
"That guy's name is..."

"Kurotsuchi Mayuri!"

Urahara Kisuke paused deliberately, his words carrying the weight of a familiar name.

"As expected, a brilliant scientist..." Saikyō pondered in a low voice.

In fact, he had already guessed who it was. Kurotsuchi Mayuri, the future captain of the Twelfth Division, was the only person Urahara Kisuke acknowledged as having a scientific intellect second only to his own. For someone like Urahara Kisuke, considered "the greatest mind in Soul Society," to admit that was no small thing.

Mayuri's scientific capabilities were beyond extraordinary.


Saikyō's impression of this eccentric genius was mostly limited to the events of a hundred years later, in the time frame of the original series. Now, he was curious to see what Kurotsuchi Mayuri was like in this earlier period.

"Kurotsuchi Mayuri has been imprisoned for a long time. I suppose you've never heard of him," Urahara Kisuke continued as he led the way down the corridor.

"It's true; I haven't heard much," Saikyō nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, just a heads-up, his temperament is... a bit strange. Don't let him get to you later." Urahara Kisuke led Saikyō down a lengthy stone staircase.

"Quite a long staircase," Saikyō remarked as they descended.

"At the bottom of this staircase is Mayuri's cell."

"Mr. Urahara, is it really necessary to be so cautious?"

"Believe me, if you're not careful, Kurotsuchi Mayuri will definitely try something dangerous," Urahara Kisuke warned.

Saikyō followed him closely, his curiosity piqued.

After some time, they finally reached the bottom of the stairs, where a dark corridor stretched ahead of them.

As they approached, a hollow, eerie voice echoed from the cell ahead.

"Urahara Kisuke... has something special happened for you to come all this way?"

The voice was cold and rasping, sending a chill through the already dim surroundings.

"This is what Kurotsuchi Mayuri sounded like a hundred years ago," Saikyō thought, peering into the shadows.

In the dim light of the cell, he could make out a figure clad in a white prisoner's uniform, shackled to the wall by thick iron chains. The figure was gaunt, with yellow eyes, short dark blue hair, and distinctive black-and-white markings around his eyes.

This was the most dangerous prisoner in the maggot's nest—Kurotsuchi Mayuri.

Known as the "Mad Scientist," Mayuri's personality was cold and cruel, driven by a relentless pursuit of perfection and discovery. His obsession with progress and experimentation made him both feared and admired in equal measure. Within the Gotei 13, few could match his capacity for change and adaptation.

"Mr. Mayuri, it's been a long time. Have you reconsidered my offer from last time?" Urahara Kisuke asked, adopting a more serious tone than usual.

Kisuke, usually so casual, showed a rare deference towards Mayuri, even using honorifics. It was clear that despite Mayuri's imprisonment, Kisuke still regarded him highly.

"Urahara Kisuke, I'm more curious about this brat you've brought along than your offer. Who is he?" Mayuri's voice was chilling as he cast an uninterested glance at Saikyō.

"Shihouin Saikyō, Captain Yoruichi's younger brother," Urahara Kisuke introduced briefly.

"Ah, from the Shihouin family? How intriguing," Mayuri's hollow voice echoed in the chamber. "You've come to the maggot's nest, and you bring a mere child? Urahara Kisuke, do you think your question still holds any weight?"

It was clear that Mayuri had no respect for the store manager's intentions.

"This has nothing to do with me," Saikyō interjected, his expression innocent.

Kisuke chuckled slightly, "Mr. Mayuri, it's been a long time. Still holding on to old grudges?"

"Urahara Kisuke, what do you want?" Mayuri asked coldly, his tone impatient.

"It's simple, really. Two things," Urahara Kisuke said, raising two fingers with a slight smile. "First, Saikyō here has expressed interest in studying under me. He wants to follow my path in scientific research."

"And second?" Mayuri's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The Shihouin family has the authority to release you, Mr. Mayuri. With Saikyō's support, you could be freed from this place. Isn't that worth considering?"

Mayuri's expression, which had been one of detached indifference, suddenly changed. He was silent for a moment before responding.

"Urahara Kisuke, I think you've misunderstood. I have no interest in leaving."

"What?" Urahara Kisuke looked genuinely surprised for the first time.

"I've grown used to my life here. I have no reason to leave," Mayuri responded coldly, closing his eyes again, his intentions clear.

Before Kisuke could respond, Saikyō stepped forward.

"Mr. Mayuri, what if I proposed establishing a new organization—one that would allow you to continue your research under better conditions?" Saikyō's voice cut through the tension.

Both Urahara Kisuke and Mayuri looked taken aback by the suggestion. Kisuke's eyes widened slightly in surprise as he glanced at Saikyō.

"Saikyō, that plan is... exactly what I was going to suggest," Kisuke said with a mix of surprise and admiration.

Mayuri's interest was piqued, "A new organization, you say?"

"That's right, Mr. Mayuri. Not just for you, but for other capable individuals as well. We'd create an organization dedicated to research and development, free from the limitations of this place," Saikyō elaborated.

Kisuke chimed in, "We'll call it the Technology Development Bureau. It will be a place where brilliant minds like yours can push the boundaries of science, all while having the resources of the Shihouin family at your disposal."

"Urahara Kisuke, you're suggesting I work with you and this boy on scientific research?" Mayuri asked, his voice now carrying a hint of intrigue.

"Exactly, Mr. Mayuri. Imagine leaving this dreary place and pursuing your work without restraint. Isn't that what you've always wanted?" Urahara Kisuke pressed on confidently.

"Indeed, Mr. Mayuri. The Shihouin family will ensure you have everything you need. You'll be able to reach your full potential," Saikyō added, reinforcing the offer.

Mayuri fell silent, clearly weighing his options.

"Hmm... your proposal is... interesting. But I'll need some time to think it over," Mayuri said after a long pause.

Just as they thought they had gotten through to him, a voice suddenly rang out from the top of the stone staircase.

"That's enough! No one has the authority to release a prisoner without Captain Yoruichi's permission!"

The sudden interruption brought a new tension to the room.