Chapter Nineteen: The Yule Ball Begins

Pre-Chapter A/N: Please do check out the first chapter of the novel I'm working on up on patreon ( it's completely free to access. 

What can I say except you're welcome? Here we go with the fifth chapter of 2025. Lovely to have you all here, and I hope you enjoy this one. If you do, feel free to head over to patreon ( and read the following two chapters- I update there on a daily basis so there's always something for you to read. It's also a new year, so this is probably the best time to buy an annual membership on my page. 



Dark green robes, a smart cloak of the same colour around my shoulders and a watch from Sirius' family vault that he assured me had been the work of a famous wizarding Horologist made the entirety of ensemble for the yule ball. A simple bit of self-transfiguration gave my hair the last few inches of length it needed to look good in a topknot. I'd found that tying my hair up was one of the few ways to remove it from its naturally messy state out there. Tying it back in a ponytail didn't even work most of the time, and the topknot was a bit finicky. I couldn't do it by hand and had to use a bondage spell that I definitely would not be asking Sirius why he knows to seal the deal. 

Looking at myself in the mirror, I had to agree that I looked good. Since taking over this body, it had begun to grow at a rapid pace. I'd asked Pomphrey about nutrition potions early on, but she had said that if I experienced any nutritional issues then just eating a healthy diet and my magic would be enough to deal with it. Considering I'd gained two inches in as many months, then she had been understating things even. I flashed a smile, enjoying the way my teeth reflected the light, looking impossibly white, before settling into a smirk that I felt looked devilish. 

"Well, you look like a charming young man. Go give that witch the best time of her life and make sure you tell me all about it when you get back" Sirius said, clapping me on the shoulder and going to take a seat on the couch. He hated being stuck in this room, I could tell, but that was not a problem I would be able to solve tonight. 

I made my way out of the room under a disillusionment charm and waited till I was on the third floor to disable other. Thereafter, I made my way to the Great Hall just like everyone else. Except that my presence caused a barrage of stares and whispers to be directed my way. As I hated being late for things, I was scheduled to arrive at the entrance to the great hall just a few minutes before the event was scheduled to begin. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, there were still dozens of students milling about the entrance hall and meeting their dates and the like. I was the first champion to arrive, I noted, as I took my place next to Mcgonagall in a special area designated for the triwizard champions. 

Thankfully, the situation in the entrance hall was different from that in the upper regions. Here, people were meeting their dates and escorting them into the hall so far less attention was being sent my way. Still, it didn't prevent the odd stare or whisper. I could get used to this, I thought for a second, before a person that I had been more or less avoiding made his way into the entrance hall. On Draco Malfoy's arm was the ever pug-faced Pansy Parkinson. 

I wondered why he had not picked someone else for a second before I tore my mind away to more worthwhile subjects. This was not any of my business. 

"Going stag, Potter? Of course no one would want to go with the likes of you", he began, sneer in top-form. I silently chuckled. Absence did make the heart grow fonder indeed. The Draco Malfoy of earlier would never have dared pull anything so close to the Gryffindor Head. Of course, Mcgonagall was barely paying us any attention now, but that was no guarantee that her attention would not stray our way with time. 

"What? Cat's got your tongue?" The Malfoy heir continued as I responded to his initial dig with silence. 

"Nothing of the sort, Draco" I said, pulling on my inner Tom Riddle to respond with what I'd come to refer to as casual malice. It was an easy tone, but one that promised future violence. 

"Don't call me by my first name, Potter. Don't be weird. But that's a tall ask considering you're so weird that no one would even want to go with you." 

"Surely, you were present in the Great Hall when I asked the delectable Miss Delacour?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, honestly wondering where he was coming from. 

"That half-breed? After the letter I've written her, I'll be surprised if she even comes within miles of you" he said with a scoff that had his date whirling to look at him. 

"I don't think admitting to sending love letters to a Veela is the best way to start your date" I said with a chuckle and Malfoy suddenly froze. 

"Of course I didn't send a blasted love letter-" He began, but Parkinson had already begun pulling him aside. I smirked as I felt Mcgonagall's eyes on me. 

"You've changed, Mr. Potter" She said. I nodded, not bothering to verbally reply to such a plain stating of the obvious. 

"Three months ago, and Mr. Malfoy would have gotten you in a tiff from just that tiny bit of provocation." 

"I wonder why you never stopped him then, if it was always so obvious to you what he was doing." 

"I would have….if you'd ever let the provocation sit and reported him to me instead of rising to the bait" she said, and I turned to her with a raised eyebrow at that. Could it really have been so simple? I allowed myself to briefly immerse myself in memories, trying to recall if Potter ever reported Malfoy's aggravation, and came up blind. 

"But then it would have been my word against his," I said in defence. 

