my phone, so we will be stuck here if we don't make a move."

"You are right, it's too dangerous for us to be here." She agreed. "Are you up for a walk right now? Or do you need to rest your legs? It's going to be a long walk before we get anywhere." I warned her. I have never been to this neck of the woods before, so I didn't know what to expect. I regretted not checking the car before we left New York. That's the last time I use those rentals again.

"I can do it!" She said it with optimism. I can rest if my legs give up," she said to me. She wanted to show me that she was brave, but I could see the scared little girl underneath. I almost felt sorry for her. Why? Am I getting softer? Maybe Drenmore was right when he told me that my emotions get in the way, and that is why I am weak. I don't know where all this warm fuzzy crap is coming from. "That's a good girl," I said, in an encouraging tone.

"Or you could carry me," she teased, with a sultry smile that turned my insides into molten lava. "Don't push it, my dear little one. The only reason I carried you was ..."

"Yeah! I know, Drenmore's goons were chasing us," she interrupted. I hated when she did that- complete my sentences. "If you know why I carried you, you shouldn't make such crazy demands, and besides, I need to be at my optimum peak, if someone tries to pounce upon us. I also need you to be on alert at all times."

"Absolutely. I have to admit that I am a little afraid to be out here, but I have faith that you will protect me," she said. "I told you before, you don't need to fear whenever I am around," I assured her. I didn't know the dynamics of our situation as yet. Even though I have feelings for Anna, I still can't trust her completely. I don't think that there will ever be a future for us. All I know for now is that we need each other-not only for our son's sake but for our own hidden agendas.

That's the crazy part-no one knows the future, we just pray and hope it will pan out in our favour. In this case, making Anna a killing machine one day may save her race. That was the specific reason, she was chosen for when a witch cast a spell on her descendants to rid the world of super-natural creatures, the ones who were a threat to mankind.

We walked a mile with no food or water. I was proud of Anna. She did well with no complaining. My eyes caught a glimpse of an old cabin. "Hey look!" I said to Anna. I pointed to the cabin. "Do you think there's anyone home?" She questioned me.

"I don't know. Let's go and check it out!" I suggested it as we headed toward it.

Anna knocked on the door. "Hello! Is anyone home?" She asked as she knocked repeatedly.

"I don't think that there's anyone in here," I told her. It looked deserted as it was pitch dark. I opened the door and went in, despite Anna's protests. "I think it's a bad idea. You know we could get arrested for trespassing." She warned me. "Not if it is deserted,' I countered. "Look around. Do you think someone will leave their place dusty and unkept?"

We walked around. Anna found a candle lying on the floor. "Look! Do you have a match?" She asked me as she handed me the candle. I fumbled my pockets and found a lighter. I thought of a cigar. I could have done with one right about now. I lit the candle. "Look for more candles," I said. She found two more, which I lit instantly.

"The room looks bright enough for now," I said. "It's so big, and it even has a fire place here as well," Anna said.

"This should do for tonight. We shall rest here, then we should walk further to the main road. I don't think it's that far," I estimated. "There's only one bed," she noticed.

"Is that a problem?" I asked. I couldn't resist. I grabbed her in my arms and covered her mouth with mine, kissing her deeply. She moaned and I wanted her. I laid her on the bed. She was beautiful, and her eyes begged me to make love to her.

"I want you," I told her. I kissed her again, and she responded to my touches. It was wonderful to have her in my arms after a very long time, but then I pulled back.

I couldn't.

What was wrong with me?