Psylocke walks up next to Rogue, a bit battered, and says, "Hopefully that was enough."

Rogue shakes her head, "I doubt it."

A huge gust of wind blows from the side and grabs their attention. They see Scott had intentionally crashed down next to Xavier, blowing him and several others off their feet.

He stands straight as more Phoenix fire circles him, "Do you all honestly believe you can defeat me as I am now?"

Suddenly a multitude of steel frames crash down on him and pile on. Rogue looks around and sees a familiar man garbed in a dark red outfit with a metallic helmet floating in the air with his hands out toward Cyclops.

"Magneto!" Captain America calls out to him and begins to signal him, "Ball it up and toss it to Thor!"

Magneto then balls his hands and the frames imitate it. He then throws his hands up, launching the metal ball to the Norse god as he swings Mjolnir down.


A massive bolt of lightning hits the ball and causes an explosion. Magneto shifts the falling metal shrapnel around to avoid hitting anyone.

Just as the dust begins to settle, a blaze of fire hits Magneto and engulfs him. Scott stands in the middle of the surrounding debris with a snarl on his lips, "I would have expected you of all people would understand what I'm trying to accomplish Magneto! But I guess you are just like Charles when it comes down to it! You would prefer to see me fail than to see me succeed in where you've constantly failed!"

Cyclops raises his hand and fire encircles Magneto. He then clenches it and the Master of Magnetism is engulfed in flames.


Rogue sees the Scarlet Witch rushing to her father, hex powers active. Hex energy both surrounds her father and hits Scott and they see him actually react in pain.

Rogue tightens her lips. She doesn't want to admit it but without Wanda, they would have a lot more difficulty defeating Scott and Emma. But if it wasn't for her stupid mental breakdown in the first place, then none of this would be happening!

Rogue's attention snaps back when she sees Thor gets blasted back with phoenix fire as Scott regains his bearings. He gets to his feet when an arrow hits him in the back of the neck. Hawkeye stands at a distance, his bow still up and readying another arrow.

"This is who you all stand with!?" Scott yells at his former X-Men as he tries to stand, the arrow in his neck probably isn't helping, "These people would rather murder us than to see us take our rightful place in the world! Where our people are no longer suffering! A PLACE WHERE WE CAN MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER!"

Rogue sees Iceman slide behind Cyclops on his self made ice ramp, she still thinks that looks dumb, and he ice blasts the Phoenix powered man from behind and circles around him not letting up, "You know you sound just like Magneto did with his brotherhood of mutants garbage!

Scott pushes the ice beam back with his Optic beam, "I CAN DO WHAT THEY NEVER COULD!"

The Optic beam breaks through the Ice blast and hit Bobby off the slide, but he manages to roll to his feet. As he fires again he shouts, "You mean like murdering our friends!"

Rogue can see how angry Iceman is at Scott. But in truth, she knows he blames himself just as much.


Flashback, K'un-Lun Temple

Bobby's gotta admit, this place is a lot nicer than the mansion and Utopia. He's been exploring the mystical kung-fu temple, trying to get his mind off of certain things. Things he doesn't need to deal with right now. As he was exploring he discovered something interesting.

A lot of the kung-fu movies he watched were pretty close to accurate.

He saw a bunch of monks scrubbing the floors, dusting the decorations, and vacuuming the carpets. He didn't expect to them have vacuums, but he wasn't going to voice that.

And when they weren't cleaning the place spotless, they were training to the point where he thinks Wolverine would have trouble recovering from. He saw these guys swing staffs at each other's stomach to build strong abs.

Others were rubbing, from what he discovered, glass sand on their faces to develop a thick skin. And he saw a few do handstand push-ups on poles while doing the splits and holding a bucket on each leg that was filled with metal sand and weighed fifty pounds each.

That last one had him crossing his legs a little.

He's brought out of his musing when he walks by the temple's exit and hears some familiar voices. He stops and sticks his head out to see his two ex-girlfriends, Rogue and Kitty, in a conversation. The southern girl leaning on a pillar and the valley girl sitting on the top steps.

"I'm worried what's going to happen if we beat Scott," That's Kitty's voice.

"You ain't the only one," and that's Rogue, the accent helps him tell, "Ah'm pretty sure all of us are."

He hears Kitty groan, "Dammit Piotr. He should've known better. I mean he has enough problems with Cyttorak, why the hell would he think the Phoenix would be any different?"

A rhetorical question if he's ever heard one,

"Maybe because he's got lead for brains."

-but one he feels inclined to give a lame quip to. Spidey would be proud.

They both jump a bit in fright at his sudden appearance. When they see it's just him, they both relax.

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