"Up until a few months ago, you never went anywhere without two certain people by your sides. On your word alone, then maybe not, but on the word of three from my house? I would have stepped in, Potter. As the Headmaster is quick to remind us, help is always given at Hogwarts, but only to those who ask for it." She said grandly, even as I remained skeptical about the veracity of her statements. I was saved from needing to reply as Cedric walked towards us. He was taller than I was still, and was wearing nice black robes with a gold accent—his house's colours, I realised. I wondered what my choice of colour made me. 

"Wotcher, Harry" He greeted, and I returned the greeting even as I got the impression that something was wrong. It was only when he had moved on to greet Mcgonagall that I noticed that he had never offered his hand for me to shake. That was strange—Cedric was usually much more personable and could be friendly to a fault. This sudden cold shoulder was worrying. 

I never got the same treatment from him that I tended to receive from the others, so this sudden distance was worrying. And then few minutes after Cedric had arrived, his date began to make her way down the stairs. Cho Chang was one hell of a specimen. Her features were clean and perfectly symmetrical. The pink dress she wore framed her curves, of which she had little, tightly against her boy, leaving little to the imagination in terms of her fitness level. She walked down the stairs and Cedric walked forward to her, placing a bracelet of flowers around her wrist. She leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek and he walked her over to come and join us. 

"Hey Harry" Cho said, not waiting to get a reply from me before she began whispering in Cedric's ears. 

Krum was the next to come in, and he came with his date already around his arm. He ignored both Cedric and me, and neither of us were keen to say anything to the Bulgarian either. His date was comely enough, but she had a sneer plastered on her face as she looked around at the Entrance Hall's decorations and spoke Krum in rapid fire German whispers. From what I could catch, she was calling the Hogwarts students soft and spoiled for the luxuries we enjoyed. I scoffed at the description of the moving ice sculptures and other decorations as luxuries—she betrayed her breeding with that. 

Both Krum and his date whirled around to face me at my scoff. "You speak German, Harry Potter?" Krum asked in said language. I debated playing the fool, but that thought didn't manage to last longer than a second before I tossed it to the side. 

"Yes I do, Victor Krum" I replied in the same language. 

"This is my date, Artemis Athinaios." He said, remembering his manners and introducing the woman at his side. I gave her a long look. She had sharp features, clearly a woman of pureblood descent, and black hair that fell down towards her waist. She might have been beautiful if not for the sneer that adorned her face which seemed to be used to bearing that expression. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you" I said, offering a nod of my head that could only vaguely be mistaken for a bow. I cared little for breaking bread with those who were so far beneath me that they couldn't even comprehend the gulf between us and yet had the audacity to think themselves my better. 

"The pleasure is all mine. Even in Athens, we have heard of the legend of the boy-who-lived." She said, but her words did little to take away from her expression, so I tossed them aside like the worthless trinkets they were. The emphasis she had placed on the word boy was also not to be missed. 

"It's good to see you've recovered so well, Krum" I said, miming claws running down my face to represent the hellhound. Mcgonagall flashed me a reproachful look that I ignored. His scowl managed to get even deeper than before, and he opened his mouth to reply before he froze in his tracks, looking over my shoulder. 

I didn't need to be looking at the door to know when Fleur walked in. The look on Krum's face along with the sudden hush that spread across the hall was the first sign. The way both Krum and Cedric went glassy-eyed for a few seconds before snapping themselves out of it- though Krum did manage to snap himself out first, but I'd chalk that up more to the fact that the Bulgarian team had Veela cheerleaders than any special skill on his part—was the second sign, and the third came when Mcgonagall turned to me and silently coughed. That was as much warning as I got before I whirled around and found myself staring at a goddess. That was the best I could put it. She looked phenomenal. 

I'd sent her a colour sample of my robes ahead of the date even if I knew that it would be a struggle for her to change her outfit in time, but it seemed she had managed just fine. The dress she wore was something else. It was the kind of thing that would have been a statement on any other woman. On her, it was an afterthought. It hugged her skin and looked painted on in some parts until it reached her thighs, from where it flared out around her, gathering in a pool that swept the floor as she walked. 

It was a mix of two colours- dark green with a gleaming white that seemed to mimic veins of silver with the way it ran through the green in a pattern that did its best to not look like a pattern. I would never admit to staring at her chest for longer than was proper, so all I would say is that the fact that the gown dipped around her chest area to expose a healthy bit of cleavage was something that men all around the world would thank her seamstress for. What I would admit to though, was enjoying the way her hips moved as she covered the few feet that separated us. 

I gasped into my mouth when she reached me. She looked lovely, but her smell. She smelled divine. It was unreal. I dropped into a deep bow and took a hold of her offered hand, planting a kiss on it. 

"You look enchanting" I told her in a whisper that still carried because of how silent the hall had fallen. She smiled, and I felt warmth flow to my chest. 

