Ch-13 City Lord Theo

As the guards charged at Alexander, everyone present watched breathlessly. Alexander stood calmly and said, "If you don't want to see Yama today, go forward."

A terrifying bloodlust erupted from him, making the air thick with suffocation. The guards froze in place, cold sweat dripping down their foreheads, their bodies trembling as fear overtook them. They couldn't take another step forward.

Lucian, seeing his guards hesitate, felt his confidence waver. His voice, once full of arrogance, now cracked slightly, "Wh-What are you doing? Attack!"

But the guards, too paralyzed with fear, didn't dare move.

In the sky, the old man was shocked but smirked, stroking his white beard, "As expected of me," he muttered. "I really have an eye for talent."

On the ground, Melina observed everything unfold with stars in her eyes. She thought, Perfect face—check. Dominating attitude—check. Mysterious—check. Strong strength—check. Now isn't that just the perfect attributes for a boss character!

Her red eyes sparkled as her excitement grew, swinging her arms energetically. F#ck! Female Protagonist X Final Villain! she thought, practically buzzing with glee.

"Kick his ass, darling!" she cheered loudly.

Alexander, hearing this, thought, Why the heck am I even playing this third-grade script? Who's the author of this mess? Don't let me find out…

Alexander walked toward Lucian, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, his every step like the ticking of a countdown to doom. Lucian's once confident expression crumbled into terror, his voice cracking as he stumbled backward.

"D-Don't come near! I'm the young master of the Valtier family!" Lucian sputtered, his bravado fading with each word.

Before Lucian could finish, Alexander's hand shot out, gripping his neck with frightening ease, lifting him off the ground as if he weighed nothing. The crowd fell into a stunned silence, watching in awe and disbelief.

Suspended in mid-air, Lucian's eyes bulged in horror, his hands desperately trying to pry Alexander's fingers from his throat. His legs flailed, but they found no purchase, only reinforcing the hopelessness of his situation.

Alexander's voice was cold, his eyes distant as he spoke, "In this world, titles and family names mean nothing. You think your status can shield you?" His grip tightened, causing Lucian's breath to come in shallow gasps. "Pain doesn't care who you are. Death doesn't care who you are."

Lucian's face turned pale as his strength drained from him. His arrogance, once towering, was now shattered, leaving only raw fear as Alexander's words hung in the air. The young master's eyes darted around frantically, searching for someone—anyone—to save him. But no one moved.

Alexander's calm expression never wavered, a clear contrast to Lucian's desperation. The gap in power was undeniable, and for the first time in his life, Lucian was truly helpless.

A powerful aura suddenly descended upon the scene, accompanied by a commanding voice that cut through the tension. "That's enough, young man. I think Young Master Lucian understands your warning."

Alexander released his grip, letting Lucian drop to the ground like a rag doll. He turned to see a tall figure standing beside him, a man with an imposing presence and an air of authority that was palpable. The crowd gasped in unison, murmurs of disbelief rippling through them.

"Th-This is City Lord Theo of Arboury City!" someone in the crowd exclaimed, their voice shaking with awe. "From what I know, he has reached the 7th stage of Astral Core!"

Lucian gasped for breath, clutching his throat as he staggered back, relief flooding his features at the sight of the city lord.

Alexander regarded Lord Theo with a mix of curiosity and indifference. "What do you want?" he asked, his tone casual, as if he were addressing an old acquaintance rather than a figure of authority.

Theo studied Alexander for a moment, his sharp gaze assessing the young man before him. "I appreciate your passion, but public displays of strength can lead to misunderstandings. You have potential, and I wouldn't want to see it wasted in unnecessary conflict." His tone was firm yet oddly calm, as if he were attempting to mediate rather than reprimand.

Lord Theo's presence commanded respect, and he stepped forward, creating a buffer between Alexander and Lucian. "I suggest you keep your distance, Young Master Lucian. This isn't a matter to take lightly." He turned his attention back to Alexander. "As for you, I see great potential in your talent. You should consider the consequences of your actions, especially in front of the city lord."

Alexander raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Consequences? Are you threatening me, City Lord?"

"No, merely advising you," Theo replied smoothly, a slight smile playing on his lips. "This city has its own rules, and while you might not be one for them, it's best to understand the landscape before making a move. After all, we wouldn't want to disrupt the peace of Arboury City, would we?"

The tension in the air shifted slightly, with some of the crowd now intrigued by the exchange between Alexander and Lord Theo.

Melina, who had been silently enjoying the spectacle, suddenly dashed forward and hugged Alexander tightly, concern etched across her face. "Darling, I think it's enough," she said, her voice laced with genuine worry.

Lord Theo observed the interaction with a smile, his expression softening. "You should listen to your girlfriend, boy. It's wise to choose your battles," he said, his tone light but carrying an underlying weight of authority.

Alexander's mouth twisted into a bemused smile as he glanced down at Melina's cute face nestled against his shoulder. This girl's acting level is quite high; even I might be confused if I didn't know that I'm single, he thought, shaking his head slightly in disbelief.

With a gentle push, he eased Melina back a bit so he could meet her eyes. "I appreciate your concern, but I can handle myself,"

Melina pouted, her brows furrowing in a mix of worry and determination. "But I don't want you to get into trouble! You were so cool back there, but I really don't want to see you hurt," she insisted, her eyes sparkling with sincerity.

Lord Theo, watching the exchange, felt a wave of amusement wash over him. The dynamic between the two was refreshing, a reminder of the bonds that could be formed even in the midst of conflict. "A strong bond like that can be more powerful than any weapon," he mused aloud, and then turned his attention back to the situation at hand.

"Let's keep things civil, shall we?" Theo continued, his gaze flickering to Lucian, who was still recovering from the earlier confrontation. "Young Master Lucian, perhaps it's best you take a step back. This isn't the place for personal disputes."

Lucian, still on the ground, nodded slowly, his pride wounded but his fear palpable. "Y-Yes, City Lord," he stammered, his bravado all but extinguished.

Alexander stepped back slightly, allowing Melina to stand beside him, a protective aura emanating from her as she crossed her arms defiantly. "So, what's next, City Lord?" Alexander asked, his tone casual yet pointed. "Are we going to let bygones be bygones, or is there something else you want to discuss?"

Lord Theo chuckled, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Of course, none of that," he replied, tapping his watch absentmindedly. "It's just that my Binsta account is being bombarded with comments about the delays in the Awakening process."

As he spoke, a massive screen flickered to life beside him, displaying his social media feed. The comments were relentless, filled with excitement and impatience from the citizens eager to witness the results of the Awakening ceremony.

Both Alexander and Melina raised their eyebrows in unison, their expressions a mix of disbelief and amusement. Isn't this quite a modern world? they thought simultaneously, exchanging glances. But where's the damn police in all this chaos?