34. What the hell is that??

Carol's hands glow with photon energy, "Buddy, our friend's corpse was just mutilated and the bastard that did this is on the other side of the door!" She points her hands to the door, "So I don't care if this is a church to the almighty himself!"

"Carol! Stand down!" Rogers shouts as he arrives at the scene.

Iron Man lands in front of the door and looks at it.

Carol lowers her hands and says, "Steve, whoever did that to Spider-Man is on the other side of this door! We can't just let them get away with this!"

"Might not be so simple Danvers," Iron says, grabbing all of the hero's attention as he lands in front of them facing the door.

"Wat are ya talkin' about chrome dome," Thing asks in frustration, clearly itching to hit something.

Iron Man turns around to face his friends, "I'm saying there might be more going on," he looks directly at Yu Ti, "You said this is a sacred place? Which means only those with permission can enter. So any chance you can give some of us permission."

Almost all the Avengers give looks that suggest they are not happy with this idea.

Yu Ti quickly comes up with the names as he steps past the heroes and stops at the doors, "I shall allow Daniel and young Hope to enter."

The heroes that arrived itching for a fight look ready to protest but stop when Cap speaks, "All right we understand. But if we hear anything that doesn't sound good, we'll have no choice but to barrel through those doors."

While that placates his fellow Avengers slightly, Yu Ti didn't like it. But after mulling it over for a second he reluctantly nods in understanding.

"Very well," he says before he opens the doors and gestures inside, "Come Daniel, Hope, let us see what is waiting for us."

Iron Fist doesn't hesitate to enter while Hope does for a second before she sets her face in determination. Yu Ti closes the doors as soon as they walk through.

They descend down the steps and Hope recollects the first time she came in here not too long ago. Sitting in front of the pool with a cherry blossom tree hanging over it. Some petals fell in with a soft wind blowing. It was a nice place to be in.

'This place confirmed that I was meant to use the Phoenix Force to restore mutants' she thinks to herself as they climb down the steps, 'And now someone is using it to hide from the Avengers,' the thought makes her clench her fist, 'If it's an X-Men who was still with Scott when everyone else pretty much bailed then they are in a world of trouble.'

She would have continued her train of thought had it not been for her bumping into Iron Fist's back as she reached the bottom of the steps.

"Hey," she calls out to him and Yu Ti who is also standing still she steps around, "What are guys-"

Her eyes widen in shock at what she sees. A massive webbed cocoon hangs on the cherry blossom tree that is by the pool of water.

"What the hell is that?" Hope asks as the three of them take cautious steps forward.

Yu Ti inspects it closely with his hand hovering over it, "I haven't the foggiest idea."

Hope steps beside him and leans forward to get a better look, but is careful to not lean in so much to fall in the pool.

"Weird," she states as she goes to touch it, "Is this some kind of..."

It jerks violently and the three of them take a huge step back. They hear some squelching sounds from the cocoon and not a moment later it starts to swell. Blood and other liquid substances begin to leak out into the pool. The three of them are disturbed by this but become truly aghast when something bloody pops out and falls into the pool along with what looks like chunks of meat.

Hope vomits a little in her mouth, while Daniel and Yu Ti merely look on. Waiting to see what fell in the small body of water.