4. Do you want to defeat evil forces?

The Captain stares at him with a hint of annoyance.


The veteran Avenger sighs and rubs his eyes, "It's fine, you're not wrong Spider-Man."

It's the painful truth they discovered back in Wakanda. When Namor and his atlantean forces had attacked the hidden golden african city, he showed no mercy. Buildings were reduced to rubble and the residents in the area were killed without hesitation. When the Avengers confronted the King of Atlantis, he didn't hold back and the heroes were beaten to a pulp. Heck red hulk had his arm broken. When they finally did manage to take down Namor, with the help of the Scarlet Witch, all the power of the Phoenix that was in him transferred into Cyclops, Emma, Colossus, and Magik.

Even when they win a fight against one of them, the rest will get stronger as a result of it.

Spidey kind of blames himself, just for the fact that it's that kind of thing that happens to him almost everyday. Parker luck at his finest.

Cap looks at Spider-man and asks, "Where the hell is Tony? Does he have anything yet?"

Spidey shrugs and says, "Don't know, last I heard he was still in a dark room with a whole mess of books and computers around and mumbling a bunch of nonsense to himself."

"Well I guess that's a little reassuring," Captain America says to him. He then walks past the younger hero and heads to the infirmary to see how the rest of his people are doing. Hopefully some are able to go on another mission.

As the New York vigilante watches his idol walk away, Hope touches down behind Spider, looks as the other heroes carry Red Hulk away and asks, "The hell happened to them?"

"Language young lady."

"I'm serious! Wheres the rock man, the big guy with the hammer, the paranoid lady who looks at me like I'm an enemy?"

"Thing, Thor and Black Widow. " He says giving her the names of the people she's describing, "They were captured. And don't take it personally, Widow looks at everybody the same way."

Hope clenches her fist and stares at the ground, "...I need to be out there,"she said angrily, "I need to fight with them."

Not turning around, her teacher shakes his head and says, "You're not ready yet, Hope."

The young mutant lets out an exasperated breath and scowls at her teacher, "I am ready," she frustratingly said to him, "I've been training for this my whole life. I've been trained by the best, by the most feared, by the very people who survived this thing before. I can handle it."

Spider-Man stays silent for a few moments, thinking on what to say to her to get her to understand, "...There's no doubt in my mind that you can handle yourself Hope, but what happened on the moon says something."

Hope hangs her head in shame, recalling how afraid she was of the Phoenix, and responds, "I don't know what happened up there, but that doesn't matter right now okay. What does matter-"

"You're wrong, it does matter," he interrupts her and turns to face her, "The thing I learned in this life is in moments like what happened on the moon can have serious consequences if you don't make the right choices. And frankly I think you made the right one when you rejected the Phoenix."

The mutant messiah gains a confused expression at that and asks, "Why?"

The Web-Head shrugs, "Call it a gut feeling, but maybe that wasn't your moment," he says to her. Seeing she still has a perplexed look on her he continues, "On this team, or any team really, you will have your moment. Doesn't matter if your teammates are gods, hulks, billionaires in fancy flying metal suits, super soldiers who are the literal personifications of patriotism, or a guy with a bow and a ton of trick arrows, we each have a moment where we make a difference. Where the fight we're losing, turns to our favor. All because of one moment, your moment. You just gotta make sure you're ready when it comes."

Hope looks at him with worry and asks, "How will I know if it's my moment or if I'm even ready?"

Spider-Man smiles at her and answers, "You'll either just know or someone will tell you," he then shrugs, "Either way you still need to keep training. Now, getbackontheroof." He finished the last statement quickly while jabbing his finger up.

Hope loses her worry and becomes irritated, "But what if-" (Two-fingered hit)THWACK "-OW!"

"Do you want to defeat evil forces? Yeeeesss. Then DO NOT QUESTION UNNCLLLLE!" Spider-Man yells, doing an impression of Uncle from Jackie Chan Adventures. He then jumps and fires a web to swing away.

Hope meanwhile is rubbing the spot where she was hit, while looking at her teacher swing the same direction as Captain America headed with disturbed look on her face, "...THAT WAS REALLY OFFENSIVE YOU KNOW!"she shouted to him. She then walks to the building she was previously balancing on, still rubbing her head, and mumbles out, "Jerk."