Clash of Determination: The Swordsman's Vow

The two swordsmen stood in silence, eyes locked. Mihawk slowly drew out a small knife, its blade gleaming in the sunlight.

"This is all I need for someone from the East Blue." Mihawk declared with a calm, dismissive tone, angering Zoro.

Zoro charged without hesitation. "Onigiri!!" He shouted, but to his shock, Mihawk effortlessly blocked the attack with his small knife.

Zoro's eyes widened in disbelief, then quickly narrowed in rage. He unleashed a flurry of strikes, each faster and more desperate than the last, yet every one was parried.

"I've trained to win! I can't lose now!" Zoro yelled, his determination burning bright, his mind flashing back to the promises he made.

"What do you still seek at the limit of your strength, weakling?" Mihawk asked with chilling indifference.

Johnny and Yosaku, filled with anger, tried to rush to Zoro's side but were quickly pinned to the ground by Luffy, who watched with gritted teeth, holding himself back.

"Tora Gari!!" Zoro launched another attack, only to feel Mihawk's knife plunge into his chest, leaving his friends horrified.

"Bro!!" Johnny and Yosaku shouted in desperation.

Ryomen, who had remained quiet, now clenched his fists so hard blood began to drip from his palms. Luffy's jaw tightened in frustration, while Nami and Usopp stood frozen, unable to find words.

"Why do you refuse to step back?" Mihawk questioned, his voice calm and measured.

"I can't... If I step back, I'll lose something important to me." Zoro replied, blood dripping from his mouth.

"Such is the nature of defeat." Mihawk mused.

"That's why I can't step back."

"Even if it costs you your life?"

"I'd rather die." Zoro responded, his eyes filled with unwavering resolve.

Mihawk's gaze softened slightly with respect. "What is your name, swordsman?"

"Roronoa Zoro." Zoro answered, preparing for his final stand.

"I shall remember it. Strength like yours is rare in this world." Mihawk then sheathed the small knife and drew his massive black sword, Kokuto Yoru. The blade glistened as it cut through the air, meeting Zoro's swords in a final clash. In one devastating blow, two of Zoro's swords shattered.

Zoro then turned toward Mihawk, presenting his unprotected form. "What?" Mihawk asked, puzzled.

"A wound on the back... is the shame of a swordsman." Zoro said while grinning.

Mihawk's lips curled into a grin. "Splendid." With a swift motion, Mihawk slashed across Zoro's chest, knocking him into the water.

"Zoro!!" The crew screamed in despair, their voices full of anguish.

Ryomen's anger reached its breaking point. "Dismantle!" He shouted, flicking his fingers. Invisible slashes raced toward Mihawk, who dodged them with swift ease.

Mihawk glanced briefly at Ryomen. "Impressive... but not enough."

"Does he have Haki?" Ryomen muttered, his eyes narrowing. Luffy, unable to hold back any longer, launched himself at Mihawk.

"Gomu Gomu no... Pistol!!" Luffy shouted, but Mihawk easily evaded the punch.

Usopp, his legs trembling, managed to fire a lead ball. "How dare you kill one of Captain Usopp's crewmates!!" He yelled, his voice cracking with fear.

Nami, her face unusually stern, appeared beside Mihawk. "I won't let you get away with this!" She shouted, swinging her staff at him. Mihawk destroyed it effortlessly, then moved to strike her, but his knife slid off her body as if she were made of water.

Mihawk's eyes widened for a brief moment. "What...?"

Seizing the opportunity, Luffy latched onto Mihawk's body. "Ryomen, now!"

Ryomen's cold voice echoed through the air. "Cleave!" He touched Mihawk, and a deep slash suddenly appeared across his shoulder. Mihawk's eyes briefly flickered with surprise, but he quickly regained composure.

"That's enough." With one mighty swing of his black sword, Mihawk sent them all flying, his voice as calm as ever. "I've left him alive."

In the distance, Johnny and Yosaku's voices rang out in relief. "He's still breathing! Zoro's alive!!"

Mihawk sheathed his sword and turned toward the fallen swordsman. "My name is Dracule Mihawk. It's too soon for you to die, Roronoa Zoro. Seek strength, discover the world, and grow. However long it takes, I shall await you at the top. Strive with your entire being to surpass me!"