"Thank you, Monsieur Potter." My Occlumency was impeccable. I checked it again to be certain, and it was still perfect. There was no magic there, just pure beauty. I took out my wand and summoned a wide box from my robes' pocket. Undetectable extension charms were my latest fascination and while I couldn't take credit for the one on my robes—the robes themselves being delicate acromantula silk meant that only a master enchanter could get something so finicky to stick without artefacting or having other weird effects. 

"A gift? For moi?" Fleur did a good job sounding coy with the question. 

"Just something beautiful to adorn the neck of the most beautiful woman here" I said, presenting the box with a flourish. Of course, this was all theatre. She knew I'd have a gift ready for her, she had practically demanded it after all. I had actually visited a jeweler to look into getting something made but when we got to things around the level Fleur played at, the amounts called were enough to beggar even me. So I brought the issue to Sirius, and one visit to the Black vault later, we had something suitable—This one wasn't even cursed or poisoned. I'd also gotten no shortage of ugly looks as I left the bank with it in my pocket. Only the blacks would be so insane and arrogant so as to store Goblin-made jewelry in Gringotts itself. 

It was worth it all once I saw the look on her face as I opened the box, though. It was an elaborate and flashy necklace, there was no getting around it. It just so happened to manage to stop a step short of being gaudy. Its frame was goblin silver, and inlaid were a series of jewels. Seven was the most magically powerful number so it wasn't a surprise that the jewels were laid down with one massive emerald in the center, with three smaller diamonds on either side to make up the set. 

"C'est magnifique" She said, and I could already tell that people around were craning their necks to get a look into the box. Fleur turned around with a flourish, silently presenting me with the back of her neck and asking me to do the honors. I smiled as I took the necklace out of the box and slowly placed it around her neck before drawing the clasp shut. I couldn't deny feeling some satisfaction at the gasps from the female population once they got a glance at the necklace. 

Fleur turned right back around to face me and gods did the necklace even look better on her. The emerald dipped towards her cleavage, drawing even more attention to it. 

"Perfect" I whispered and she smiled. My heart sang. 

"It's a wonderful present" Mcgonagall complimented while giving me a look I couldn't interpret—it was equal parts wistful, like she was looking at me and seeing someone else, and pained, like what she was seeing brought her some amount of pain. 

"Thank you, Professor" I said, while taking Fleur's arm in mine and leading her to take our place in the line of champions. Once again, Sirius had been right, I thought to myself with a wry smile. With her heels on, Fleur's head was roughly equal with mine. Of course, I wasn't that tall. We'd added platforms beneath my feet but hidden them cleverly with high bottomed shoes and a concealment charm that would draw attention away from it. Being shorter than her wouldn't do for the image that I sought to sell here. 

"Line up according to your standings, Champions. I will return in a minute" Mcgonagall said, before leaving us and moving to usher those who remained in the entrance hall into the Great Hall. It was when she did that that Hermione came down the stairs. There was another hush, but this one was different from the hush Fleur's entrance had brought. 

"That can't be Granger" I heard Cho Chang whisper to Diggory and resisted the urge to smirk. My best friend, and I did a double take when I realised that I truly thought she was my best friend and not just Harry's, had cleaned up well and looked marvelous. Neville, standing at the base of the stairs, looked dumbfounded and struck still. When Hermione looked over in my direction, I tossed her a smile before returning my attention to my date. 

"I hope you had no trouble changing your dress in time" I whispered to her. 

"Non. Mon famille employs Madam Bernadette, the finest seamstress in all of Paris. She could make a masterpiece in no time. All I had to do was send her the photograph of your robes, and she was able to prepare something appropriate in time." She said. I nodded, searching for something else to say, before she continued. 

"I must warn you though, Harry Potter. My father has secured an invitation to this Ball and is eager to meet the man who in his words has 'stolen his daughter's heart'" She said, and where lesser men would have panicled, I just nodded. Doom feared no one. 

"So I assume he has no idea what the nature of our arrangement truly is, then" I said, whispering to her in French. 

"He does not," She said, and I moved her towards the front of the line. 

Mcgonagall returned to us after the entrance hall had emptied of all but a few stragglers and stared at us for a few seconds, clearly trying to find something to fix before she decided there was nothing to work on and then walked towards the door and poked her head in. 

"Heads up, Champions, Dates. In two minutes, you'll go in for the opening dance. Once you do so, you will find your table with the Headmaster and other delegates. Do endeavour to do your school's justice" She said with pursed lips. 

In two minutes, the music began to play, and I turned to Fleur with a smile. 

"Do try to keep up, my dear", I said, lighting a fire in her eyes. 


A/N: Please, please, and please, check out the first chapter of my original novel up on Patreon ( completely free to access so have fun. As always, the following two chapters are up on Patreon ( If you just want to read complete chapters and not my work in real-time, then feel free to purchase this story as a collection on my Patreon ( page so you get to read each chapter after I finish it and not necessarily the daily updates available with a regular patreon ( membership- nice way to support this story and me while you're at it. Enjoy!