Chains of the Past

On the Baratie, Luffy stirred awake after his battle with Don Krieg. "My hat!?" He shouted, immediately sitting up and patting his head.

"It's right there, isn't it?" Sanji, leaning casually against the railing, responded coolly, his eyes fixed on the distant horizon.

"Luffy! Are you alright?" A voice called from beside him. Luffy turned to find Ryomen, Nami, and Usopp standing nearby, concern etched on their faces.

"You guys! What are you doing here?" Luffy blinked in confusion, still trying to piece together what was happening.

"Sanji let us in." Nami replied with a warm smile, her tone light but comforting.

"Hahaha! Anything for you, Miss Nami!" Sanji interjected, his eyes practically turning into hearts as he swooned, prompting Ryomen and Usopp to exchange glances, both silently agreeing that Sanji's antics were a bit much.

"Hm? Where's Zoro?" Luffy asked, tilting his head, still groggy from sleep.

"He wanted to come too, but we convinced him to stay in bed and recover." Nami said sweetly, flashing an innocent grin, though Ryomen and Usopp shot her wary looks, well aware of the lengths she must have gone to in order to keep Zoro down.

Meanwhile, back on the Going Merry, Zoro thrashed against the restraints that tied him to his bed, his frustration bubbling over.

"Johnny! Yosaku! Get me out of here!" He barked at the two bounty hunters standing guard.

"S-Sorry, Brother Zoro. Sister Nami told us not to help." Yosaku stammered, clearly terrified, while Johnny nodded, equally apprehensive.

Back at Baratie, Luffy's thoughts finally caught up with him. "Is that so… Aah! What about those guys I beat!?"

"You're only asking now? They left, thanks to you." Sanji answered, a wry smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Luffy, we're leaving to check on Zoro and make sure he didn't start destroying the ship already. You coming?" Nami asked, a playful tone in her voice as she turned toward the door.

"No! I still have to make Sanji join my crew!" Luffy declared, his determination flaring up once again.

"I'm not gonna join you! And stop talking like I'm not here!" Sanji shot back, his irritation clear.

"Alright then. Later!" Nami replied, nonchalantly waving as she and the others left.

"Hey, Zoro wouldn't really destroy Merry, right!? Ryomen, if he did anything to her, you beat him up!" Usopp said, glancing nervously at Ryomen.

"Can't you do it?" Ryomen asked, raising an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed by Usopp's passing of responsibility.

"Oh, and Gin said something before leaving." Sanji mentioned after a moment. "Let's meet again on the Grand Line."

"Cool! He said that to you?" Luffy asked, his face lighting up.

"To you, dumbass!!" Sanji yelled, exasperated, before Luffy launched back into another pitch for him to join the crew, only to be turned down once again. As they bantered, Zeff stood on the roof, watching Sanji talk about his dream with a proud but silent smile.

The next morning, Luffy and Sanji found themselves seated on the floor for breakfast, having been told there were no chairs available for them.

The chefs then threw their soup plates onto the floor shouting that it was disgusting.

Sanji's face flushed with anger. "The hell do you think you're doing!?" He snapped, fists clenched as he rose from the floor, bristling with irritation.

When another plate hit the floor, Sanji turned toward the culprit, only to see Zeff standing there.

"Old man!"

Zeff's face remained impassive. "What's with this disgusting soup? Is it supposed to taste like sludge? We'd go out of business if we served this to customers!"

Furious, Sanji grabbed Zeff by the collar. "Stop joking! How is it different from the one you make!"

Zeff responded with a punch to Sanji's face, knocking him to the ground. Sanji stormed out, unable to contain his anger.

Zeff, watching him go, then turned to Luffy. "Take him with you to the Grand Line. It's his dream." He said simply, his voice calm yet firm. Sanji, listening from the doorway, was left speechless by his mentor's words.

Luffy shook his head. "If Sanji doesn't want to come, I won't force him." He answered resolutely.

At noon, the crew prepared to set sail once again. Ryomen, standing at the helm, scanned the supplies.

"Do we have all the provisions we need?" he asked for what felt like the hundredth time.

"For the thousandth time, yes!" Zoro groaned from where he lay on the railing, half-asleep.

"Sorry, but you guys can be really forgetful at times." Ryomen said with a small chuckle, earning a sidelong glance from Usopp.

"Shouldn't you still be resting?" Usopp asked Zoro.

"No need. I'm fine. Not like I have a bed to sleep on anymore, anyway." Zoro's words were sharp, though he didn't bother to open his eyes. Ryomen and Usopp exchanged an uncomfortable glance.

Suddenly, Johnny and Yosaku approached the group, announcing their departure.

