3. Sorry

(Realm of Death)

A realm of skulls and bones, in a blackened part of reality, a single figure sits on a throne of skulls placed in the bone jaw of a creature with fangs. This figure is female, though her face is covered in shadow, her form is shown through her black cloak, and she is approximately five seven in height.

"You needn't come to my realm Watcher," she spoke, her melancholy voice echoes in the realm, "I am aware that the time has come."

At the bottom of the staircase, which lead up to the throne, stand Uatu gazing upon the woman that sits on the throne. Though he is aware that she is no woman.

The Watcher bows his head in respect and says, "Forgive me Mistress Death, I was tasked by the Living Tribunal to retrieve, not only you, but many others."

The embodiment of Death is aware that Uatu respects her and he would not disturb her unless it he was told to. She can't exactly kill him for following the orders of the Tribunal. And he, unlike many other beings, does not fear her because of what she is. Still, she can't help but be annoyed by the fact that she is being summoned for a matter that hardly needs her attention.

With an annoyed sigh escaping her, she stands and walks down the stairs to Uatu and speaks, "I find this whole affair to pointless. We should just do away with them and move on."

"I'm afraid it's not so simple madam," her assigned escort tells her, not looking at her since he's still bowing to her, "The humans have proven to be capable of great many things throughout history. We must make an informed decision whether that continues to be or not."

Death scoffs at him, "'Great many things', Watcher?" she repeated sarcastically, she then raises her voice slightly "Disturbing the natural order of reality," her voice gets louder , "breaking and ignoring its laws to meet their own ends," at this point she shouts and her realm quakes at her fury, "AND MOST IMPORTANTLY," when she reaches the bottom of the stairs and looks down at the still bowing Uatu and angrily says, "They believe themselves to be above all others, that every being such as myself should fall under their rule, because they want to control all that is."

She can't even begin to count the number of times someone on the earth was brought back to life or entire cities were restored with all life that was lost. All because humanity can do so.

Finally raising his head and seeing Death's beautiful pale face when some light shines on her, Uatu calmly speaks and says, "While most of what you say is true, there are some who accepted the life given to them and all that comes with it."

"A few worthy ones is hardly a reason to spare the rest of their well deserved fate."

Uatu gains a ghost of a smile, "Those few will fight to the bitter end to protect the rest, even from ones such as ourselves and even if they are their worst enemies." He rather admires that aspect of some the earth's heroes have.

"Then they are fools and deserve to perish with them," she retorted sharply. She then takes a breath to calm herself, "Frankly, it's another example of how these particular species refuse to accept that not everything will fall under there rule of law. Our laws are the ones that are absolute for a reason."

"Well that's not exactly fair," a cheery elderly voice spoke from behind her making Death and Uatu look towards the source, shocking them to their very core, "Afterall it's not like either one of you haven't broken a rule or two and I believe someone there can change things."

Both so shocked at who is standing in front of them they can only utter one word, "You/You."


(K'un Lun)

"How is this supposed to help me with the Phoenix?"

Is the question one Hope Summers asks her teacher, who isn't even struggling with the current exercise he is making her do. Which is balancing themselves on top of a spire with two buckets of water on the ends of a long pole on their shoulders. After two hours the young mutant messiah is having a hard time with the task, meanwhile her teacher is in a meditative stance on the spire with the pole on his head and she thinks he has his eyes closed, but she can't tell with mask on.

Spider-Man lifts one up finger, "If one can balance themselves externally, then one can balance themselves internally," he sagely says to her, even though he knows that's a load of crap, 'I just hope she doesn't realize it.'

"That is such a load of crap."

'Darn it, she's smarter than I was at her age. I used to buy into all that kung fu stuff.'

"You got no idea what you're doing, do you?"

"Question me, padawan, do not. Your teacher, for I am, and my student, you are," Spidey said in a terrible Yoda impression.

Hope looks to her teacher with an annoyed expression, but after a few seconds her expression changes to one of concern.

Spidey notices her lack of response to, what he thinks, was an awesome impression of Yoda, and cracks one eye open and looks at her. He sees the worry on her and asks, "Hey, why so glum chum?"

The young redhead stays silent and then looks at him,"...We're gonna win right?" she asks him worryingly, she turns gaze back down and continues, "I mean, you've been through this kind of stuff a million times and you always come out on top. The good guys always win and the bad guys always lose."

Her spandex wearing teacher slightly nods at her and says, "Yeah, sometimes."

Hope lifts her head up and asks, "What do you mean?"


He gets interrupted by the sight of the a bright yellow spiral opening up in the middle of the street. The portal that the avengers have been using to come and go from K'un Lun to anywhere and everywhere else in the world.

Spidey holds up one finger at his student, "Hold that thought," he says to her. He then jumps down to the portal.

When he lands in front of it he mentally prepares himself for the worst. Every time he sees that portal open, his heart just sinks. His friends and teammates all go through and hardly any return. Those that do come back look like they had buildings dropped on them.

'And I sure as heck know what that looks and feels like,' he thought to himself, recalling the times he's had buildings fall on him.

Spidey thoughts are interrupted when he sees his good buddy Wolverine, or Logan as he likes to be called, and Jennifer Walters, also known as She-Hulk, carrying a severely beaten Thaddeus Ross in his Red Hulk form. 'That is nooot a good sign,' he thought to himself. Right behind them is Danny Rand, aka Iron Fist and Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, both looking well enough sides the few scrapes and bruises, but their faces say something is wrong, 'And that is definitely worse one.'

Spider-Man walks up to Steve as the captain exits out of the portal and asks, "Cap, what happened?"

The good Captain looks at Spider-Man grimly and replies, "We lost Thor."

Spider-Man's lenses widen in shock at that, he then looks down, "I knew we should have kept a spare in case we lost him," he jokes, then crosses arms and nods, "It's like my aunt always says, 'Your bound to lose your Thor eventually, so remember to keep a spare nearby just in case you do.'"

Ignoring the Spiders humor attempt, the war hero explains the situation, "Our worst fears are coming true, the Phoenix is slowly corrupting them. Ever since Wakanda we're not even making a dent anymore. That power boost of theirs made things worse. They are actually coming close to killing us now with each fight we have with them."

"And just think, even when we beat one of them, the rest will just get stronger because of it," the Queens born hero morbidly says.

The Captain stares at him with a hint of annoyance.
