Chapter 66: Fishing for Nico Robin, Baiting the Willing

"Let's go!"

The Radiant Eclipse surged forward, riding the reverse current up the river as it left the East Blue behind.

Makino, Kuina, and some of the other women from the East Blue couldn't help but look back at their homeland. Only Belo Betty seemed unaffected, as carefree as ever.

"If you ever want to come back, I'll take you," Kuke said gently, reassuring Makino. Then he ruffled Kuina's hair. "On this ship, we're all family."

His words eased their homesickness, turning their thoughts to the adventures ahead.

But Kuke wasn't just offering comfort. Soon, they wouldn't have to make such long journeys back. They'd be able to return instantly, thanks to the rewards from their rising achievement points.

After surpassing 200,000 achievement points, the crew had gained the ability to revive once a month. The next milestone loomed ahead.

Once they reached 500,000 achievement points, every member of The Sun and Moon Pirates would be able to teleport back to The Radiant Eclipse once a month, no matter where they were. Even if scattered across the world, they could return to the ship in an instant.

In addition, once a month, The Radiant Eclipse itself would have the ability to teleport, bringing the entire ship and everyone aboard to the location of any crew member, or to any place the ship had previously visited.

This would be an immense strategic advantage, rivaling their ability to revive monthly, but gathering 500,000 achievement points would be no small feat.

As the crew's reputation grew, some of their exploits that once stunned the world were starting to seem routine. For example, destroying a kingdom or marine base now wouldn't yield many achievement points. Even killing another Celestial Dragon wouldn't bring in much.

But Kuke had a plan.

The Navy and World Government desperately wanted him dead. Why not give them what they wanted—on his terms?

He could fake his death, only to rise again.

Such a spectacle would shock the world, and if he staged a grand funeral for himself, it would become a sensation.

There were also powerful figures like Whitebeard, Kaido, and Big Mom, whose defeat would surely earn him points. And the ultimate goal still lay ahead: becoming the Pirate King.

As he mulled over his next steps, the Den Den Mushi rang.

It was Shakky calling.

"Kuke, I've found the location of the Ope Ope no Mi. It's in the North Blue," Shakky reported, providing the coordinates of the island where the fruit had appeared.

She added a warning, "It seems Tsuru, the Chief Staff Officer, and some secret World Government forces have been seen in the North Blue recently."

"Thanks, Shakky. I owe you one," Kuke replied, genuinely grateful.

Shakky chuckled. "Captain Kuke, don't forget, I'm here to serve you."

"Oh, and Shakky—any updates on that navigator?" Kuke asked. About a month ago, he had asked Shakky to look for a skilled navigator.

To reach Skypiea, they would need an experienced navigator who could guide the ship through the treacherous currents. Without one, even if they encountered the reverse current leading to the Sky Island, they wouldn't be able to take full advantage of it. They couldn't rely on sheer luck, nor could they afford to leave The Radiant Eclipse behind while Gion flew them there.

Unfortunately, Nami was still too young to be of help. It would be years before her skills could be relied upon.

"Navigators are the crown jewels of any pirate crew, and seasoned ones are especially rare," Shakky replied, frowning. "But I'll keep looking."

"Thanks again, Shakky. You've done more than enough," Kuke said sincerely.

"It's no trouble. After all, you're my little captain," Shakky teased before ending the call.

Once the call ended, Shakky's expression grew a little somber.

"Shakky, weren't you a navigator yourself back in the day?" Rayleigh asked, noticing her mood.

Shakky sighed. "I'm too old now, Rayleigh. I can't keep up anymore. The challenges The Sun and Moon Pirates face are only going to get tougher. I'd just slow them down. Otherwise, I'd love to sail with them, even if it meant dying at sea."

She wasn't afraid of death, but she didn't want to be a burden.

"Is there really no way?" Rayleigh asked, concerned. He had noticed Shakky pushing herself, trying to recapture the strength she once had.

But Shakky shook her head. She had tried, but the harsh truth was that time had taken its toll.

Her long retirement had dulled her once-sharp skills. Despite training in secret, her body couldn't handle the intensity, and she'd only grown weaker.

Resigned, she had accepted the reality of her situation.

Rayleigh took a deep drink, knowing there was nothing he could do.

"Don't even think about telling Kuke," Shakky warned. "If you do, I'll kill you."

Rayleigh chuckled nervously. "I wouldn't dream of it. Not even Kuke can turn back time. It wouldn't do him any good to know. It'd only make him feel worse."

Shakky nodded, satisfied.