He then turned his gaze toward the rest of the crew. "You'll grow stronger with comrades like these by your side."

Zoro, with the last of his strength, raised his sword. "Luffy... were you worried? If I fail to become the world's greatest swordsman, you'd be disappointed, right?" Tears streamed down Zoro's face as he continued, "I will never lose again! From now on, until I defeat him...I will never lose again! Got that, King of the Pirates?!"

Luffy grinned, pride swelling in his chest. "Shishishi! Not at all!"

The rest of the crew, despite their earlier fear, smiled in relief, their spirits lifted by Zoro's vow.

Mihawk, as he walked away, nodded in acknowledgment. "I hope to meet you again someday."

As he departed, Krieg, furious at being ignored, attempted to ambush Mihawk, but with a single wave of his sword, Mihawk obliterated Krieg's attack and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

Luffy turned to Zeff. "Hey, old man, if I take care of this guy, can I stop being a chore boy?"

"Of course!" The old man replied.

Luffy then glanced at Ryomen, noticing his pale face. "Ryomen, you good?"

"I used too much energy with that last attack. I don't think I'll be much help right now." Ryomen replied, his legs barely holding him up.

"Don't worry, I've got this!" Luffy assured him with a wide grin.

Nami and Ryomen moved to a safer spot but kept ready to assist. Are you sure you're alright?" Nami asked in slight concern.

"Yeah." He responded.

"What was that attack? Never seen you use it before." 

"Well…it's something I've been thinking about for a while. Instead of using multiple, smaller cuts, I can combine them into one attack, and adjust it to the strength of my opponent through physical touch. Using it on Mihawk just drained a lot out of me. " Ryomen explained.

Nami just stared at him blankly for a moment. "So... a bigger slash?"

Ryomen blinked, a bit unsure of how to respond. "...Yes."

"Well, as long as it works." She shrugged, a small smirk tugging at her lips.

Meanwhile, Usopp found a high vantage point, preparing to help Luffy from afar.

"Gomu Gomu no... Rocket!!" Luffy launched himself at Krieg's men, spreading his arms to take them all out at once.

Just then, the fish-shaped restaurant opened its mouth, revealing cannons. But Krieg ripped the head off with his brute strength, and chaos erupted as the pirates and chefs clashed, the cooks quickly falling behind.

The second unit commander, 'Invincible Pearl' arrived to face Sanji, and the real battle began.

Sanji attacked Pearl, his kick connecting with Pearl's arm shield, but the impact barely phased Pearl. Just then, Krieg, sneering from a distance, blindsided Luffy and threw him into the air. Luffy flew directly into the back of Pearl's head, sending the man's face crashing into his own shield. A sickening crack followed-the sound of Pearl's nose breaking.

Krieg's crew panicked instantly, screaming at Pearl that everything would be alright.

But Pearl wasn't listening. His eyes went wide with rage, and he screamed. "I'm in danger! I'm in danger!" His shields suddenly ignited, flames igniting the Baratie's wooden deck.

Sanji narrowed his eyes and charged at Pearl, his leg swinging in a wide arc. "You're gonna set the whole place on fire, you idiot!" His kick landed with a resounding crash against Pearl's shield, but the impact barely fazed him.

Pearl snarled and lashed out, but Sanji ducked under his strike, slipping beneath the flame-covered shield. In one fluid motion, he slammed his foot into Pearl's face, knocking the man back.

From behind, Krieg's face darkened with fury. "Pearl, you're burning the ship I desire!" Without hesitation, Krieg swung his massive spiked ball at Pearl.

But Luffy was quicker. "Gomu-Gomu no... Bazooka!" Luffy's arms shot out, slamming the ball away with enough force to send it flying into a nearby pillar. The pillar collapsed, crashing down onto Pearl's head and knocking him out cold.

Before anyone could celebrate, a bloodcurdling scream echoed across the Baratie.

They turned to see Gin, holding a pistol to Zeff's head.

"Please stop fighting, Sanji." Gin's voice was hoarse, his hand trembling as he held the gun. "I don't want to kill you."

"Gin!" Sanji and Luffy shouted simultaneously, anger boiling beneath their words.

