5. Can we trust her?


"I hate hospitals."

"Then it's a good thing this is just an infirmary, eh big guy."

"Don't start with me, Badger. I ain't in the mood."

This was the scene that one Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy, better known as Beast, is witnessing. A rather amusing banter between his long time friend Wolverine and his teammate Red Hulk, while he was typing in the readings of Red Hulks condition into his tablet.

Having just returned from a rather brutal mission that seemed to have resulted with the capture of several heavy hitters on the team, Logan, with the help of She-Hulk, carried the literal hot head Hulk into the Infirmary and onto an available bed. She-Hulk left almost immediately to get herself checked out since she was pretty banged up to.

Logan decided to stick around, since with his healing factor he can avoid the need to be checked out by a doctor. Something Beast assumes the bedridden Hulk wish he had right now. As would most of the Avengers currently bedridden.

Wolverine shrugs and says, "I ain't in a much better one," he points to the can of beer in his hand, "but this right here certainly helps. 'Specially after a botched mission." He chugs it down and lets out a content sigh. He then reaches down from a cooler next to him, pulls out another can, and offers it to his injured teammate, "Want one?"

Beasts looks up from his tablet and clears his throat to get his fellow X-men's attention, "I would prefer that you do not offer any alcohol to him or any of my patients, Logan." Telling him to stop altogether would be pointless, since he drinks within a school filled with young children.

The old mutant scoffs at him and says, "You should be thankful that all I'm doing is offering is beer and not smoking a cigar in here."

Hank nods at that, he is actually very thankful for that, as is a certain blind vigilante not too far from them, whose senses are heightened and would certainly be bothered by the cigar smell.

Red Hulk grunts, getting Beasts attention, "Goddamn rusky," Rulk said rubbing his head, "Shoulda caved in his chrome dome when I had the chance."

Beasts gets a somber look on his face, his thoughts drift to his fellow X-men and their actions as of late.

"It's not Piotrs fault," he said not looking at the injured Hulk, "the Phoenix is corrupting him, just like the rest and those before."

Growling at Hanks defending them, Red Hulk glares at him and says, "Listen here furry, I don't give a damn if the Devil himself is whispering in their ears, we still gotta take them down."

The X-man doctor sighs, "I understand that you are angry, but-"

"I'm always angry, comes with the whole Hulk package," he interrupted him, "But me being angry is got nothing to do with it. You see what they're doing out there, screwing with natural order and what not."

Beast gets a little miffed and says, "Exactly what is considered natural now? Hmm? Because frankly, everything we are and everything we do is either considered supernatural and/or unnatural."

"We don't force people to follow our rules, we just stop them from doing really bad s#%t!"

"Enough," the gruff voice of Wolverine interrupts any more argument, and give an annoyed to the ceiling "Christ, this crap reminds of the whole registration disaster," he puts his head upright again and looks and at his blue furry friend, " Look Hank, I know where you're coming from alright. Despite everyone calling me a traitor to my kind, I get what they're trying to do, saving mutant kind and what not. But they're in the wrong of going about it and you know it."

Beast certainly can't argue with that. Not just with their actions in Wakanda, but all over the world, Scott and his followers are doing more harm than good. He knows, the Avengers know, everyone knows, except most of the most X-Men.

Beast lets out a sigh and says to Rulk, "I'll be back with more morphine for you," with that he walks away with his head down, thinking on what his fellow X-Man will do with those they have captured, 'I hope nothing too far irredeemable.'


(At the entrance of the infirmary)

Standing at the entrance of the infirmary in all his star spangled glory, Captain America, without his mask on, looks at his injured teammates with remorse. They are willing to follow him into battle but he only brings them back just so they wind up in here, and he considers these the lucky ones. God help those that are Captured and detained by the X-men, 'If God is even paying any attention.'

"We can't keep doing this, Captain," he was brought out of this thoughts by Iron Fists voice next to him, who was also observing the injured.

Rogers rubs his eyes and responds, "I know Danny believe me I do. Every time we push them an inch back, they throw us a mile in the other direction."

Iron Fist nods at his trope, "We need to change how we go at this because frankly it doesn't feel like we're making any progress."

Steve takes a deep breath, "Tony thinks he might be on the verge of a break through, but he hasn't slept in days, so his minds not be completely sound. And despite all the training she's been put through Hope is still not ready yet," he scoffs, "Then again, what the hell is ready when your supposed to take in a cosmic power of unimaginable capabilities. Not to mention when she does-"

"We need more time is what you are trying to say." Danny interrupts him. His leader nods and Danny sighs, "Captain, it's a miracle we have the time we have now to recover, if we want more then we need to save our people."

"Then it is fortunate that I have come with a plan."

An african accented voice spoke from behind them. They both turn around and see none other than King T'Challa, the Black Panther, standing in the hallway with his black panther suit on.

Steve walks toward him and greets him by shaking his hand, "T'Challa it's good to see you. How is wakanda and your people?"

"It's good to see you to Captain," he greeted him back happily, "And my people and kingdom are recovering well, thank you for asking."

The leader of the Avengers lowers his head in shame, "I wish we could do more for you, but with everything happening, we-"

Panther raises his hand to stops him and says, "You do not need to explain yourself to me Captain, I understand there are more important priorities." As a king, he knows when it is time to help recover and when it is time to plan attack.

Captain America nods in thanks, then asks, "You said you came with a plan?"

The golden african king nods confirming his friends question "Yes I did," he takes a breath and sighs before he becomes more serious, "Ororo came to me, claiming she wants to help."

Steve looks at him seriously and asks, "Can we trust her?"

"She has never given me a reason to doubt her."

The WWII veteran nods, "Alright, good enough for me," he then looks at the Kung Fu warrior next to him and begins giving him orders, "I need you to gather anyone capable of infiltration and rescue, we are getting our people back."




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