I Also Want A Wealthy Father

Although it was only a regular strike, a dark red luster gleamed on Zanpakutō Yan Mo's blade.

The moment Saikyō unleashed the slash, he could clearly sense that the power of the Crescent Slash Wave had significantly increased.

Clearly, after mastering the evil spirit, the strength of his sword techniques had greatly improved!

"Saikyō, it's only been a day, and your control over the evil spirit has already reached this level!" Unohana Retsu couldn't help but marvel, once again overwhelmed by Saikyō's talent.

The Eight Thousand Styles of Zanjutsu encompass all schools of swordsmanship, and if one desires to systematically learn all the techniques, it requires a great deal of time.

However, no matter how many techniques exist, the core of them is still the evil spirit of blood!

You know, Unohana-taichō's Zanpakutō, Minazuki, its Bankai ability is to dissolve all things into blood.

Once she releases her Bankai, blood gushes from around the Zanpakutō, and anything that touches the blade is instantly dissolved into blood.

From this, it's clear—the evil spirit of blood is the soul of the technique!

"Unohana-taichō, I was just lucky. If not for your meticulous instruction, I wouldn't have improved so quickly," Saikyō replied with humility, neither too proud nor too submissive in the face of Unohana's praise.

To be honest, the mysterious Eight Thousand Styles of Zanjutsu are Unohana's greatest trump card. Under normal circumstances, unless there's a strong bond, such skills are not easily shared.

But Unohana-taichō is different. Not only is she unguarded around Saikyō, but she also personally took the time and effort to instruct him and set up a rigorous training plan.

Thanks to her guidance, Saikyō was able to master the Eight Thousand Styles in such a short period of time!

"Saikyō, the key to Zanjutsu is your mindset. You must maintain a pure heart and avoid becoming overconfident," Unohana Retsu cautioned solemnly.

"I understand! I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

Saikyō's voice was firm, and with the smooth progress of his training, his confidence had only grown stronger.

Unohana glanced at the sky outside the window, where the clouds were tinged red by the setting sun, and said, "Now that you've mastered the evil spirit, let's call it a day. Reflect on today's training back in your quarters."

"I will make sure to review everything carefully."

Saikyō sheathed his Zanpakutō, Yan Mo, and then asked eagerly, "Now that I've mastered the evil spirit, what will tomorrow's lesson be?"

His training had gone smoothly, and Saikyō was eager to learn more.

He was desperate to quickly master the Eight Thousand Styles of Zanjutsu.


Saikyō didn't get the answer he was hoping for. Instead, Unohana poured cold water on his excitement.

"Saikyō, rushing for success is not a good thing. Take the next three days off and fully digest what you've learned so far," Unohana Retsu advised firmly.


Saikyō was surprised but quickly understood.

In the Shinigami world, time flows differently—much slower compared to other worlds.

For a Shinigami, two or three days is a mere blink of an eye.

Unohana-taichō's request was quite reasonable.

"Does that mean I don't have to participate in the squad's training?"

Saikyō was still hoping to stay in the 4th Division.

"No need. In the future, just follow me for personal training," Unohana Retsu crushed his last hope.

"Alright then, I'll head back to the Shihōin Mansion for the next three days. It's been a while since I've visited," Saikyō sighed, accepting the situation.

For the next three days, he could relax at home. It wouldn't be so bad to take it easy.



As night fell and the stars twinkled, Saikyō arrived at the Shihōin Estate.

"Yoruichi-neesan, I'm back!"

Saikyō had just entered the gate when he heard voices coming from the main hall.

"Sui-Feng, I've told you many times—there's no need for you to come all the way here. I can discuss things with Nozomi myself," Yoruichi's familiar voice rang out.

"But... Yoruichi-sama, I want to help too. One more person is always better," Sui-Feng insisted.

Even though they had only met once, hearing her voice, Saikyō could easily picture Sui-Feng's pitiful expression.

She was like an obsessed fan, crazy about Yoruichi to a near-unhealthy degree.

"Sui-Feng is so cute," Yoruichi had once jokingly called her.

"It's really surprising how Sui-Feng, who always acts so cold and distant, turns into a lovesick puppy around Yoruichi," Saikyō thought with amusement as he walked toward the hall.

His arrival naturally caught everyone's attention!


"Why did you come back all of a sudden? Are you slacking off again? I don't want to have to explain this to Unohana-taichō," Yoruichi teased, though her eyes sparkled the moment she saw him.

Though she spoke harshly, it was clear Yoruichi was thrilled to see Saikyō, nearly leaping out of her seat.

"Careful, Yoruichi-neesan, you don't want to break the chair," Saikyō chuckled as another voice boomed from behind Yoruichi.

That's when Saikyō noticed a large figure standing beside Yoruichi and Sui-Feng.

It was a middle-aged man with a round face, a brown pompadour, sunglasses, and a stocky build, giving off a wealthy, domineering aura.

"Wait... could it be..."

Saikyō quickly recognized who he was looking at.

That's right! The middle-aged man standing before him was Omaeda Nozomi, father of Omaeda Marechiyo, the lieutenant of the 2nd Division.

One of the current captains of the Stealth Force.

"No wonder Marechiyo is so loaded—he's got a rich dad!"

Saikyō couldn't help but smirk.

He was momentarily blinded by Nozomi's extravagant appearance!

Dressed in a black Shinigami robe with a purple silk sash, a massive gold chain around his neck, and gold rings on each of his fingers—he was the epitome of excess.

"Nima! This guy's style is too much!"

Even for someone wealthy, Nozomi's display of wealth was extreme.

Saikyō silently gave him a thumbs up.

A true local tyrant. Definitely can't mess with him!

As Saikyō sized him up, Nozomi's gaze fell on him.

"Yoruichi-taichō, Saikyō-kun is even more handsome in person than I'd heard. If he graced the cover of a magazine, I bet he'd be the heartthrob of all female Shinigami."

Omaeda Nozomi, ever the charmer, immediately showered Saikyō with compliments.

Even Saikyō felt a little embarrassed at the excessive flattery.

"Wait a minute..."

"The magazine you mentioned... isn't it the popular one published by the Shinigami Women's Association?" Saikyō asked, a suspicion forming in his mind.

"That's right! Saikyō-kun, you're well-informed," Nozomi grinned, his voice rough. "To tell you the truth, I'm the sponsor behind the magazine, so I know all the inside details."


Saikyō almost spat out blood.

What the hell!

Even the magazine has a sponsor?

Saikyō couldn't help but feel envious—I also want a rich father!

[T/N] This is probably the best chapter yall getting out of me for the day]