Chapter 67: Touched by Nico Robin, Running Toward Kuke

In the West Blue, on a certain island, the most powerful force wasn't the government—it was the underground organizations. Nico Robin had been hiding within one of these criminal syndicates, seeking refuge.

As she sat down to another ordinary day, Robin opened a freshly delivered newspaper. With her vast knowledge, she never missed an opportunity to learn, staying up to date on the world's latest developments.


Her name, "Nico Robin," appeared clearly in the headline.

A wave of panic surged through her.

Had her location been discovered? Why was her name in the paper? Living in constant danger, she couldn't believe that she would be important enough to make headlines.

She quickly skimmed the article, and her emotions began to shift—shock, disbelief, joy, and then, finally, overwhelming gratitude.

"The Sun and Moon Pirates... Kuke!"

Tears welled up in Nico Robin's eyes. Since the destruction of Ohara, she couldn't recall the last time she had felt this way.

The Sun and Moon Pirates, led by Captain Kuke, were already a group she admired.

They were the first pirate crew to openly challenge the World Government, invading the Holy Land of Mariejois, destroying Enies Lobby, and even facing Admiral Akainu without fear. They had killed a Celestial Dragon in front of the world. Robin knew every detail of their exploits by heart.

Before the Sun and Moon Pirates, she had never believed anyone could dare to do such things, much less succeed. She couldn't help but feel deep respect and curiosity for the crew.

Over time, admiration turned into a dream she could barely admit to herself.

How many times had she imagined joining the Sun and Moon Pirates?

To live a life free from betrayal, where she wouldn't be abandoned over and over again.

But in such a vast ocean, Robin had always suppressed her dreams and her desire to join them.

Every day, she fantasized about the possibility. If she ever encountered the Sun and Moon Pirates, she promised herself she would beg Kuke to take her aboard.

Now, that dream was becoming a reality.

"For me? All of this, for me?" The words were crystal clear in the article, but Robin still couldn't believe it was real.

How could she possibly deserve this?

How could someone as infamous as her be worthy of The Sun and Moon Pirates going to such lengths?

A flood of emotions filled her heart—gratitude, disbelief, and an irrepressible urge to take action.

"I must go."

There was only one thought in Robin's mind.

She had to go.

She absolutely had to go.

No matter how dangerous, no matter if she died at sea, she couldn't let down the crew that had shown such importance to her.

As she made up her mind, a loud bang interrupted her thoughts.

The door burst open, and the boss of the underground syndicate entered with a group of his henchmen.

With a sinister expression, the boss glared at Robin, who was trying hard to conceal her emotions. His face grew darker as he spoke. "Nico Robin, you saw the papers, didn't you? You want to leave, don't you?"

"Yes," Robin answered, without hesitation or concealment.

The mob boss's bloodshot eyes bulged with fury. To him, Robin was a treasure, a reward he could claim at any time.

With her massive bounty—nearly 80 million Berries—she was worth more than almost any pirate in the West Blue. Few could resist the temptation.

"You think you can just leave because you want to? You joined my syndicate, and you don't get to walk away!" He shouted, unwilling to let her go.

Without emotion, Robin calmly packed her things. Then, she looked him dead in the eye and asked, "Are you willing to challenge The Sun and Moon Pirates? I am Kuke's woman."

The mob boss's face turned pale.

The Sun and Moon Pirates.

Even with all his bravado, he wasn't foolish enough to provoke them.

In the face of such monsters, the entire West Blue combined couldn't compare.

"Hmph, I might not be able to take on the Sun and Moon Pirates, but if I stop you from leaving, they'll never find out," the boss snarled as he gestured to his men. "Take her!"

Robin crossed her arms, activating her Devil Fruit powers.

In an instant, arms sprouted on the bodies of her attackers, binding and twisting them. Seizing the opportunity, she dashed out of the room.

Behind her, she heard the mob boss's furious roars and curses: "You'll regret this, Nico Robin! You'll regret it! The Sun and Moon Pirates won't last long. The Navy will wipe them out, and you'll die along with them!"

"Even if I die, I'm going," Robin murmured, unshaken.

Without a moment's hesitation, she bolted toward the port.

She commandeered a small boat and disappeared into the vast ocean.

With a dream in her heart, she sailed toward the rendezvous point with The Sun and Moon Pirates.

For the first time, Nico Robin wasn't leaving in fear or with dread for the future. This time, she sailed with hope.

Echoes of the words spoken to her as a child by Vice Admiral Jaguar D. Saul filled her mind: "The sea is vast. One day, you'll find people who will protect you."

Robin stared resolutely at the horizon.

"Saul, I'm about to find them. If anyone in this era can protect me, it's The Sun and Moon Pirates."

"Kuke, I'm coming."


As Robin sailed toward her future, The Radiant Eclipse continued its journey as well, heading toward the same destination—the island at the heart of the West Blue.

It was where they would finally meet.

Meanwhile, in the North Blue, a majestic phoenix soared high through the sky. It was Gion, flying alone at top speed toward the island where the Ope Ope no Mi was expected to appear.

The journey was long, and The Radiant Eclipse had been sailing through the West Blue for nearly twenty days. Now, at last, a massive island came into view.

Their destination was close.

Crowds had gathered along the shore—pirates from all over the West Blue, and even curious civilians. All were eager to catch a glimpse of The Sun and Moon Pirates, a crew that had become legendary.

Among the crowd were powerful figures, including the rulers of various underground empires. Even the Capone family was present, their boss smoking a cigar as he watched with admiration and envy.

"Even the Sea Emperors aren't much more impressive than this," one pirate captain muttered. "To reach this level as a pirate... even if I died now, it would be worth it."

At that moment, many pirates found new purpose in their lives.

"Where are the Marines? Aren't they coming?" Some of the pirates began to look around excitedly.

Surely the Marines of the West Blue would be here by now.

But word had come down from Marine Headquarters: no one was to approach. They had been ordered to stay far away from the island, for their own safety.

"They're here!"

"The legendary Sun and Moon Pirates are here!"

"I wonder if Captain Kuke is as imposing as he looks in the photos," a voice from the crowd mused excitedly.

People pushed and shoved to get a better view, pirates and civilians alike. But even the roughest pirates didn't dare harm the civilians. No one wanted to cause trouble on a day like this.

"Idiots, take off your hats and put out those cigarettes! If anyone disrespects Captain Kuke, I'll kill them myself!" the pirate captains yelled at their crews.

"Whose ship is still blocking the port? If it gets in the way of The Radiant Eclipse, I'll deal with them myself!"

"Move it out of the way!"

"Clear the path!"

"I'm so jealous of Nico Robin, having Captain Kuke go to such lengths to find her. If it were for me, I'd gladly die for him," one pirate sighed.

"Me too," another agreed.

Hiding in the crowd, Nico Robin was overwhelmed with emotion as she watched The Radiant Eclipse approach. She stood frozen, her heart filled with feelings she couldn't even begin to describe.

As soon as the ship docked, her eyes fixed on the figure standing proudly at the bow—Kuke.

Without thinking, she ran.

She ran straight toward Kuke, unable to hold herself back any longer.


P/S: If you are interested, you can read up to chapter 95+ at