Thank You System

Shortly after.

At the eastern side of the Shin'ō Academy, training site No. 12.

Under Hiyori Sarugaki's leadership, all the students from the special training class lined up and arrived in an orderly manner.

"You little brats…"

"The first class, which is also the most basic introductory lesson, is the control and application of Reiatsu!" Hiyori's distinctive voice echoed across every corner of the training ground.

"Reiatsu control?"

The students exchanged surprised glances.

It was true that everyone present was a genius, selected from among hundreds, and at least in terms of spiritual power, they were part of the top tier of their class.

However, possessing strong spiritual power was one thing, but being able to use it skillfully was an entirely different matter!

"Reiatsu is the foundation of all strength. The denser it is, the stronger you become. So, I believe we should focus on training this aspect!" Hiyori's tone was strict, her gaze sweeping over the students with undeniable authority.

Before her, the students, like obedient kittens, listened attentively.

"Don't even think about asking questions!"

"If you do, you're getting slapped with a slipper!"

These two lines echoed like a mantra in everyone's minds, leaving an indelible impression.

No one dared to provoke Hiyori recklessly!

Of course, there was one exception.

Naturally, Saikyō was not included.

A little spitfire like Hiyori might frighten the more timid students, but her demeanor didn't affect Saikyō in the slightest.

Fun was fun, but when it came to her wrath, you didn't mess around.

"Saikyō, isn't it?"

"I've noticed you always seem distracted. Don't think you're better than everyone else just because Captain Yoruichi has your back!" As Saikyō was silently lost in thought, Hiyori's sharp gaze landed directly on him.


Saikyō was speechless.

Come on, I was just zoning out for a second—how does that make me think I'm better than everyone else?

What nonsense!

"What's wrong? You seem unconvinced by what I said." Hiyori crossed her arms and marched up to Saikyō, her face filled with arrogance. "Don't think you can ignore the rules just because you've got the genius label hanging over you."


Saikyō was about to retort but stopped himself mid-sentence.


The system notification chimed again!


"A warm reminder: A trigger task has appeared. Do you want to accept it now?"

Suddenly, just as usual.

The system was once again doing its own thing, triggering a random task out of nowhere.

"Wait, really? I was just planning to get back at her a little, and I triggered a task from that?"

Saikyō's first reaction was that he must have misheard.

But no—just as he hesitated, the system chimed again.

"A warm reminder: A trigger task has appeared. Do you want to accept it now?"

Hearing the sound again, Saikyō finally believed it.

Drawing from his past experiences, he quickly pulled up the task information and read through the mission details.


[Random Task: Defy the Tigress!]

Objective: Within the specified time, deliver a head-flick to Hiyori's forehead in front of all the students. Time limit: 1 hour.

Reward: The Hakuda (Hand-to-Hand Combat) technique: Double Bone Fist!


At first, Saikyō was merely curious, but when he saw the reward details, his eyes lit up.

Hakuda technique: Double Bone Fist?

Holy hell!

Isn't that the signature Hakuda technique of the Captain-Commander?

This reward is massive!

If it weren't for the fact that others were present, Saikyō would have cheered aloud.

One bone, two bones.

It was Captain Yamamoto's most lethal Hakuda technique.

During the battle in Karakura Town, Yamamoto used these moves to crush Wonderweiss into pieces.

The power of the technique was undeniable!

"No matter what, I have to get this reward, even if it means going a little crazy!" Saikyō resolved silently and closed the mission window.

He then shifted his focus to Hiyori's forehead.

The next step was clear: time to flick her!

"Miss Hiyori, I believe I've already mastered Reiatsu control, so I'd like permission to go back and take a nap," Saikyō said, his tone suddenly brimming with confidence.

"What! Go back to take a nap?"

"Saikyō, have you lost your mind? How dare you say something so shameless!"

Hiyori was furious, her hand already twitching toward her flip-flop, ready to strike.

But after hearing Saikyō's words, she paused, momentarily speechless, as if she'd been force-fed a mouthful of poison.

How dare this brat make such a ridiculous request in front of me!

This kid… is bold!

With Saikyō and Hiyori facing off, the tension in the air grew thick.

The other forty-eight students stared in shock, rooted to their spots.

None of them had ever witnessed anything like this.

"This is bad. Hiyori's temper is explosive, and it's really easy to set her off!" Saikyō allowed a barely noticeable smirk to tug at the corner of his mouth.

He'd already figured out Hiyori's personality.

With her fiery temper, reasoning wouldn't help. In fact, it would only make her more aggressive.

The best way to deal with her was to provoke her head-on!

"Miss Hiyori, it's almost noon now. Isn't it perfectly normal to take a nap around this time?" Saikyō even stretched and yawned, making his performance all the more convincing.

This action was like lighting a fuse to a powder keg.

Hiyori exploded instantly!

"Very well, Saikyō, is it? You've successfully caught my attention."

Her fists clenched in fury.

If it weren't for Yoruichi's connection to Saikyō, she would have smacked him with her flip-flop a long time ago!

"I originally planned to explain the theory first, but now it seems that's completely unnecessary." After all, she was the Lieutenant of the 12th Division—Hiyori wasn't a fool.

She quickly calmed down, her demeanor growing unnervingly cold.

This only made everyone more anxious!

"Saikyō, you and I will spar. Let's see how well you control your Reiatsu firsthand," Hiyori declared with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"A sparring match?"

"Saikyō is in deep trouble now."

"He really made a big mistake by provoking Miss Hiyori. This won't end well for him."

"Let's just hope he doesn't break a bone."


Countless sympathetic glances fell on Saikyō.

The students around him shook their heads, sighing silently, as if they could already foresee his impending doom.

However, Saikyō's next response left them all stunned.

"A sparring match? Sure, Miss Hiyori. That sounds like a great idea," Saikyō replied casually, even whistling leisurely as he did.

He instantly skyrocketed his provocation levels!


"You seem very confident… you agreed without hesitation."

The more relaxed Saikyō appeared, the angrier Hiyori became.

The veins in her fists bulged, clearly signaling that she was on the verge of snapping.

It was evident—the little spitfire was about to lose control!


The air between them crackled with tension as the confrontation intensified.

The forty-eight other students stood frozen, trapped between awe and dread, their collective breaths held in anticipation.