Hiyori Starts To Doubt Life

"Everyone, step back 20 meters," Hiyori Sarugaki ordered sternly, her voice carrying the weight of authority. "Watch carefully. Next, I'll show you how to skillfully use Reiatsu in combat, focusing on Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō, and Kidō."

With a sharp, almost predatory gaze, Hiyori stared intently at Saikyō, clearly eager for a fight. She had made up her mind—Saikyō would be her punching bag today.

At Hiyori's command, the students from the special training class obediently retreated, making space for the showdown. In an instant, Saikyō and Hiyori stood face to face in the center of the field, becoming the sole focus of everyone's attention.

"Is Saikyō really going to fight seriously?"

"Honestly, I'm worried... Could someone end up getting hurt?"

"With Hiyori-sensei's temper, she's definitely going to beat him up!"

"Yeah, let's just sit back quietly and watch. Don't want to get caught in the crossfire."


The students whispered among themselves, their eyes reflecting a mix of sympathy for Saikyō and awe for Hiyori.

In their minds, the outcome was clear: Hiyori would teach Saikyō a lesson he wouldn't forget.

At the center of the field, Hiyori stepped forward casually, a smirk playing at her lips. "You grew up in the Shihōin mansion, didn't you, Saikyō? You must be used to a life of luxury and ease."

"So?" Saikyō responded nonchalantly, not bothering to deny it. After all, his prestigious background was a fact, and there was no shame in acknowledging it.

"For someone raised in a greenhouse like you, a little arrogance is inevitable. But this isn't the Shihōin estate; this is the Shin'ō Academy. Here, we have rules, and as long as you're a student, you need to follow them!"

Hiyori's voice brimmed with aggression, fully confident that she had the upper hand.

But what happened next made her face turn green.

Without another word, Saikyō vanished.

Using Shunpo, he disappeared from sight, leaving no trace of his presence.

"You little brat... You're really looking for a beating!" Hiyori gritted her teeth, her face twisted with annoyance.

Her earlier plan had been to give Saikyō a good scolding, but now she had no choice but to assert her dominance.

"Saikyō... if you're going to come at me, do it directly. Disappearing like a ghost won't help you!" Hiyori sneered, unfazed by Saikyō's sudden burst of speed.

Despite being momentarily surprised by his agility, Hiyori remained calm. In her mind, Saikyō was still just the "pampered young master" of the Shihōin family, Yoruichi's little brother, and a so-called "genius." None of these titles held any weight for her.

After all, Hiyori's temper didn't change for anyone, not even the likes of Shinji Hirako, the Captain of the 5th Division. So why would she show any respect to a fledgling like Saikyō?

However, the very next moment, her composure was shattered.

"The thunderous carriage, the spinning wheel of discord, unite and release from its binding force. Bakudō #61: Rikujōkōrō!"

Saikyō's voice echoed as six beams of light suddenly materialized, forming a radiant prison around Hiyori.

Hiyori looked down in shock, finding herself immobilized by the powerful Kidō spell.


"This… is Rikujōkōrō? One of the advanced forms of Bakudō?" Hiyori's expression twisted in disbelief.

The power and skill Saikyō had just demonstrated completely upended her perception of him.

A freshman… perfectly executing such a high-level Kidō?

And not just that—the density, strength, and even the binding power of the spell were beyond anything Hiyori had seen before.

"This isn't possible! What is going on here?"

With her body locked in place by Rikujōkōrō, Hiyori had no choice but to reconsider everything she thought she knew about Saikyō.

"Miss Hiyori, you asked me to step forward, but now you're looking a little uncomfortable." Saikyō's mocking voice rang out behind her.

"Saikyō…" Hiyori growled, barely able to form words through her rage. "Captain Yoruichi must've taught you this trick, right?"

Even though the evidence was right in front of her, Hiyori couldn't bring herself to accept it. How could this kid, the one she'd been planning to humiliate, know such an advanced Kidō?

It had to be an illusion.

"Does it matter if she did? Or didn't? The answer won't change your current predicament, right?" Saikyō smirked, not wasting any time. He knew he had to complete the random task the system had given him.

Without hesitation, Saikyō stepped up to Hiyori, raising his hand slyly.

"What… what are you going to do?!"

Normally, Hiyori would have retaliated by now. Her temper never let anyone get this close without a fight. But this time, she was completely caught off guard.

Except for Captain Kirio Hikifune, Hiyori had never allowed anyone to get this close to her. The situation was so unexpected that she didn't know how to react.

"Oh, nothing much. Just a little contest, as you suggested."

As Saikyō spoke casually, his fingers moved closer to Hiyori's forehead.

And then, in front of the entire special training class, he did something no one had ever dared to do before.


A crisp sound echoed as Saikyō delivered a light but firm flick to the center of Hiyori's forehead, leaving a noticeable red mark.

The entire class froze in disbelief.

As the instructor of the special training class, Hiyori Sarugaki had just been flicked on the forehead, right in front of all her students, during what was supposed to be a "fair" competition.

What the hell?!

Hiyori's face was a mix of shock, anger, and disbelief.

In a single moment, all her plans to teach Saikyō a lesson had crumbled. Instead of humiliating him, she was the one who had been embarrassed.

She had wanted to teach him a harsh lesson, but now… she was the one who had lost face.

At this moment, Hiyori wished she could find a hole to bury herself in.

And then, right on cue, the system prompt chimed in Saikyō's mind.


"Congratulations, Host, for completing the random task: Defy the Tigress!"

"Task Reward: White Hits skill, Double Bone Fist!"

Upon hearing the mission's completion prompt, Saikyō was ecstatic and immediately opened his stats panel.

The system rewards had made a huge difference.


Name: Shihōin Saikyō

Identity: Heir of the Shihōin Clan

Reiatsu: 820

Shunpo: 885

Zanjutsu: 726

Hakuda: 702

Hadō: Low-Level Hadō (Max), Mid-Level Hadō (Max), Sōkatsui

Bakudō: Low-Level Bakudō (Max), Mid-Level Bakudō (Max), Rikujōkōrō

Special Skills: Shiba Clan Secret Technique, Double Bone Fist

Talents: Five Attribute Affinity, Reiatsu Amplification, Hadō Amplification

Skill Points: @#¥%*@#


In the special skills column, the "Double Bone Fist" skill had now appeared.

And with that, Saikyō was ready for his next upgrade.


With the battle over, Saikyō's grin grew wider as he reveled in his victory and the new skills he'd earned. For the rest of the class, the events that had just unfolded left them in shock, their initial sympathy for Saikyō long gone.

No one had expected this outcome.


With the random task complete, Saikyō couldn't wait to try out his newly acquired technique.