The aftermath of the truth


Anna looked at me like an innocent girl. I hated myself for not telling her everything. I despised how I made her believe every word I said; most of them were true. I do have feelings for Anna. She is everything to me, even though I can't trust her. I don't know how she will react to the truth. It has to come out sooner than later. She needs to hear it for her own good.

The only fear I have is that she will switch sides. She will surely become Colonel James's accomplice in destroying me. There is no other way out. I have to tell her who she really is and how powerful she can be. Even so, she may destroy me and my family. She needs to know her fate. I don't know if she and I are destined to be together, but the one thing I know is that I need for her to unlock her true potential for the greater good of humankind.

"You are scaring me, Drake. What truth are you talking about?'

"I don't know how to tell you this, my love. I need for you to sit down and take a deep breath. You are going to hate me after what I have to tell you, but this needs to come out," I said.

"Oh my word! Did you kill my father?" She blurted, which was obviously the wrong conclusion. "Absolutely not! I wasn't even in town when your father was killed. I told you that Drenmore and his friends did it."

"Then what could possibly make me want to hate you?"

"My motives for saving you weren't selfless," I answered her. I looked away. I couldn't bear to see her face. I didn't want to see her lose admiration for me. "I don't expect you to share the same sentiments toward me. I am a big girl; if you tell me that you don't have feelings for me, I am not going to role up and die."

"This isn't about schoolgirl crushes or feelings. This is serious. It has everything to do with you going and meeting that animal for lunch."

"I know you don't want me to go, but I assure you, I won't let him touch me."

"It's not about me being jealous either. It has everything to do with trust. Your blind trust for me," I said. "You were talking about your motives for saving me? What do you mean by that?" She had every right to question me for that.

"I didn't save you because I was a good human. Maybe because you were the mother of my son, but that wasn't the only reason I needed to save you."

"What were your motives, other than that?"

"I needed to save you because you are the key to destroying my brother," I spilled. She looked confused. She looked at me as if I were speaking a foreign language.

"Key? I don't have any keys," she laughed.

"This is not a joke," I scolded. "Sorry," she said. "I need you to listen to every word that I am going to tell you. Stay silent, and don't interrupt me when I am

talking," I demanded from her.

She saw that I was serious. It scared her a bit. She didn't utter anything until I finished. "If you have any questions thereafter, I will answer them to the best of my ability," I said. "Drake, you are scaring me. I've never seen you like this before, not even when we were escaping for our lives," she muttered. "That was because I was hiding the truth from you. You see, a lie is easy, but the truth is always the hardest."

"What truth are you on about?" She inquired more than once. I could see in her eyes that she was impatient. A part of me wanted to 'abort mission,' go on living a lie, but I couldn't. I had to tell her before that ass distorts the facts and turns her against me. Anna was adamant to go through with her plan to get to the bottom of Colonel James agenda. That was what she was saying. I don't know really, but I need to tell her why she is so important. Why does my brother want to kill her and probably our son?

She needs training to defeat Drenmore; I know that. I can give it to her if she allows me to. I doubt that she will forgive me after this. "The reason my brother wants to kill you is very perplexing. When he and the other werewolves killed your father, it wasn't because your dad was passing by."

"I know my dad was a werewolf hunter. Oh sorry! I shouldn't interrupt."

"Yes, he was a werewolf hunter, but that wasn't his sport."

"I know, he did it to keep the citizens of this town safe from werewolves."

"It's more than that," I stated.

She looked at me puzzled, but she never dared to interrupt me. "You see, a long time ago, werewolves attacked people all the time. No one could defeat them. They murdered women and children and even ravaged their livestock. They were defenseless against the werewolves until one day a Sharman came home and found his entire family left for dead. He took revenge. He hand-picked ten men, whom he performed a ritual for ten days with until he ran out of powers."

Anna looked at me in disbelief. She thought I was telling her a fairytale. "Okay, I know that I wasn't supposed to talk, but I am not in the mood for folk tales. It's getting late. It is three in the morning. I need to sleep so I can be focused when I meet Colonel James. I have to admit that I am exhausted." She rose from her seat before being stopped by me. "Wait. Sit down and listen. If I don't tell you this, you might be dead. Do you want our son to grow up without a mother?" I shouted. She nodded in agreement.

I was forceful. She had to hear this now. I know it was early in the morning, but it needed to be done now. "I was getting to the part where your dad comes in here before I was rudely interrupted! Anyway, to cut the long story short, the Sharman and the ten men were granted a boon by his ancestors for their time and dedication. These men and their descendants were given powers to kill werewolves . Your father was a descendant of one of those men."

"That means that I am also a descendant," she clarified. "Yes, you are," I verified. "That's BS Drake. My dad had no special powers. He was a regular man who hated what werewolves were doing to the people. He even had a 9-to-5 average job. My dad was a sales rep. You can't get more ordinary as that," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I am telling you the truth. You got to believe me!" I insisted, but she wasn't believing a word I told her.

 "Did your dad have a birthmark on the left ear?" I questioned her. "Yes, he did, and so do I and Mathew," she paused for a while. "You know that's ridiculous," she said, blowing me off. "It's not a coincidence that the three of you have the same birthmark. I know it's going to get something getting used to, but it is the truth."

" I am confused, so you saved me because you think that I am a werewolf hunter?"

"I don't think Anna, I know. That was the reason Drenmore and his friends ambushed and killed your dad."

"I can't believe this, Drake. My dad would have told me this if it were true. My dad would never lie to me, not in a million years," she sobbed.

"Your dad was probably trying to protect you. He was maybe going to tell you when you turned 21, and then he was killed," I said. I could see her eyes swelling up with tears. I held her tight in my arms as she burst out crying. "It's going to be all right," I comforted her.

"My whole life was a lie; that's what you're saying." She wiped the tears rolling down her face. "No, it's not. Your life has just begun. You see, my dear you can become a powerful warrior, but you need to be strong," I said to her. "I don't know how to be, Drake," she confided. "Maybe for now, but you will find your way," I said in a hopeful tone. "So the only reason you saved me is because you think that I am a powerful werewolf huntress, of some sort."

"That's not the only reason; I want you to kill my brother Drenmore," I blurted.

"Why me? Why can't you do it?"

"I made a promise to my father that I wouldn't when I was initiated as a pack leader. It is a pack code that I can never break." I explained to her.

"This is too much for me; I need to get out of here. I need to get some air. I can't stay here with you."

She slammed the door and went outside the apartment building, which was extremely dangerous.