Chapter Twenty: Tabletalk

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Beyond doing some rounds when I was certain Sirius wasn't looking, I hadn't done any dancing practice at all. One reason was that I hadn't the time for that when I had my studies into magic, duelling with Flitwick, and studying his memories in the pensieve to juggle along with preparing for what the tournament would toss at me. The other reason was that I knew Sirius would have a field day with laughing at me if he ever got to see it, and so I decided that discretion would be the better part of valor in that case. 

I was a whole made of three parts. Potter and Riddle couldn't dance for the life of them, but Doom? Doom had rubbed shoulders with the very best that his world had to offer. Parties of all sorts had seen him top the guest list, and so he was a master of the ballroom dance- as well as a dozen others, but that beside the point. His memories were for a much different body, but this one was fit. Healthy, and was capable of fine movements that would have made him salivate in this past life. 

That was why when they took to the floor for the opening dance of the ball, I led Fleur with masterful ease. We cut an inspiring figure as I twirled, spun, and dipped her at all the right moments. Something about the feeling of having her in my hands and leading her about the floor just felt right. I could barely spare a look for anything beyond her bright blue eyes, but I could still feel my surroundings all enough to know that every eye was on us. Diggory and Chang had tried to compete with us in the beginning but had now given up and were simply doing their own thing to the left. Krum and his date hadn't even made an attempt. The Grecian witch was a competent dancer, but it was clear that Krum belonged in the air. On the ground, he was a mortal like the rest of them, and his clumsiness meant that he had stepped on his partner's foot twice already. 

Watching their reflection against Fleur's eyes, I couldn't get a good read on his date's expression, but I didn't need to be Sherlock Holmes to guess what she felt. I was drawn from my thoughts as the pitch of the music changed, and I and Fleur moved our bodies with it, switching from fast-paced movements to a slower waltz as I drew her body even closer to mine. I could feel every breath she took, every beat of her heart clashed against mine until we began to breathe in unison just as we moved in unison, just as our heart eventually began to beat in unison two halves of one greater, beautiful whole. The music came to an end far too quickly for my tastes, and from hr pursed lips, I could tell the thought was the same in Fleur's mind. We just stood there for a second that stretched for an eternity, still, unmoving, in each other's arms. The music had stopped and the rest of the world had faded away with it. I only had eyes for her eyes, and then those eyes dipped down to her lips. I felt euphoria unlike anything I'd felt before, and foolishly, rashly, I lowered my guard for a second. 

I could almost not tell when I began kissing her, just as I could not tell which one of us had closed those precious inches that had separated us. I had barely enough control to pull back before the kiss became even deeper. I saw the disappointment in her eyes, and the ache they brought to my chest almost made me scowl before I tightened my grasp on my occlumency. I had no idea how her allure had gotten around it, but that wouldn't be happening again. 

The rest of the world came into focus, and now I could see the every eye was fixed on us. The other champions were already well on their way towards the table, and I led her to join them, plastering a simple smile on my face. 

"What's wrong?" She whispered in my ears, but I did not trust myself to speak now. My heart was still bating at a million beats a second, and I was undoubtedly flushed from the kissing. I turned to flash her a smile to assuage her worries as we walked towards the table. The same table that contained a man that I did not recognise, but whose identity I didn't need to be a genius to figure out from the way he was glaring daggers into me. That was the look of a man who wanted to protect his daughter. A daughter that I had just kissed before the whole world. That would be on the front page of the daily prophet, undoubtedly. 

He wasn't the only one at the table, but I couldn't turn my head to look at the others while we were locked in our impromptu staring contest. We had almost reached the table by the time he turned to fix his daughter with a look of her own, but Fleur bore the attention with a smile, only tightening her grip on my arm as a reaction. A reaction that her father did not miss. 

"Over here, Harry" A voice called out as we walked towards the table. My head snapped straight to him, the portly man had swapped his bowler's hat for a top hat that did as good a job of covering his receding hairline as the hat it was replacing. The British Minister of Magic was dressed in a formal pair of Black robes that were well-made, but came nowhere close to matching the luxury of mine. The reality of a civil servant's salary, I guess. Made me wonder what exactly all those bribes he'd been allegedly collecting from Malfoy had gone towards. 

Fudge waved me over to sit next to him, and considering the other option had me next to Dumbledore of all people, I moved quickly to acquiesce to his request. Fudge and Dumbledore sat side by side, I sat to Fudge's right, while Cedric preened as he took a seat by Dumbledore's. Of the two men, one was clearly greater than the other, but Diggory could keep Dumbledore. The old man would do nothing but stifle me. The suspicious looks that he thought he hid whenever we happened to be in the same space would do little help for my patience tonight. Especially as once I took my seat, I noticed that it placed me right opposite Fleur's father. I flashed the man a smile that he returned with lips pressed together so hard that they had become a single thin line. 