Back on The Radiant Eclipse, Kuke set down the Den Den Mushi.

"Shakky has been a huge help to us," Gion remarked, her voice carrying over the quiet of the ship's deck.

Kuke nodded. Without Shakky's intel, many things would have been far more difficult for him.

And Shakky never asked for anything in return.

"There's a Devil Fruit that might be useful to her," Kuke mused, thinking about Shakky's situation.

The Rejuvenation Fruit came to mind, though its powers—wielded by the Marine Ain—were temporary. It could reverse a person's age, but not permanently.

But there was another fruit that would be perfect for Shakky: the Bat-Bat Fruit, Mythical Zoan, Vampire Model.

This was the fruit that the Red Count, Patrick Redfield, had consumed, allowing him to drain the life force of others and rejuvenate himself, regaining the strength of his youth.

For Shakky, this fruit would be the perfect solution.

And Kuke knew for certain that it hadn't been eaten yet. He even knew where to find it.

Redfield had discovered the Vampire Fruit in the ancient city of Suigu, deep in the New World.

Its location was fixed.

This was one Devil Fruit Kuke was determined to obtain.

Unlike the Thunder Fruit or the Ope Ope no Mi, which might already be out of reach, Kuke was confident he could claim the Vampire Fruit.

"When I get that fruit, I'll give it to Shakky," Kuke decided.

He wouldn't use it as leverage to force her into joining his crew—just as a repayment for all she had done.

"Redfield found the Vampire Fruit with Nico Robin's help. He used her knowledge to decipher ancient texts and locate it. I'll need her for this, too," Kuke thought.

Nico Robin had always been a priority for him. Her knowledge was essential, not only for reading the Poneglyphs but also for locating the final island.

Without her, even finding the Road Poneglyphs wouldn't help them reach Laugh Tale.

"Nico Robin is probably in the West Blue," Kuke calculated, trying to pin down her location.

But at this point in time, she could be anywhere.

"Kuke, are you planning to recruit the 'Demon Child' Nico Robin?" Gion asked, overhearing his musings.

"Yes," Kuke confirmed.

Robin was one of the World Government's most wanted targets, relentlessly pursued for years. She was cunning and had managed to evade capture, making it difficult for anyone to find her.

Even with the World Government's vast resources, they hadn't been able to catch her after all these years.

Gion was skeptical that Kuke could find her quickly.

"Why search when we can make her come to us?" Kuke said, a plan forming in his mind.

Gion looked puzzled.

"Gion, I need you to go to Minion Island. Head there as fast as you can. If the Ope Ope no Mi shows up, secure it. Meanwhile, I'll take The Radiant Eclipse to the West Blue to find Nico Robin. Once either of us succeeds, we'll meet up again," Kuke instructed.

They couldn't afford to lose the Ope Ope no Mi. If they waited too long, someone else might claim it. By sending Gion ahead of time, they'd avoid that risk.

Her ability to fly and her strength made her the perfect person for the task.

"Understood," Gion nodded. With a flap of her wings, she took off from The Radiant Eclipse.

The rest of The Sun and Moon Pirates set sail for the West Blue.

At Reverse Mountain, The Radiant Eclipse veered westward.

"Stussy, notify the press and tell them I'll be waiting on Budes Island, at the heart of the West Blue, for one month. Let them know we want Nico Robin to join The Sun and Moon Pirates," Kuke ordered.

Rather than searching the entire West Blue for her, why not make her come

 to them?

He would bait the hook, and Robin would come.

"Do you think she'll come?" Stussy asked.

"She will. In this sea, we're her best option. She knows we won't betray her to the World Government," Kuke replied confidently.

If Robin was as smart as he believed, she'd realize that The Sun and Moon Pirates were her best chance for survival—and for freedom.

She would definitely come.

By waiting on Budes Island, centrally located in the West Blue, Robin would hear the news wherever she was, and she would find her way to them.

Kuke double-checked with Shakky that the Navy's top admirals were currently occupied.

For now, the admirals were busy escorting the Celestial Dragons back to Mariejois, giving Kuke and his crew the freedom to move without interference.


As The Radiant Eclipse sped toward the West Blue, Stussy made contact with the major newspapers, spreading the news.

There was no need for negotiations. Any news about The Sun and Moon Pirates was guaranteed to sell, and every paper wanted a piece of the story.

The more papers that carried the news, the better the chances that Nico Robin would hear it.

In a matter of days, the message had spread across the entire West Blue.


P/S: If you are interested, you can read up to chapter 95+ at