33.Please, that is a sacred area!

"You mean did I know who he was underneath his mask?" Nat clarifies.

Hope nods with a smile that made it seem like the question she asked has had similar responses.

Widow muses for a moment before answering, "No. Most of us didn't know him. Couldn't exactly blame him for it either."

How sighs with a downtrodden expression, "Because of what's happened."

"Recent events are just the tip of the iceberg," Widow says, "I may be an Avenger, but I'm also a spy, so trust is not something I give or receive easily," before she can elaborate more she announces, "We're here."

Hope looks out the window and sees the temple of K'un Lun. The plane lands with a hiss and moments later some of the Avengers disembark. At the forefront, Captain America with Iron Man, Wolverine, Thing, and Thor. They see Ms. Marvel standing by Yu Ti. Black Widow decides to stay in the Quinjet.

"Captain Rogers," Yu Ti greets him, "It is good to see you are all in one piece."

The WWII vet nods in greeting, "Appreciate that," he says before his face becomes solemn, "We're here for Spider-Man's body."

Yu Ti nods in understanding, "Of course. I already sent some students to retrieve his body," he then bows his head in respect, "Please offer my condolences to any loved ones he may have."

Rogers nods and says, "We will. Thank you."

Yu ti then looks to Hope and says, "I'm glad to see you've fulfilled your destiny."

Hope's melancholy expression doesn't leave as she says, "Too bad I didn't do a better job at it."

Yu Ti shakes his head and says, "Life is never so simple. There are always moments that are-"


Everyone present jumps at the shout and look to see one of the monks rushing towards the Kung-Fu Master.

Seeing his frantic students face Yu Ti quickly asks, "What is it?"

"You must come quick! Something strange has happened to the foreigner's body!"

"What?!" All present heroes shout in shock, anger, and disbelief. All the flyers, which consisted of Iron Man, Thor, and Ms. Marvel took off while the rest traveled on foot.

The ones on foot got there in time to see Ms. Marvel and Thor with horrified expressions on their faces.

Captain America walks up to them and asks, "What is it?"

Thor shakes his head as his face slowly becomes angry, "I swear, in the name of my father, I will show whatever foul creature is responsible for this wickedness no mercy."

Cap was going to ask his fellow Avenger to explain before he heard Hope say, "Oh God."

He turns to her and sees she and the other heroes he came with on foot, which consisted of Wolverine, Iron Fist, and The Thing, are standing at the entrance of the temple with various expressions. Iron Fist a mortified one, Logan with a shocked perplexed expression, The Thing shaking in barely contained anger with tears forming in his eyes, and young Hope shocked and dismayed with eyes wide and hands cupped over her mouth.

He goes to look inside himself and is shocked at what he sees.

The body of Spider-Man is a husk with his body opened from head to crotch. Iron Man standing by it with his back turned to them.

Meanwhile, Carol goes to one of the monks and roughly grabs him by the collar, picks him up, and angrily asks, "Who did this!?"


She ignores her fellow Avenger's shout and focuses on the monk she is holding who says, "W-we do not know! We came to retrieve his b-body as Master Yu Ti instructed us to and that is how we found him!"

She drops him, seeing how useless his information is, and looks to Logan, "Can you pick up a scent?"

Logan looks at her before he sniffs the air, "Might take me a minute," he says, "There's been a lot of visitors so I need time to find the one that stands out."

She growls in frustration before she paces back and forth.

Meanwhile, Cap steps into the temple to get a closer look at the body. He stops beside Tony but doesn't look at him. His focus is entirely on the body in front of them. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

'This wasn't supposed to happen,' he thinks to himself, 'Not to someone like him. Not to a kid who has tried to do the right thing with what life throws at him.'

He opens his eyes and looks at his friend. Though he can't see his face due to the faceplate, he can assume he is dismayed and angry.

Steve places a comforting hand on the man's shoulder and says, "We'll find who did this Tony. We won't-"

"Does this look familiar to you?"

Steve reels back at the sudden question and a rather odd question, "What?"

Iron Man's faceplate lifts up and Tony's face shows nothing but curiosity about what's in front of him.

He gestures to the husk and asks, "This. Does this look familiar to you?"

The war veteran was going to ask what he was talking about before it hit him.

"Actually," Captain America starts as he feels an itch in his brain about what he sees in front of him, "Now that you mention it, there is something familiar about this."

Have they seen this before? Why can't they remember? It's like there is fog blocking the memory.

"Got something!"

They both turn around and see the rest of the Avengers rushing off behind Logan.

Iron Man's faceplate comes back down, "C'mon. We don't want them tearing this place apart after these people were so hospitable," he says before he flies off with Cap at his heels.

They quickly catch up to the others with Wolverine leading them. Going through the hidden city, and in some cases being slightly rude to the denizens, they eventually arrive at an area Hope is familiar with.

The entrance to the Scrying Vessel Of Bo-Ling.

"Stop!" Master Yu Ti yells out to them just at the steps of the doors. He stops just behind the group, "Please, that is a sacred area! You cannot enter!"