"Superb dancing, Harry. I don't believe I've met your date" Fudge began, only two steps away from openly leering at Fleur. A man without discipline would never have made it to the position of Minister in the first place, but it was apparent that he was not as unaffected by such close proximity to the allure as some were. The man next to Fleur hadn't even paid her a second look since our arrival. 

"Cornelius, this is Fleur Delacour, Champion of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and Fleur, this is Cornelius Fudge, the British Minister of Magic" He flinched at my usage of his first name for a second before beaming. I'd done it to press home the point that I had never given him permission to use mine, but he was somehow taking this as a good thing. Fucking politicians. 

"Lovely to meet you, Miss Delacour. My representatives had nothing but compliments for how you aided young Harry here with handling the hellhound" He said, offering her a hand to shake. Fleur sucked in an involuntary breath before staring at the hand like a disease ridden insect before taking it in her own hand and I remembered some bit of history that I had thought unimportant- British and French magical absolutely loathed each other. The British felt the French were weak for surrendering to Grindelwald so easily, and the French felt the British were cowards for taking so long to involve themselves in the war against Grindelwald. Regardless though, Fleur had just taken one hell of an insult. I stepped in before things could escalate. 

"Fleur, a champion in her own right, was working to take down the hellhound in her own way, Cornelius. I just happened to be a shade faster than her in the moment." I said, taking her other hand and rubbing circles in the back of her palm almost by reflex. 

"Of course of course" Even Fudge could take a hint if it were clear enough. He ceded the point with a bowed head before perking up again as the man opposite him coughed pointedly. 

"Yes Harry, I promised to make introductions and I have been a bit remiss in my duty by taking so long to getting down to it. Please do accept my apologies, Gentlemen" He said to the men arrayed around the table, and they nodded. "And lady" he said, tilting his head to the asian woman in shining white robes. She nodded her head at him in recognition and he smiled easily. It was easy to see how Fudge had made it as far as he had. The man just had an infectious joy about him. I could already tell he would be a hoot at parties. 

"This is Harry Potter, who I am sure we all know one and all, Gentlemen and Lady. He is accompanied by the ever-enchanting Fleur Delacour who I am told weilded a sleeping charm against a hellhound so powerful that it would have worked even against a dragon. Now, Mr. Potter, Miss Delacour, I will introduce you to my contemporaries from across the continent and even beyond" He said, getting a nod from me before he began. So these were other Heads of State? Well, the books definitely hadn't said anything about this being a gathering of the who's who of the Wizarding world. To be fair, Harry was much too busy sulking over Hermione's choice of date and worrying about embarrassing himself to notice, so maybe it had been. 

"From left to right, the man with the lovely beard and impressive baritone is none other than Vladimir Reindhart, who has the honour of serving as Switzerland's Commissioner of Truth" 

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Mr. Potter. And your date as well" The man said, adding the last bit almost as an afterthought, making me assess him in a particular light. Fudge was right though, that was one hell of a baritone. His voice was so deep, I was almost certain I'd felt it in my bones. Beyond the black braided beard, he was by far the most ordinary-looking of the eclectic group of Heads of State. He was, like Fudge, dressed in a pair of black robes, but his were clearly of the more expensive variety. Not acromantula silk, but something that looked close to the quality, from what I could tell. 

"The pleasure is all mine Minister", I said, accepting the greeting with a nod of my head before posing my question. "Commissioner of truth?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. It was probably some sort of title that effectively meant he was their Head of State, but the choice still seemed strange to me. 

"Is there any truth greater than magic? Anything truer than the power that flows through our veins?" He asked in return, and I conceded the point with a nod. It still seemed pretentious, but he did indeed have a point. 

"Next up, we have Germany's Emile Sukovsky. He mentioned having some questions about runic magic or something like that earlier, so I'll let him ask it because most of it went completely over my head" Fudge said, gesturing to another man. This one looked about as different from the man next to him as possible. For one, his hair was blonde — high at the top and cropped short at the sides with no facial hair to speak of at all, revealing a handsome face that made him look like he was in his late twenties. Of course, this was the Wizarding World and so looks were no fair indicator of age. 

"He is Germany's Prime Minister of Magical Affairs" Fudge said, completing the introduction. I nodded at the man, as his eyes met mine. They were a bright, brilliant blue. 

