The plan


"Why did you stop?!" She questioned me with her doe eyes peering at me. She was irresistible, and my animal instincts were on 'high alert'. I would be lying if I said she wasn't desirable. She was smoking hot, and every inch of my groin wanted her. But my stupid brain had to talk me out of it. My reasonable intelligence got through to me. I couldn't do it, not now, and I don't think anytime soon. I tried to convince myself.

I have to keep a clear head, and I can't let my emotions cloud my judgement. Yes, Anna is a striking young woman. She was amazing in the sack, but if I have sex with her, I won't be able to think straight. I need to find out who is helping my brother and why.

I have to find a way to gather that information, and I need Anna for my plan. If things go south for us, I will be placed in an awkward situation.

I am a man of action. I have to be one step ahead of my enemies, and if Anna is still working for James, I would be in a lot of trouble. If he sent her to seduce me all over again, I could succumb and my senses would be unwired. I have to keep it together and make my move, or else Anna and I could be in hot water. I can see the disappointment in her eyes, but what needs to be done has to be.

"You didn't answer my question, Drake-why did you stop?" She looked me straight in the eye. "Am I not attractive to you anymore?" Her boobs slotted out of her garment. It was so round and full. I couldn't look her in the eye, so I turned away.

"Do I repulse you?" She asked me with desperation in her eyes. "It's a lot of things, honey," I replied to her. "I didn't know how to tell her anything. I couldn't find the words to explain to her that I wanted her, but I couldn't take the chance to have sex with her just yet.

"I don't trust you!" I blurted out. She had a startled look on her face. "I know, you told me earlier, but the sparks that we have don't have to do with anything but pleasuring each other for the night and forgetting our troubles for a moment," she pointed out. "You make a good point, darling, but I don't think I can sleep with one of my eyes open at night," I told her. "What do you mean by that?" She questioned me.

"I can't trust you in my bed," I told her simply. "I did desire you at one stage, but not anymore," I lied to her. "So I do repulse you, but you didn't act like it a minute ago!"

"I need to gain your trust, Anna," I held her by her shoulder. "I told you that I would do anything to gain it, Drake," she promised me. "I know you said that, but I need actions to supplement your words. Anyone can say anything, but can they act on it. I need you to act on your words. You hear me!"

"What do you want me to do to prove to you that I am loyal?" She requested to me with tenacity in her voice. This was the first time I heard her speak to me like that.

"I want you to contact the werewolf society and tell them that you are alive," I demanded. "What the society has to do anything?" She asked me.

"I don't want you to question my demands. I just need you to carry out what I tell you!" I instructed her. She didn't seem too happy, by the look on her face. "So, you don't want me to know what you're planning?"

"Not at the moment!" I said to her. The truth is that I didn't know what the plan I was. I just needed to know what the committee was up to, who in there is helping out Drenmore, and why.

I have a feeling that one of the members of the committee with a lot of clout is funding my brother, and I want to know the reason behind it. I know that Anna may be in a lot of danger if I ask her to infiltrate the committee, but there was no other way. The truth is that Anna can do it. They trusted her before, and they will trust her again.

"Okay, I will do it. What do you want me to find out, and what do I tell them when they ask where I was for the past year?

"You will tell them that I kept you as a slave and you managed to escape from my clutches and come back to Devolonte's Peak," I said. That was all I could hatch at the last minute. "Do you think that they will buy that story? And wouldn't they ask why you didn't kill me?" She had a point. "Ok, then you tell them the truth. I banished you from Develonte's Peak, and you begged to come back, in return for your silence, but you still want to get revenge."

"I don't know if they will believe me." She shrugged her shoulders. "Well, that's the only thing I got. I need you, my dear girl, to earn Colonel Jame's trust, and I want you to find out what he is up to." Her eyes grew larger. She was stunned by my request. "I don't know how to do that," she said. "You have to think of some soppy story that makes me the bad guy in all of this."

"Do you think that Colonel James is working with your brother?"

"It could be a possibility. I need to know if he is. I have to find out where my brother is getting his money from. My best bet is Colonel James. He has a bone to pick with me and would do anything to wipe me out."

"Colonel James hates werewolves. I doubt that he's working with Drenmore."

"Do you know the phrase 'divide and conquer'? I questioned Anna. "Yeah, you turn the enemies onto each other," she responded.

"Good answer!" I pointed my finger at her. "Colonel James thinks that he can use Drenmore to get rid of me, then he will get rid of Drenmore."

"I don't think I can win Colonel James trust, because he will know that Drenmore is after me, and he will tell Drenmore where to find me. It's too dangerous."

"I know that." I said to her. "So you will be using me as bait?" she scoffed.

"Exactly, you will go to Colonel James and let him know you're in town and beg him not to tell a soul that you're alive. You will ask him for assistance, and you will tell him stuff about me that may be useful, so when Drenmore shows up, I will be ready for him, and so will you."

"What do you mean, me? What if Colonel James asks me to stay by his mansion with him and his family?"

"I don't think that his wife will allow you to stay there in his mansion. She is an insanely jealous woman, and you're young and attractive, so do the math?

"I don't know Drake." She was scared. I couldn't blame her. Since the ordeal she had been through would be too much for her to handle. "I am in two minds about this sinister plan of yours. I don't think the Colonel has anything to do with your brother. He is a family man, and I don't think he will be serenaded by the likes of me."

"Don't be too sure, and don't think less of yourself," I said to her. "You are a sexy woman. I would love to make love to you," I slid my arm around her waist. She blushed.

"Remember you said you don't trust me," she reminded me. "I will trust you if I know that I can count on you," I pointed out. Her lips were seductive, just ripe enough for a mind-blowing kiss. I couldn't resist. I cupped her chin and kissed her passionately. "You cannot use this to sway my decision," she warned. "I can sure as hell try." I said as my tongue entered her mouth, feeling the enamel of her teeth. She groaned.

My libido was acting up. Every inch of my body wanted her. Her skin was so soft and silky. My animal instincts were taking over. I couldn't stop, even if I wanted to. The question now was, will she agree to the plan? Can I count on her?

Will I ever trust her? And will my animal instincts take over completely and knock me off my senses?