1. Are you certain of that?

(Earth, Mystical city of K'un Lun)

"Say what now?"

That was the only thing that a certain web swinging hero could think of saying right. And considering the what the man in front of him just told him, nobody can really blame him for it.

"Train her." Master Yu Ti, dressed in an all covering Green robe, repeated to him in the blank tone he always has, "Teach her everything you know."

In the beautiful and mystical city of K'un Lun, that is currently being used as a main station for the Avengers to take their injured and coordinate their plans, one certain hero is presently being given a task. One that might determine the fate of the world.

'Yeah no pressure there,' said hero thought to himself. The Amazing Spider-Man himself, dressed in his typical red and blue spandex suit with web design on the red parts. Big white lenses where his eyes are.

The crises that the Avengers and alike are facing are the five Phoenix force empowered Extinction team members. Whose phoenix enhanced members are Piotr Rasputin, aka Colossus, his little sister Illyana Rasputin, aka Magik, Namor McKenzie, aka Imperius Rex as he likes to shout, the White Queen herself Emma Frost, and their leader Scott Summers, aka Cyclops.

The five cosmic enhanced mutants are warping the world and attempting to fix all the problems in it. The thing that worries the Avengers is that history is repeating itself and all that power is corrupting the X-men. Just like it did with their deceased member, the former avatar of the power, Jean Grey.

Eventually a new hope for the nearly extinct race had arisen and now the majority of the few remaining mutants believe that Hope Summers, the young girl standing to the side with an annoyed look on her face, is the messiah that will conquer the power of the Phoenix force and use it to restore the mutant race.

And now apparently Spider-Man is tasked with helping her in her training.

Trying to wrap his head around the request, 'It's more like an order if I'm being honest', the master of the Iron Fist has asked of him. 'Again not really asking.'

Blinking at this, somehow making his mask eyes do that, Spider-Man asks, "But-but aren't you the Kung-Fu master of all Kung-Fu masters? The man that puts Bruce lee to shame? The guy that can whoop my tuckus and barely break a sweat?"

"Quite," he responded.

"So then why-"

"It is your turn now." He interrupted.

"Okay sure, but uh wasn't she already trained by Cyclops and Wolverine and uh umm-?"

"Cable." Hope answered with a scowl.

"Thank you." Spider-Man said to her, ignoring her scowl. "And Cable."

"Indeed." The master nodded, "And now it is your turn." With that, Yu Ti walks away leaving the still bewildered Hero and his now apparent student.

"Why couldn't we have done this back in New York?" He asked the green garbed master.

"Young Hope is protected here." He answered without stopping or looking back.

"Sure okay, but you see, as shocking as this might sound, and believe me I nearly had a heart attack when I heard, Wolverine is actually a teacher so shouldn't he-"

"I wonder if you are to teach her self loathing as well." Yu Ti interrupted.

"Well it is one of my well known superpowers." he quipped while rubbing his chin. He then thrusts his finger in the air and shouts happily, "And I have a doctorate in it!"

Hope, not amused by his attempt at humor, glares at Spider-Man. She then turns to Danny rand, the Iron Fist, and angrily says while gesturing to him, "Seriously, this guy!?"

The arachnid themed hero looks to her and gives her a kicked puppy look with his mask somehow. Okay sure he may not be an ideal teacher, but that doesn't mean he can't impart some wisdom to her.

Iron fist looks uncomfortably back and forth between the two and clears his throat, "We'll be at the portal. You two should probably get started."

"What are you people on!?"

"And can you give her some?"

Hope whips her head and scowls at her newly appointed teacher, making him flinch in response. 'Nice one Parker, tick off the girl that is supposed to inherit the power to crispy fry your spandex covered butt.' He thought to himself as he turns his head to avoid looking to her angry face.

Danny awkwardly nods and says, "Good luck." He then walks away to catch up with his master.

"Thanks." Spider responded.

"I was talking to Hope."

"Oh." He said downtrodden.

The Queens born hero looks to his now appointed student, who still looks very peeved at having him as a teacher, and tries to think with something to say to her. Unfortunately all his head can do with one very stupid line.

"So," he starts then pauses, "how was your day?"

All that did was get her to narrow her eyes at him.


(With Iron Fist and Yu Ti)

Catching up with his teacher at the top of the stairs that lead out of the temple, and to the city surrounding it, Danny calls out to him. "Master," he says, "may I have a moment with you?"

Yu Ti stops just at the third and fourth step and turns to his student and nods, "You may."

After a few moments of hesitation, the young warrior asks, "Master I do not mean to question you or your decisions, but are you sure-"

"That Spider-Man can be trusted with the task of training young Hope?" Yu Ti interrupted. His old student nods his head at this, and the K'un Lun master continues, "While your worries are not unwarranted Daniel, they are also unneeded."

They then hear Hope shout, "WELL YOU BETTER COME UP WITH SOMETHING!"

They both look into the temple, where they see the young mutant yelling at the hero, all about how she has a lot on her shoulders, and he needs to do something to help her prepare. All the while Spider-Man looks terrified of the young redhead.

Iron Fist turns back to his old master, "Master, I really do not mean to doubt you, but are you absolutely certain? I mean you said a Spider was shown, perhaps it meant Black Widow or even Madam Web? I don't mean to belittle Spider-Man, he is a great hero and comrade, it's just that I don't believe he's the one right for the job."

Master Yu Ti looks to him and nods, understanding his concerns, then gestures back to the temple, "Are you certain of that?"

They both look and see that Spider-Man is now talking and whatever it is he's saying, Hope is listening very intently to every word, as if every word that comes out is exactly what she needed to hear.

Yu Ti continues, "As I said Daniel, while your worries are not unwarranted, they are also unneeded. There is more to the Spider then you, I, or anyone else can see." With that the aged master continues his trek down the steps to the portal.

Meanwhile, Danny continues to watch Spider-Man as he finishes what he's saying to Hope and walks away. Hope stands still for a second or two looking at the New York Vigilante with admiration and then speeds after him asking more questions.

Perhaps Rands worries are unneeded. Hopes' previous teachers train her physically, conditioned her body and sharpened her skills. Perhaps what she needs now is someone to teach her how to use her powers responsibly. And who better than the man that lives by such a philosophy.