"Mr. Potter. I did want to speak with you about the spell you used in the tournament. As you might well know, Germany has a historic connection with the runic arts so to find that you had managed to do actual magic by marrying the elder furthrak line of runes with an African language of all things, let's say we were all extremely curious. Several scholars in Germany have contributed towards a long list of questions that I am supposed to extract answers to- or else they'd bar my return" He said with a laugh. I laughed along, even if I couldn't tell what was so funny.

"I'd be happy to discuss magic of any sort with a fellow practitioner" I told him. "It would be my pleasure" 

"Yes, thank you, Mr. Potter. I do hope we can get some time to ourselves once the dinner ends. Miss Delacour, a pleasure to meet you as well." He offered Fleur a smile, but I did sorely hope that the wink he tossed my way when he said the phrase, 'time to ourselves' did not mean what it seemed to mean because I most assuredly did not swing that way. One-third of me was asexual, and two-thirds of me liked only women. 

"Moving on, we have the severe Ian Karpov of Russia, President of the Grand Russian Republic" Fudge said, eye flicking over to mine as he said the title. Surely, he thought it was as pretentious as I did. The man who held the title, in contrast, did not seem nearly so pretentious. His face was fixed in a scowl. He had the sort of face that was used to scowling. He might have even been born with a scowl on his face. He had black robes as well, but with a fur overcoat that had to be unnecessary with the existence of warming charms. His hair was black and cut short in a buzz cut that reminded me of Krum's. A lot of things about him reminded me of Krum, now that I thought about it. The broad nose, the flinty black eyes, the air of self-obsessed superiority, so many things. 

"Mr. Potter. A pleasure to make your, how do you say, acquaintance? Anyone that can put my nephew in his place is a friend of mine" The man said in heavily accented English. 

"Your nephew? Krum?" I replied in perfect Russian, making surprise flash across his face. Surprise that Fudge shared, I could tell from the sides of my eyes. Fleur squeezed my hand and I squeezed hers back.

"Exactly. He is my sister's son. His father is not the brightest tool in the shed" the man said, not even hesitating to insult his in-law in such a public forum. I guess this was a private enough conversation, only Dumbledore, Krum, and the Asian woman were following the words that we traded. Krum's grinding teeth were audible even from here as I smirked. 

"Then the apple must not have fallen far from the tree" The man froze, and I worried for a second if I had overstepped before he collapsed in laughter, almost doubling over. 

"Yes, yes. Just like his father, that one. He thinks Quidditch is the beginning and end of everything" The Russian minister replied, and I smiled in response even as I remembered that the Russian Quidditch team hadn't even made it to the World Cup. They were worse even than Bulgaria, who had Krum as their only standout star. 

"Will you be staying for the duels tomorrow? You wouldn't want to miss the chance to watch me mop the floor with his face would you?" I asked with a smirk. 

"I will. I'll be eagerly awaiting it" he said with another laugh. I quite liked this Karpov fellow, I thought to myself. 

"The next on the table is Fabio Caruana of Italy, who serves as the Secretary of Magical Affairs." Fudge gestured to the old man that seemed to be watching everything with a look of perpetual amusement on his face. And when I said old, I meant old. He looked older even that Dumbledore. I was surprised that his bones did not squeak as he moved to give me a half-bow. I instantly returned the gesture. That seemed to be all he was interested in doing as he returned to watching the rest of the hall. Fudge smiled and then moved on to the Asian woman. 

"Last but not least, we have Princess Nemo Kawaguchi, representing her Father, the Grand Emperor of Magical Japan" He said, 

"Magical Asia" the woman instantly corrected. Magical Asia? I thought with some internal confusion. Tom Riddle hadn't cared about foreign nations much, and none of my research had involved Asia. I knew that Magical India was one of the world's oldest magical communities, but not much beyond that. 

"Not in Britain" Fudge said, lips thin. There was tension there, I could tell. 

"A pleasure to meet you, Princess." Fleur said, cutting in and drawing the woman's attention to her. This was the first person she was bothering to speak to so far, and that was a sign.

"The feeling is heartily returned, Miss Delacour. It is good to meet you in person, Mr. Potter. My father is very curious about the legend of the boy who lived" The woman said, and looking at Fudge showed he wasn't pleased at all. 

"Most people are" I said in reply, making sure to sound non-confrontational. 

"Indeed. It's a shame that we can't open you up to get our answers" She replied, ending the conversation on that note. 

A/N: And that's the chappy. Things happen or not- but things get set up so yeah. Don't forget to redeem the discount- 20% is massive!

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