"You want to save this man, right, Sanji? Then leave the ship!" Gin's voice was filled with desperation.

"There's no need for that." A calm voice interjected. Gin's pistol was suddenly destroyed in his hands before he could even register what happened. His eyes widened in shock.

"What!?" Gin exclaimed in surprise.

Sanji shot a grateful glance toward Ryomen, who stood calmly, his hand still outstretched.

Suddenly, Pearl groaned and began to rise again, blood pouring from his broken nose. "You think you can hurt me!?" He roared and charged at Sanji once more.

Sanji evaded with a quick step to the side and retaliated with a powerful kick to Pearl's shin. The force of the blow was so brutal that Pearl's teeth shattered from the pain.

"If you wanted to sneak attack me, you should've kept your mouth shut." Sanji smirked as Pearl collapsed.

Krieg, his face flushed with rage, stomped forward. "Seems I have to do everything around here!" He brandished his shield, which sent terror through his crew.

"It's...the MH5!" Krieg's subordinates shrieked in fear.

"Don, wait! Let me take care of them!" Gin pleaded desperately.

"Whether you kill them or I do, the result is the same " Krieg sneered. "All you have to do is win! Even if it means using a poison gas bomb!"

"P-Poison gas!?" Usopp stammered from the sidelines, barely managing to hold back a group of Krieg's men. "Luffy did say he'd handle it...but that's poison gas!"

On another part of the ship, Nami and Ryomen looked at each other in panic.

"Dammit! We need to go!" Nami shouted as she grabbed Ryomen's arm, trying to pull him to safety.

"Huh? But what about Luffy?" Ryomen asked, glancing back toward the fight.

"He'll be fine! Do you really think poison gas is enough to stop him!?" Nami shot back, though there was a hint of worry in her voice.

A massive explosion erupted as Krieg launched the MH5 bomb directly at the Baratie. Luffy charged forward to meet it head-on, kicking the bomb mid-air. But as it exploded, shurikens shot out from it, slashing into his shoulder.

"This is what a battle is!" Krieg bellowed triumphantly. "I've got more ways to kill you than you can count! Now tell me, which one of us is more fit to be the Pirate King!?"

Luffy, blood dripping from his wounds, gritted his teeth. "Me! It definitely can't be you!" His voice was unwavering, filled with determination.

Gin hesitated, staring at Sanji as his body tensed. "Don Krieg... I'll handle the cook."

Sanji took a drag from his cigarette, his expression calm but eyes sharp. "Go ahead, then. You can try, Gin."

Gin's hesitation lasted only a second before he charged forward, swinging his tonfas at Sanji's head. Sanji leapt over the attack, aiming a kick at Gin's face, but Gin blocked it at the last moment. He then countered, slamming his tonfas into Sanji's chest and knocking him to the ground.

Sanji spat out his cigarette into Gin's face, temporarily blinding him. Seizing the moment, Sanji rolled to the side and delivered a vicious kick to the back of Gin's head, sending him sprawling.

Gin stood up, his hands shaking as he raised his tonfas again. But this time, his strike missed on purpose.

"You missed on purpose!?" Sanji questioned Gin, but didn't get a reply. "Quit playing around!!" He then kicked Gin in the head, knocking him to the ground.

Gin remained frozen on the floor."I can't do it! Don Krieg!" He shouted with tears in his eyes.

Krieg's face twisted into a snarl. "What did you say!? Say that again, if you dare!!" 

"That was the first time in my life…That anybody was kind to me! I can't…fight this man!" Gin told him.

"Imbecile!" Don Krieg then brought his shield forward again and ordered Gin to throw away his gas mask, which Gin complied with.

Sanji's eyes widened. "Get down!" He grabbed Gin and dove into the sea just as the gas began to spread across the Baratie. Luffy, stealing a gas mask from a fallen crewman, braced himself for the attack.

"Deathly poison gas! MH5!" Krieg shouted as the Baratie was surrounded by poison gas.

For several agonizing minutes, the poison gas engulfed the ship. When it finally cleared, Luffy and Sanji, now bloodied but determined, stood facing Krieg.

"Your grave awaits, boy!" Krieg laughed, his voice echoing across the deck.

