20. Easy there love

As Cyclops raises his hand and fire swirls in the palm as he gives Xavier a questioning look, "What are you-?" He looks to his hand as he sees he can no longer move it. As if it's stuck in the middle of the air, "What is this?!"

The good professor stops making Scott think there is nothing behind him and gains a small smile when he does. Because behind Cyclops are both the Avengers and X-men charging the beach and fighting against Emma Frost. And right behind Scott is Dr. Steven Strange casting a spell to bind Cyclops hands in the air.

A drop of sweat slips on Xaviers forehead as he concentrates on suppressing the Phoenix force inside his former student, "The only reason you were winning was because the Avengers and X-men were divided," he gives a hard glare to Scott as he thinks back to when the X-men and Avengers met, "You gave them a reason to stand together."


(Flashback, Day before, Wisconsin Dane County)

In an open field stands a female brunette with a white streak in her hair in a skintight green outfit. With the sunrise to her left, she raises her hand to block it as she scans the area around her looking for something.

"Hello," she calls out hoping for a response. Not getting one she continues, "Y'all know me as Rogue of the X-men. Ah, come here looking for asylum."

All she hears is the soft rusting of the leaves and grass from the billowing wind. She takes a shaky breath as she wonders if this was a mistake. The professor wouldn't lie to her, but she wonders after everything that's happened if the Avengers are willing to hear them out.

She doubts it, but she still has to try.

"It was a mistake," she raises her hands in a placating manner, hoping they see she means no harm, "A huge mistake ta follow Cyclops and the others. It's just," she struggles with this next part, "He never led us wrong before. He always puts our people first and he tried ta do what the professor taught him ta do."

She closes her eyes in shame for this next part.

"We just wanted ta get back what we lost, so we made desperate choices. We relied on a power that we couldn't hope ta control. And put our faith on a little girl who we didn't give much of a choice," she is, of course, referring to Hope Summers, "And when Scott and them got the power instead, we thought maybe five is better than one. But y'all were right. After all that's been done, we realized y'all were terribly right," she opens her eyes that shimmer with plead, "Please, we gotta right this wrong."

A few more moments of silence before a bright flash of light makes Rogue raise her hand to block it as she clenches her eyes shut.

"It's good to see that what I've taught you, has not been forgotten."

A familiar and very welcomed voice makes her open her eyes. When she does a very relieved and joyful smile graces her face when she sees the man she considers a father to her like so many others standing at the entrance of a quinjet.

"Professor Xavier!" She shouts in joy, "You're here!"

He gives her a smile, "I told you that I would be," as he steps off the platform several other Avengers, such as Captain America and Iron Man, follow behind him, "Tell the others to come forward."

She turns and signals her fellow X-men to come forward and as they do so she hears Starks robotic voice say, "I'm not so sure about this Xavier."

She turns back to the Avengers to listen in on the conversation, "I understand your feelings Stark, but we cannot succeed without them."

"He's right Tony," she hears the good Captain say, "As reluctant as most of us are, we won't beat summers and those still with him without more help."

Rogue looks at them in concern. She wonders if they are still angry about some of them being kept prisoners in less than appealing ways. She hopes that when all is said and done, that maybe they are willing to show leniency.

The rest of the X-men reach within talking distance and immediately notice the hard stares they are getting from the Avengers.

Havoc walks forward to Captain America and sticks his hand out, "Captain. I just want to say I'm sorry for everything that's happened and I hope when this is over we can consider each other allies again."

Cap seems hesitant, which worries Rogue and the X-men, but they breathe in relief when he reaches out to shake the young man's hand, "I'm going to be honest, while I hope that too, I'm afraid it might not be so simple."

That gets Rogue and all the X-men on edge. They're worried this might be a trap, but Xavier would never do that to them. And they doubt that they could, or would in Wolverine and Captain America cases, lie to the professor with him being a very powerful telepath.

She steps forward and looks at the Avengers, "Ah get what we did was wrong, but we're here to make up for it."

The blondie steps up and gives the southern girl a hard glare, "There are some things you can't make up for."

Spider-Woman places a hand on the Kree hybrids shoulder, "Easy there love."





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