6. We're in trouble.

(Russia, the Verkhoyansk Mountains)

One of the coldest locations on the earth, or at least it's supposed to be. A very active volcano can be seen surrounded by mountains littered with snow. The volcano was placed there by the Rasputin siblings, Colossus and Magik, as a means of imprisonment for their captives.

Currently said siblings are at a riverbed between the mountains, where dead whales with crab legs are scattered about in front of them.

"I don't believe the whales enjoy the legs I have given them," Colossus said with his russian accent as he looks at them with a blank expression, while his sister looks at them curiously, "I forgot that while they are mammals, they still need to be in the water."

The younger Rasputin tilts her head and asks, "Why not give them the ability to breath on land as well?"

"As I said, I forgot they do not do well on land."

Magik stays silent for a few more moments, "...Rather careless of you brother."

The steel skinned mutant nods and responds dismissively, "Da, but I'll shall make more whales to replace the ones that died."

Magik then whips her head to the direction of the volcano and tenses for a moment, "It would seem that the whales will have to wait brother. They have come to rescue their friends as I said they would."

Colossus doesn't immediately react, instead he casually responds, "Alright first we will deal with our intruders, then you can help me make more whales," he then walks with his sister as she prepares to teleport them.

"With or without legs? I kinda like the idea of them having legs."

"I still haven't decided."

And then they were gone in a circle of fire.


(Inside the Volcano)

Large cocoons can be seen hanging from the ceiling with worms as large as a human's arm crawling on them. Members of the Avengers trapped inside of them, unconscious and placed in a near death state. Whilst their conscious teammates are in the process of cutting them down as fast and quietly as possible.

'Should I sue for copyright? I feel like I should sue for copyright?'

At least they are vocally silent, mentally is unfortunately another story.

'Spider-Man, can you please focus on the task at hand.' An authoritative voice thought.

Captain America, Iron Fist, Wolverine, Doctor Strange, She-Hulk, and of course, the never silent, Spider-Man were all at the moment cutting down and freeing their unconscious teammates from their silk thread prisons.

Spider-Man, at the moment tearing open a cocoon and finding Natasha Romanov, aka the Black Widow, mentally says to them, 'I am, I'm just saying, webbing people up and hanging them upside down is my shtick. I don't get why they stole it from me.' He then grabs the unconscious russian redhead and lowers her down to the ground.

Charles Xavier, eyes closed and standing still, focusing his efforts to conceal them from the Rasputin siblings, answers with, 'Well it is a rather effective way of containment.'

'Plus it's damn creepy and a hell of a way to get a point across.' Wolverine thought as he cuts out Benjamin Grimm, otherwise known as The Thing, from his cocoon with his adamantium claws.

As he jumps to another cocoon holding, who he can guess with the silver hair showing, Pietro Maximoff, best known as Quicksilver, Spidey pauses '...Is that why I get so much hate from everyone, because I put criminals in cocoons and hang them upside down for hours.'

'I think it's more to the fact that you never shut the hell up,' Black Widows voice echoes in their heads as regains consciousness. She then sits up and rubs her temples, 'I'm finally free of that hell only to wind up in one where I hear your voice in my head.'

'Hey I'm not talking right now. Not to mention I am suppressing a butt load other thoughts. And not very nice thoughts about the two motherland kids. Why is Russia called the motherland anyway, why not-uh oh.'

They all stop and stare at him confusingly, 'What?'

He felt a familiar tingle in his skull that often tells him, 'We're in trouble.'

A circle of fire erupts at the entrance and from it comes the two X-Men the Avengers were hoping to avoid. One bulky with shiny steel skin and the other shorter with a spiked armor armband and a fire longsword.

Colossus crosses his arms and speaks, "I suggest you surrender now and spare yourself of the pain that will follow should you resist."

His sister Magik raises her sword in preparation, "Or don't, because then I will have an excuse to use this." Her sword glows a bit brighter when she finishes that statement.

The heroes then slip into battle stances, while Xavier helps up those they freed to get them away from the coming battle.

Meanwhile his telepathic connection is still active, so they all hear when Spider-Man thinks, 'You know it's these kinds of moments that make me question whether or not I made the right career choices.'




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