"My grave?" Luffy grinned defiantly, blood dripping from his wounds.

Krieg snarled and launched spikes from his shield. Sanji darted to the side, avoiding them, but Luffy charged straight ahead, the spikes piercing into his body. He didn't flinch.

Luffy extended his arm for a punch, but Krieg's spiked cape blocked it. "I'm invincible now!" Krieg boasted.

"Gomu-Gomu no... Bullet!!" Luffy roared, his fist slamming into Krieg's cape with such force that the spikes shattered, his punch connecting with Krieg's face and sending him flying back.

Krieg's men gasped. "Don Krieg's been knocked out!?"

Luffy, panting, stood tall and smirked. "So, whose grave is it? Mine.. or yours?" He winced as he pulled the spikes out of his body.

Krieg slowly got to his feet, trembling with rage. "If it isn't yours... then tell me... whose is it!?" He slammed his shield into Luffy, but Luffy vanished, reappearing behind Krieg. Sanji was already beside him, grinning.

"Still yours!!" Luffy shouted, slamming his foot into Krieg's head.

"Love the confidence, chore boy!" Sanji chimed in, delivering his own powerful kick to Krieg's side.

Krieg crashed into the deck, but stood up again, furious. "Stop this foolishness!!" He roared, extending his shield and creating a massive spear.

He swung the spear down, causing an explosion that hurled Luffy and Sanji into the air. As they hit the ground, the deck trembled beneath them.

"What kind of weapon is that?" Luffy asked, struggling to stand. "Is it just gonna keep blowing me up?"

Sanji, gasping from his wounds, shouted from where he'd landed near the water. "This is bad! He's losing too much blood!"

Krieg loomed over them, spear raised. "Die!!" He slammed it down, but Luffy caught the shaft in his hands, stopping the blow just before it hit him.

With a surge of strength, Luffy pushed the spear away and jumped into the air. But Krieg swung again, hitting him squarely. Luffy crashed into the deck, bloodied, but still grinning.

Krieg stared in confusion. "How are you still standing?" His eyes then widened in shock. His spear was broken.

Krieg grinded his teeth in anger. "You were dead the moment you tried to oppose me!" He yelled out.

"We'll see about that!" Luffy stuck his tongue out mockingly before leaping back into the air.

"Gomu-Gomu no...Gatling!!" A flurry of punches shot toward Krieg, but his armor absorbed the blows.

"Gomu-Gomu no... Pistol!!" Luffy threw a single, focused punch, bending Krieg's armor with a metallic screech, but Krieg retaliated, sending Luffy crashing into the deck with a powerful punch.

"Pathetic! You thought you could break my armor?" Krieg cackled, then leapt onto the ship's mast, raining bombs down around him.

Luffy jumped toward Krieg.

Luffy leaped forward. "Gomu-Gomu no...Bazooka!!" He punched through the explosion, hitting Krieg squarely in the chest, cracking his armor further.

"Gomu-Gomu no... Bazooka!!" Luffy roared again, this time completely shattering Krieg's armor as the man hurtled through the air.

But Krieg wasn't done. He threw a fish net at Luffy, capturing him.

Luffy then extended his feet and tied them together catching Krieg's face between.

"Men! Kill this brat!" Krieg screamed to his crew. His subordinates raised their crossbows, but before they could fire, Sanji appeared, effortlessly stopping them with a few swift kicks.

"Gomu-Gomu no...Giant Gavel!!" Luffy untied his feet, sending Krieg crashing into the deck of the Baratie with enough force to split the boards, then Luffy fell into the water.

Sanji quickly dived into the water, rescuing Luffy and dragging him back onto the deck, finding him unconscious.

Krieg, coughing and trembling, dragged himself onto his feet, his voice shaking with fury. "No one...stands before me! I'm...the strongest man in the world!" His words slurred as he stumbled forward.

Suddenly, Gin stepped in front of Krieg, his fist raised. "Don Krieg...we lost. Let's take our defeat like men, and start over from zero." With one swift punch, Gin knocked Krieg unconscious. The crew stood in stunned silence.

Gin turned toward Sanji, his eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you…for everything."

Sanji nodded, watching as Gin carried Krieg's unconscious body away. "Just don't come back."