"Goodbye, brothers and Sister Nami!" Johnny called out.

"Until we meet again!" Yosaku added as the duo set off in their small boat, leaving the crew waving behind.

"Alright! Now to the Grand Line!" Luffy yelled, already brimming with excitement.

"Wait. Didn't you forget someone?" A voice rang out, catching the crew's attention.

"Huh? Sanji!? You're joining my crew!?" Luffy exclaimed, his face lighting up with delight.

Sanji, standing on the dock, gave a small smile. "I might as well sail with you. We both have foolish dreams, so I'll chase mine too. Sounds good?"

"Sounds great! Woohoo!" Luffy cheered, throwing his arms up in triumph.

From a distance, the Baratie's chefs gathered to watch Sanji leave. Zeff, watching with a stern expression, called out. "Hey, Sanji. Be careful out there."

At those words, tears welled up in Sanji's eyes. "Chef Zeff!...All these years, I lived under your care! I owe you my life! I'll never forget you!" He shouted, bowing deeply. As he did, the chefs, unable to contain their emotions, began to cry as well.

"Goodbye!! All of you!!" Sanji waved one last time as he boarded the Going Merry.

"Alright! Now, to the Grand Line!" Luffy exclaimed once again.

At Luffy's declaration, Ryomen felt a flicker of unease, while Nami's face seemed clouded with silent conflict.

Later that evening, as the crew settled down for dinner, the air was filled with a mix of chatter and laughter. Zoro, however, suddenly spoke up.

"Tsk. Can't believe this perverted cook actually joined us."

Sanji immediately took the bait. "Huh? What'd you say, you moss head?" He shot back.

"You heard me. What are you good at beside cooking and sucking up to women?" Zoro taunted, his grin wide.

"You wanna try me!?" Sanji yelled, his fists clenched.

"Bring it on!" Zoro replied, not backing down.

"Hahaha! Can I join in!?" Luffy asked, bouncing with excitement.

"H-Hey! Don't fight on the ship!!" Usopp protested, his voice shaking as he tried to intervene.

Ryomen watched the chaos unfold with a small smile but quickly noticed Nami sitting off to the side, unusually quiet and distant.

"Do you not like the food, Nami?" He asked, his tone gentle.

"H-Huh? No I—" Nami's reply was cut off by Luffy's loud interruption.

"Can I eat it then!?"

"Don't touch my food, you idiot!" Nami yelled, punching Luffy in the head.

Sanji, meanwhile, dashed over to Nami's side. "Nami-san, do you not like the food!? I'll make another dish right now, and this time, I'll put my blood, sweat, and tears into it!!"

"There's no need for that!!" Nami shouted, clearly exasperated.

"Hm. Seems not even your cooking is up to par now. Why are you still here?" Zoro told Sanji with a wide grin.

Sanji and Zoro immediately resumed their bickering, with Usopp doing his best to stop them from damaging the ship

As night fell and the crew went about their usual tasks, Ryomen approached Nami, who was manning the helm, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

"Hey, Nami, so how is it? We gonna be in danger anytime soon?" He asked with a playful smirk, trying to lighten the mood.

"Hm? No, the weather's alright. No storms or anything like that." She replied, her tone flat and distant.

"That's good…so…are you okay?" Ryomen asked, concern creeping into his voice.

"Of course. Why?" Nami looked at him, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Well…you just seemed out of it, these past few days." Ryomen said, his words carefully measured as he tried to gauge her reaction.

Nami remained silent for a few moments, her mind racing, before finally releasing a heavy sigh. Her shoulders slumped slightly under the weight of what she had to say. "I guess now is better than never. Can you please gather the others? I have to tell you something."

Ryomen nodded, sensing the seriousness in her voice. His gaze lingered on her for a moment, filled with concern, before he quietly left to gather the rest of the crew.

Minutes later, the crew gathered on the deck, a mixture of curiosity and impatience etched on their faces as they waited for Nami to speak.

Zoro stretched, yawning lazily, clearly displeased at being woken up. "This better be important. You ruined my sleep." He grumbled, arms folded over his chest.

Sanji's reaction was immediate, his protective nature toward Nami flaring. "Shut up, you idiot! It's an honor to be personally called by Nami-san!" He snapped, glaring at Zoro, his eyes practically glowing with hearts.

Zoro shrugged, unfazed by the cook's outburst. "Uh-huh." He replied, his tone dismissive, his yawn stretching into the quiet night.

Usopp, trying to muster some courage, nervously glanced around before blurting out, "C'mon, Nami, what is it? Are we gonna be attacked?" He puffed his chest out, attempting to act confident, but the crack in his voice gave away his unease.

