The Masked Ball -Dangling the bait


My heart was in my chest the entire time I was there. I couldn't believe that Drake's plan worked. We walked miles before the next stop and took separate cabs back to town. I haven't seen Drake for two days. I felt empty inside without him by my side. It was for the best. No one must know that Drake and I were in contact. I wanted Drake to trust me, so I had to get this plan right. I could see Colonel James drinking merely, smoking his cigar. He was a pig, all right. He had a role in destroying my life. He used me for his selfish reasons.

 Colonel James turned and smiled at me, even though his wife was centimeters away. He always had an eye for the ladies. He couldn't see through my mask. I could tell that he found me intriguing. Drake did a great job picking out the dress. It made me stand out.

Chills ran down my spine when he made eye contact with me again. I knew that it was time to strike. I had to reveal myself to him. I took out my mask and smiled at him. His face turned white, like he had seen a ghost. I placed my mask back on and gestured for him to meet me at the corner. He looked around, then walked toward me. I had butterflies in my stomach. I swallowed hard and gave him an appealing smile.

I knew he had volumes of questions toward me, and I was prepared to answer all of them. I could tell that he wasn't thrilled to see me again. "Hello," I greeted him. "What are you doing here?" The first question was uttered from his ugly mouth. "Why? Are you glad to see me?" I posed another question to him. "I thought you were dead," he said. He didn't look too pleased to see me. He did think I was dead. "I should have been dead, but I am not," I said.

"What the hell happened to you?" He gritted. "I sent you to gather evidence against Drake Harding, and next thing I know is that you did a disappearing act."

"I was supposed to come back, but Drake Harding found out our plan, and he banished me from Develonte's Peak, or else he will kill me."

"Than, what the hell are you doing back? Do you have the evidence I wanted?"

"I came back here for something else that you may want." I said to him.

"If you didn't get the evidence I wanted the last time, how the hell are you going to get it this time? And what do you have that I may or may not want?" The frown on his face deepened. "I have a plan, but I need your help."

He seemed to get more nastier as the conversation progressed. "Why should I help you, since you failed miserably the last time? Look, I have no time for games, young lady. Either you tell me what you came here for, or I will call security to escourt you, out of here. I hired you, and you didn't complete the job I assigned you. If I were you, I should get out of town before Drake Harding finds out that you're here. So skidadel."

Drake was right. He was a real SOB in the making. I had to play it cool. I couldn't let him go. "What if I tell you that I have evidence on Drenmore Harding?

Colonel Jame's face turned stone cold. "What sort of evidence are you talking about. If I'm interested, that is." He looked at me, like he never did before. A scared look, that he didn't want to be caught out about something. "If you don't want it, I can always approach KDTV news," I threatened.

"And why would you want to do that?" he asked. "You know you will place yourself in a lot of danger. Drenmore is a dangerous man," he warned. It almost sounded like a threat. He didn't look too pleased about the evidence against Drenmore. "What evidence do you have exactly?" He questioned me suspiciously.

"I have a video of him changing into a werewolf," I replied.

"Where is this evidence?" He interrogated me.

"I am not telling you that. It's classified!" I told him. "You have officially placed your life under threat. Drenmore takes no prisoners," he said in a hostile tone.

"I know. I don't have much to lose. I need to get revenge on Drake Harding, so what better way than to expose his family?"

"I don't think Drake will care if his brother is exposed. I think they hate each other."

 No one knew that Drake and Drenmore were enemies. Drake was right. There was a strong possibility that Colonel James was helping Drenmore financially.

"I will make you a deal. You hand me the evidence of Drenmore, and I will help you out financially,' he said. He sounded desperate to get the evidence against Drenmore.

"I will think about it." I told him. "Where are you staying so that I can get a hold of you?" He inquired. " I am staying at the motel, down town. Elmos"

"I know where that is. You take off now, and we will meet later," he instructed.

He walked away from me, and I walked out of the vicinity as fast as I could. I could hear my heart beat faster. There was no doubt in my mind that Drenmore and Colonel James were working together. I had to tell Drake about my conversation. I was lucky that he took the bait. I was almost out of the vicinity when I felt my mouth being covered by a black glove, and I was being pulled away.

Was it one of Colonel James's men?

He let go of my mouth and his grip on me. I swung around only to find out that it was Drake. "Oh my word, you scared me, Drake," I drawled. "That was the only way to get your attention!" He explained to me. "Really? You are in disguise, you could have just approached me," I said. "And arouse Colonel Jame's suspicions, I don't think so. What information did you gather?"

"You were right. There is a connection between those two. He got really scared when I mentioned the evidence against Drenmore. He wants the video of your brother. He told me that he would like to meet me at the motel later." I informed Drake. "Little does he know that I will be waiting for him instead!" Drake growled. "He wants to see me, Drake. I don't think that you need to be there. Otherwise he won't gain my trust."

"Are you kidding me?! It's too dangerous for you to meet him alone. Don't you see, it's an ambush. My bet is that he's already alerted Drenmore, who is probably waiting for you at the motel." Drake predicted, that was probably right on the nail. " I can handle anything that comes in my way," I said. "It's no time to prove your bravery. I will not have you anywhere near that motel. Your part is done here, you can go back to the apartment. I have ordered my men to escourt you back. Take the back way, so that Colonel James men won't follow you. It leads to a secret tunnel that my family has built. Leave immediately!"

"I don't want to leave you by yourself if it's too dangerous," I said. "I will be fine. It is you that I am worried about. If anything happens to you, I will never forgive myself." He told me. He cupped my chin, pulled me closer to him, and kissed my lips softly. My knees turned to jelly, and the temperature of my body rose. He had that affect on me that no other guy had.

"I promise, once this is done, I will come to see you at your apartment. I want to spend the night with you. In order for that to happen I need you to obey me. Go now!"

"Okay," I agreed. I didn't like this plan one bit. I didn't trust Drenmore or Colonel James. What if they both team up and kill Drake. That dreadful thought loomed in my mind. I was in love with Drake, and he cared what happened to me. I felt a deep link to his mind and body. The events of these past few days brought me closer to him than ever before. I just had to believe that things were going to work out.

Before I could go anywhere, I saw Colonel James approaching me. Drake was there. If he sees me talking to Drake, the game will be over.