The Meeting with Colonel James


The noises got louder, and my body turned numb. It felt like the night when Drake revealed himself to me and banished me from Devolonte's Peak. The same chills reappeared, and I was petrified. I found a little solace when I looked at the wire. Drake spoke through the wire to me. "Copy! Can you hear me?" I could hear his question –loud and clear. "I can," I replied. "Can you see anyone?" He sounded impatient for an answer.

"No, not yet," I answered him. My eyes roved around and found no one. I was nervous, as this could be a trap. I told myself to tread carefully. Then suddenly my eyes fell on Colonel James approaching me. He was alone, to my surprise. He gave me a friendly smile as he came nearer. His facial expressions appeared much more welcoming than earlier. Perhaps he was in a better mood. I smiled at him, trying to disguise my nervousness.

"Hey, I am glad to see you here." He said to me in a jovial tone. It took me by surprise. "I apologize for the settings. I didn't want anyone to see me here, especially Drake Harding. That man is a bastard. He will do anything to destroy me. That family is a plague in this town." He confided in me; that was a good sign, I think.

"I know that. Drake is a miserable man," I said, trying to sound convincing. "He banished me from here. It destroyed my life," I said. "I am sorry about that and bringing you in on our conquest to destroy the werewolves of this town, he confessed. I was startled by his apology, but I didn't buy into it. "It was for a good cause, though. The Harding family is a dangerous threat in this place, and they need to be stopped," he drawled.

The hatred for Drake and his family shone in his eyes. "They are responsible for most of the killings in Devolonte's Peak, including your father. Drake murdered your father in cold blood. That is something that you can never forget." He reminded me. "I shall never forget about my father's murder and the perpetrators."

"So you are still in on avenging your father's death by helping me bring down the Hardings?"

"A hundred percent," I said. "Good girl. The town will owe you big time.."

"I need justice-that's all." I told him, which was the truth. Drenmore killed my father, not Drake, and I was going to get my revenge on him. "Well, you will get it soon enough. Do you have the evidence with you?"

"Yes, I do." I handed him a USB that Drake recorded of Drenmore transforming into a werewolf. "What will you do with the evidence?" I inquired as I watched him place the stick in his pocket.

 "Why, I may use this as leverage; it all depends if Drenmore takes the bait. I will try and blackmail that SOB into coming back to town so that I can put him in jail, where he belongs."

"Do you know the whereabouts of Drenmore?' I questioned him; hopefully that will give me an idea- if there's a link between those two. "I don't know his exact whereabouts, the last time I heard he took off for New York. He had some business there," Colonel James replied.

"Are you going to expose Drenmore and his family with this evidence?" I was worried that he could do it, and it would risk Drake and his family's reputation. He gave a short laugh. "I don't think anyone will believe this damn video because of all these fake videos going around thanks to technology. Anyone could doctor up this crap," he revealed. "Then why did you want this video?" I had to know his plans.

"I need to at least try to lure Drenmore to town, so I can catch the SOB red-handed. It is worth a shot. You can help if he refuses to buy into my blackmail, which I doubt he will. " Then why did you want the evidence?" I asked him. "The truth is, I needed to speak with you in private; that's why I really wanted to meet. I didn't want this evidence, but thank you for bringing it for me anyway." He confessed to me.

"How can I be of any help?" I wanted to see where this conversation would head. "I need you to help me catch Drenmore, as I mentioned. I want you to be bait for us."

"I don't know because the last time, you left me out to be killed by Drake," I shrugged.

"This time it will be different. I promise you that we will have security around, and you won't be alone," he said, convincing me to go along with his sinister plan.

"I will let you know.' I told him. "You will have avenged your father in a small way."

"How so? Didn't you tell me that Drake was the one who murdered my father?"

"He did, but Drenmore was his accomplice. That's the reason they became enemies, that is according to my spies. The brothers blamed each other for the deaths in the town, so I believe. But between you and me, both of them are guilty. They need to be put away and their family fortune confiscated."

"What plans do you have for Drake Harding?" I prayed that Drake had listened in on every word that Colonel James had said. "I will deal with him in a special way. First thing, first we need to trap that SOB Drake. So are you in on it?"

"I have to get assurance from you that I won't be left in the lurch as the last time?" "You have my word. I know it's not enough, but I will vow to you that you will be safe. This is a once-off trap. You won't be infiltrating anything. Just lure Drenmore, and we will do the rest."

"I am in." I know that Drake is going to be furious with me, but if he's telling the truth, Drenmore will be behind bars, and he won't be able to harm me or Mathew in the future. It was risky, but it needs to be done. It was also a perfect plan to see if Drenmore and Colonel James are working together. I am in love with Drake, and I am not going to let Colonel James harm in, but I want Drenmore to pay for my father's death.

"I will meet with you the day after tomorrow, perhaps for lunch at a secluded place. Do you have any plans?" He questioned me. "No, not really. No one knows that I am in town, let alone that I am alive," I replied. "And we should keep it that way. I will protect you from Drake if he finds you in town. After his brother's capture, I think he will have his hands busy," he assured.

"Thank you for helping me avenge my father," I said. I extended my hands to his.

"It's nice working with you again. This time we are going to win, I promise," he said, sounding very confident. "Everyone will get what's coming to them," I retaliated.

"I will take my leave now. See you soon. Just be careful when heading back to the motel. It can be a little unsafe roaming the streets at night," he warned.

"Don't worry, I will be," I said. I smiled and waved him goodbye before watching him disappear into the night. I could finally take out this wire. Drenmore wasn't in sight. There was no evidence that Colonel James was funding Drenmore. The only positive thing that came out of this tonite was gaining Colonel Jame's trust.

I saw Drake coming toward me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. He kissed my forehead before holding me closer. I could feel his heart beat fast. He was fearful for my life. That is one of the reasons that I will never allow anyone to harm him ever, not even Colonel James nor Drenmore.

"Are you all right?" He asked in a concerned tone. "You did well!" He complimented. "Thank you!" I said. "Let's get outta here before we jinx anything," I suggested. We left immediately.

We headed back to the apartment for a while, to gather our thoughts. I made myself some tea to calm my nerves. "You shouldn't have taken his offer to be used as bait for Drenmore!" Drake told me, with a disapproving look plastered on his face. "I knew when I took up the offer, you wouldn't be too pleased, and that was the only way to win Colonel Jame's trust," I explained.

" I know, but it's too big of a risk!" He growled at me. "Think of this, if Colonel James is telling the truth, Drenmore will be in prison, and he can't come after us," I said.

"That is if he's not in cahoots with my brother," He banged his hand on the table, showing his rage. "I seriously doubt it. He hates your family, and he wants nothing more than to destroy the whole lot of you. I don't think he would fund someone, whom he hates."

"He could be pretending that he hates Drenmore. Why does he want to go for Drenmore first? Why not come after me first? It doesn't make any sense."

"He probably wants to go for the weaker brother first," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Whatever his motives, we will come to know about it after the trap has been set up for Drenmore," I said.

"I thought I saw a shadow out by the fire escape. Wait inside. Let me go check outside," said Drake. I was shocked. Could Colonel James have followed us, or had someone followed us?