21. They need to know

The southern girl steps up to give a hard look at the blonde heroine, "Look, whatever personal issues you and Ah got, it ain't the priority right now."

"It ain't about that, sugah."

Rogue was about to retort the mocking from Ms. Marvel, but stops herself and instead looks to the professor questioningly, "Then what's the problem?"

The professor lowers his head in shame and Captain America places a hand on his shoulder, "They need to know."

"Know what?"

Xavier looks to the WWII vet as the man gives him a nod. He closes his eyes and takes a breath, "During the rescue mission in the mountains, Colossus and Magik had cornered the Avengers. Spider-Man decided to fend them off on his own to give the others a chance to escape."

That puts Rogue on edge. If she's reading into his tone then something must of happened to the arachnid-themed hero.

She here's a scoff and shifts her attention to Bobby, who has an amused smile on his face, "Typical web-head, always doing something stupidly noble."

"Bobby." They hear Logan call out. They see the look on his face as he shakes his head, basically telling them to shut up and listen.

Charles, unperturbed, continues, "He successfully managed to stall them to let the others escape and even managed to defeat both Piotr and Illyana by himself by making them turn on each other."

Bobby shrugs dismissively, "So, what's the problem? Ole Sticky fingers feels guilty about making two siblings slap each other around? Sounds like something he would do."

Iron Man steps forward, "He's dead."

Rogues gasps in shock as her blood runs cold.

"What?" Bobby seems to be in the same boat judging from his tone, "You said he got them to turn on each other. How the hell did-"

"From what I was able to gather of their memories," the professor interrupts him, "Spider-Man got them to turn on each other, but only after Magik had stabbed him in the heart. We weren't able to treat him there because the mountain was collapsing in on itself."

"He was bleeding out as we were exiting," Captain America's somber voice carries through, "We weren't able to get him out in time."

Silence reigns through the open field as X-men absorb the information just given to them. Spider-Man, a member of the Avengers and close ally to the X-men is dead.

Iceman lowers his head and clenches his fist so hard they shake.


Charles looks to Bobby, as does Rogue and the rest of the X-men and Avengers.

He lifts his head up and gives the man a teary determined look.

"We need to take Scott down."



Rogues didn't know what to say. What could she say? She didn't know Spider-Man well enough to mourn him like the Avengers or some of her fellow X-men like Bobby.

The reason why she felt her blood turn cold at the time was that she knew the implications of his death at the hands of a fellow mutant would cause. She knew that with his death, the X-men and hell mutants in general we're going to have a hard time gaining everyone's trust back.

'But no better way ta start, than ta kick some ass together!' She thought to herself as she and some of her friends attacked Emma Frost while the rest focused on Scott and a few of his remaining allies.

She threw a powerful punch to Frost, strong enough for a shockwave to resonate, but the blonde turned to her diamond form and as a result, barely flinched. Rogue however felt like she hit a brick wall before she got super strength.

Frost backhanded her and sent the Mississippian girl skidding across the beach.

"Why are you all fighting us?" Emma calmly asks them as Rogue looks to her and sees the Phoenix powered telepath tank some explosive arrows fired by Hawkeye on her back without blinking, "We are doing this for all of you."

Thunder and lightning gather around overhead. And Rogue sees a familiar white-haired weather witch at its epicenter with an angry expression, evident by the electricity in her eyes, "It stopped being about us when Namor attacked my people and cost me everything!"

Storm raises her hand and whips it down.


A huge bolt of lightning hits the White Queen. Rogue and all those close by cover their eyes from the flash. Once it subsides, they see Frost standing calmly in a smoking crater.

'We need to hit her with something stronger,' the southern girl sent the thought to those around her with the telepathic link Psylocke and the Triplets made.

Fire begins to gather in the White Queen's hand, "Some sacrifices need to be made, Ororo," she lifts her hand, palm facing Storm, "And it would seem that I need to remind you that your priority is the mutant race and not your ex-husbands' soon to be extinguished kingdom."


Rogue sees a familiar green mass land behind Frost. Just as the telepath turns to look, the Hulk slams both fists down-


[A/N: I don't know the proper sound effect to put here.]

And creates a massive crater with Emma being at the center of it.






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