The Truth


My fingers curled into my palms as I watched Drake go outside. It could be nothing, but I couldn't put it past Colonel James. He wasn't a man to be trusted, according to Drake. Even though he swore to me that he wants Drenmore behind bars, a nagging feeling is telling me otherwise. I can't trust him after what he did to me when I tried to expose Drake. I am glad that I am alive today because of Drake's mercy.

Drake and I seemed to have bonded through this terrible ordeal. He has been my rock. I just need to convince him to carry out Colonel Jame's plan. It is a big risk, but there's nothing else to go on. I heard a noise outside. My heart jumped out of my rib cage. "Drake!" I yelled. I pray it wasn't any of Drenmore's goons. I stood up and went toward the fire escape.

"Danger averted," informed Drake as he entered the apartment through the fire escape. He had his signature smile on his face. "What was that noise?" I asked him, with my hands on my chest. "It was nothing, just a mere cat," he said, trivializing the noise. "Was it Smoky?"

"Who is Smoky?" He chuckled. "The ginger cat. He used to come for milk every morning. He probably knows that I am back. I waited for him for three days. I assumed he found another place."

"Well, he shouldn't have sneaked up on us. Don't worry, he won't be back for a long time," Drake said. "What did you do to Smoky?"

"Relax; he's still alive; it's just that he won't be bothering you again for milk."

"He wasn't a bother. I liked feeding him," I said honestly. Smoky kept me company. After my dad died, I had no one until I met Smoky on the fire escape. "He was my friend," I pouted.

"You can make new friends or rekindle your friendship with the cat after this mess is over," Drake suggested, brushing off my friendship with Smoky. My face crinkled into a frown. "I will explain to Smoky that you are just a big bad wolf and that he mustn't take any offense," I said. Drake rolled his eyes. "Whatever works for you. For now I need you to be focused, and I don't need distractions-even if Smoky is a harmless cat, he could cause attention," Drake warned.

"He is just a cat," I defended. "No one knows that you are living here. You should make yourself barely noticeable. If you open the windows or doors unnecessarily, someone will know that you are living here. No one must know that you are in town. If you want to live here, then stay inconspicuous!" Drake demanded. I knew that he was right, even though I hated to admit it. "All right," I agreed.

"I hope that this will be the last time I will be hearing about this cat," Drake drawled.

"I told you that I wouldn't feed Smoky, and besides, you chased him away. I don't think that he will be coming back any time soon," I pointed out. "That's well and good. Remember the warning goes for all animals," he ordered. I hated to be spoken to like a child. I wasn't going to be taking this lightly. "So, your suggestion is that I stay here like a prisoner, isolated?" I shot back at him.

"I wouldn't say prisoner Anna. Just don't trust anyone," he instructed. "I don't have trust issues unlike you," I countered. "What does that mean? I don't trust people because there is reason not to trust. I got burned trusting the wrong people. Unlike you, I learn my lesson!"

"If you are talking about Colonel James, I don't trust him," I shot back.

"Really! You could've fooled me. You were defending him earlier. Why?"

"I wasn't defending him. I was just giving him the benefit of the doubt, that's all," I defended. "Benefit of the doubt?! Are you crazy, Anna? The man is a rattlesnake," Drake growled.

"I know you don't like him, but what if he is telling the truth and he wants to get rid of Drenmore, like the rest of us?" I said. Drake slammed out of his seat and paced the floor. "For crying out loud!" He cursed as he raked his hands over his hair. "You know when I said earlier that you weren't naïve? Well, you're proving me dead wrong, Anna." He sounded disappointed. " I never mentioned that the man was a saint. You have to take note that he hates you and your family. Drenmore is your brother, so he has venomous hate for him. He could help us with Drenmore." I said to him.

"Could is not a guarantee. There is something sinister going on here, and I can't place my finger on it," said Drake. "There's nothing sinister going on. He made it clear that he hates your family. He just wants to take down Drenmore, like us. If I go to lunch with him, I can get an insight into his plan and tell you about it."

"Just one thing; I forbid you from meeting him ever," Drake said, slamming the wall.

"I have to go. I promised him that I would meet him," I said, trying to convince him to allow me to go. "Promises can be broken," he retaliated. "He will become highly suspicious." I told Drake. "I don't trust him with you!" Drake announced. "What do you think will happen?" I never saw him behave like this before- so possessive and jealous.

"What if that pig tries to sleep with you?" He blurted. "What? That's ridiculous! He is an old man. He is fit to be my father!" I was flabbergasted with Drake's outbursts.

"That won't stop that old jackass from trying! I know him and about the flings he has with younger women." Drake gritted. "I am not going to sleep with him. Gosh Drake! The only man I want touching me is you, and only you!"

"I know that, but that won't stop him from forcing himself on you. I can't bear anyone touching your creamy skin and playing with your sexy body, my love."

 "No one will come close to what we have." I assured him. "I want to be the only man kissing your luscious lips, holding you, and screwing you wildly," he revealed.

"You are the only man. I promise you, even in New York, I was never with anyone. It was always you, Drake." I spilled the truth to him. "If that is true, then I don't deserve you, Anna," he said.

"That's absurd, Drake! You know that I trust you with my every being. You saved my life more than once. You are the best thing that happened. That's the reason you can trust me," I said. He met my gaze with a serious look on his face. "I think that we need to talk," he said. I was confused. "Maybe he didn't share the same sentiments as me. I know that, but I still will love him instead. "Did I say something to offend you?"

"No, you didn't." He assured me. "I am in the wrong here. I shouldn't have led you to make you trust me ultimately."

"You didn't do anything. I was the one who came into your life and tried to destroy you. I will regret that for the rest of my life," I said. I meant it as well. If it wasn't for my stupidity, Drake wouldn't be after me. "You can't trust me or anyone. You can't believe words from people's mouths." He warned me. "I don't Drake," I defended.

"Then why did you follow me without questioning me?"

"Coz I trust you!" I blurted.

"Bingo! Trust! Something that you should never dared to have. You shouldn't have trusted me, Anna." He spilled. His statement left me more confused than ever. "When I came to your hospital room, you were full of questions. I didn't answer half of them, but you didn't care." He said to me.

"I didn't need to care, because you saved me from your brother twice!"

"I need you to sit down and listen to me. I need you to hear every word that I have to tell you before you go for lunch with Colonel James. He is going to tell you his version of the truth, but I want you to hear it from me first."

"What truth, Drake?" I questioned him.

"The truth, that will make you see me in a different light!"