
After talking with Omaeda Nozomi, Saikyō immediately had this thought.

In the original story, the most popular Soul Reaper, though his appearance is plain and somewhat wretched, looks extraordinarily handsome and unrestrained when he acts grandly.

Wearing a large gold chain and a gold bracelet, just like his father, Omaeda Marechiyo enjoys a noble and luxurious status, and his behavior is full of the arrogance of a local tyrant.

The two of them, father and son, are known as the "Gatsby of Soul Society" and the "Chris Wu of the Seireitei." In the world of the Shinigami, they seem to be the epitome of wealth and prestige.

Now, seeing it with his own eyes, Saikyō couldn't help but admire Omaeda's style!

"Saikyō-kun, I forgot to introduce myself. I am the former lieutenant of the Second Division and now the captain of the police patrol team within the Covert Ops."

"Please take care of me from now on!"

Although Omaeda is a local tyrant, he doesn't have the bad temper often associated with the nouveau riche. His behavior and conversation are proper, befitting someone who has been around for many years.

In fact, the Omaeda family has been involved with Covert Ops for generations.

To put it simply, Omaeda's family and the Shihouin family share a master-retainer relationship, working together for generations to uphold the prestige of Covert Ops.

It's worth mentioning that the Omaeda family is extremely wealthy, practically a family of gold mines.

Even the reconstruction of the Second Division's headquarters was funded by Omaeda Nozomi. His family manages nearly all the Second Division's logistics.

You can see just how rich they are!

"Saikyō-chan, I've been mentioning you to Nozomi for a while, so please keep in touch," Yoruichi said with a light smile.

On one hand, there was her beloved brother. On the other, her most trusted subordinate.

Yoruichi wanted the two to get along well, thinking it could pave the way for future leadership transitions.

"Saikyō-kun I do have a son, Marechiyo, who I can introduce you to later." Nozomi raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"That son would be Marechiyo, right?"

Saikyō responded warmly on the surface, but he almost burst into laughter inside.

Before returning to the Shihouin Mansion, Saikyō never expected this scene. It's one thing to meet a local tycoon, but to bump into Omaeda was pure luck!

"You've met Sui-Feng before," Yoruichi remarked, glancing at the silent Sui-Feng sitting beside them.

Sui-Feng, apart from when facing Yoruichi, was always cold, arrogant, and silent towards everyone else.

These were her typical behaviors, and Saikyō had grown used to them.

"Lieutenant Sui-Feng," Saikyō greeted her.

"Hello..." Sui-Feng nodded passively in response.

The events that had unfolded in the Maggot's Nest were still fresh in her memory, replaying in her mind.

During that Shunpo competition, she had lost to Saikyō by a large margin, something she had never been able to let go of.

With her strong will, she naturally wanted a rematch.

She had expected Saikyō to join the Second Division after graduation, but instead, he had joined the Fourth Division, making her hopes for a rematch fade.

Now, meeting him again, she was feeling a bit nervous.

"Sui-Feng, what's wrong? You don't look well," Yoruichi immediately noticed.

"It's...nothing!" Sui-Feng muttered, her voice barely a whisper.

"Speak up! If there's something on your mind, just say it. We're all friends here," Yoruichi teased lightheartedly.

Having spent many years together, Yoruichi understood her subordinates well, especially Sui-Feng, who was cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

Yoruichi had even spoken to Nozomi in private about giving up his position as lieutenant to promote Sui-Feng.

"Captain Yoruichi, it's nothing really. I just thought it might be a bit abrupt," Sui-Feng hesitated.

"Sui-Feng, you've been a lieutenant for years; you should be more decisive," Omaeda Nozomi chimed in, clearly tired of her hesitation.

As someone who had wealth, power, and a unique "money ability," Omaeda couldn't stand Sui-Feng's indecisiveness.

"Marechiyo is right. You need to act like a lieutenant, or else I'll get angry," Yoruichi said, half-joking but with a serious undertone.

"Yoruichi-sama...I'm very sorry!" Sui-Feng immediately backed down, Yoruichi's words getting to her.

She bit her lip, her eyes showing a mix of resentment and determination. Gathering her courage, she looked directly at Saikyō.

"Saikyō, do you still remember what happened in the Maggot's Nest?"

"What of it?" Saikyō had already guessed what she was getting at.

"Though the timing and place might be inappropriate, I'd like to challenge you to a rematch!" Sui-Feng gritted her teeth, her voice filled with determination as she extended a duel invitation to Saikyō.

"Tsk tsk, you really hold a grudge, Sui-Feng," Yoruichi said with amusement, enjoying the spectacle.

"Yoruichi-sama, if it's inappropriate, just forget I said anything," Sui-Feng quickly backtracked.

One moment she was cold and aloof, and the next she was acting sweet and shy.

Saikyō was left speechless by the sudden shift in her demeanor.

"If this were the human world, she'd probably be called a tsundere," Saikyō thought to himself.

"Sui-Feng, I was just teasing you. Do whatever you want; don't mind me or Nozomi's opinions," Yoruichi chuckled.

"Exactly! Have your match, and any damages will be covered by me!" Nozomi added, showing his generosity as a wealthy man.

Waving his hand grandly, his words were incredibly persuasive. Sometimes, money speaks louder than anything else!

"Saikyō, what do you think?" Yoruichi asked, winking at him playfully.

"If you have no objections, Yoruichi-neesan, then I won't refuse Lieutenant Sui-Feng's invitation," Saikyō said, showing his gentlemanly side and giving a polite smile to Sui-Feng.

"Great!" Yoruichi clapped her hands.

"It's late, but this will make for an entertaining match!"

Yoruichi even brewed some tea, settling in to watch the impending duel with great interest. Her mischievous nature, along with Omaeda's support, had everyone in the lobby on edge.