Luffy, full of boundless energy and excitement, grinned from ear to ear. "Did we reach the Grand Line!?" He exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious, as if he were already imagining the adventures awaiting them.

Ryomen, standing off to the side, sighed, rubbing the back of his neck in mild frustration. His eyes softened as he looked at Nami, sensing the burden she carried. "Dammit, you guys! Let her gather her words for a minute!" He scolded them, his voice gentle but firm, like a parent educating his children.

Nami let out another sigh, her brows furrowed, clearly troubled. "I need to tell you something important." She paused, her gaze drifting toward the distant horizon, as though gathering strength from the sea. "I can't go with you to the Grand Line."

The air seemed to freeze around them.

"What!?" Her words left everyone in shock, their expressions shifting from confusion to disbelief.

"Huh!? Why!?" Luffy blurted out, his usual carefree attitude suddenly replaced with a look of bewilderment.

Zoro frowned, his brows knitting together in suspicion. "Hey. Leave the bad jokes to someone else." He said flatly, pointing toward Ryomen with his thumb.

"Huh?" Ryomen blinked, momentarily caught off guard by Zoro's remark. He shot him a look of mock betrayal but quickly refocused on Nami, his face returning to one of concern. "Nami, why can't you?" His voice was steady, but the worry beneath it was clear.

Sanji, his heart aching at the thought of losing her, leaned forward, his hands clasped in front of him as though pleading. "Nami-san, why would you want to leave after we just found each other!?" His eyes shimmered with hurt, his usually suave demeanor replaced with genuine distress.

"You can't be serious, right?" Usopp asked, his voice wavering with uncertainty, as though hoping Nami would suddenly say it was all a misunderstanding.

Nami took a deep breath, steadying herself. Her gaze moved from one crew member to the next, her eyes full of regret. "I'm sorry. I can bring you to Loguetown, and then I'll take a boat and leave."

Ryomen's eyes darkened, his jaw tightening. His fists clenched at his sides as he fought back his frustration. "So you're sending us to certain death, while you just abandon us. Because that's how I see it. Going to the Grand Line without a navigator is suicide." He said, his voice edged with anger.

Nami flinched at his words, her hands gripping the railing tightly. "I'm sure you'll find another navigator there." She tried to argue, but her voice lacked confidence.

Luffy's eyes flared with determination. "You're my navigator!! I don't want anybody else!!" He shouted, his emotions raw and unfiltered, his loyalty unwavering.

Nami's lips parted, but no words came out. She could only stare at Luffy, speechless, unable to articulate the emotions swirling inside her.

Zoro stepped forward but was immediately stopped by Sanji, who raised a hand to block him. "Nami-san, please tell us your reason." Sanji urged, his voice calm but insistent.

The air hung thick with tension as everyone waited for her to respond.

"Does it have something to do with the village you're trying to buy?" Usopp asked, his voice soft but curious. He remembered the brief mention of it after she ate the Devil Fruit.

Nami flinched, visibly shaken by the question. Her silence spoke volumes.

"Just tell us." Zoro said, his voice steady. "Most of these guys don't want to go to the Grand Line without you anyway. So you'll be stuck with us, even if you don't want to."

Nami's shoulders slumped in defeat. She stayed quiet for a moment longer, gathering her thoughts, then she finally spoke. "My village...It's being controlled by Arlong. I have to bring him a hundred million berries if I want it back." Her voice was heavy with sadness, her eyes downcast as the burden of her secret finally came to light.

At the mention of Arlong's name, everyone but Usopp looked confused.

"Who's that?" Luffy asked, tilting his head in genuine curiosity.

"How do you guys not know!? That's a pirate with a bounty of twenty million!" Usopp shouted, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and disbelief.

Luffy's expression hardened, a sudden intensity in his eyes. "Then let's go beat him up!" He said decisively, as if the solution was that simple.

Nami's eyes widened in alarm. "You can't! Him and his crew are fishmen! They're ten times stronger than regular humans! And even stronger underwater! You don't stand a chance!" She warned, her voice filled with panic.

Ryomen's fists clenched again, though he kept his face calm. The anger he felt wasn't directed at her, but at the fear that Arlong had instilled in her. He forced himself to relax, softening his expression as he spoke.

"Nami…I understand he left a shadow over you. But you've seen what we're capable of.

Luffy alone managed to defeat Don Krieg with a bounty of seventeen million. Hell, we managed to stand up to the world's greatest swordsman, and even hurt him!" Zoro scoffed in annoyance at that comment.

"What I'm trying to say is…believe in us, Nami." Ryomen's tone was sincere, his eyes steady as they met hers.

Nami stared wide-eyed at him, her heart pounding in her chest. "Why would you guys go so far for me?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper, her confusion evident.

"Nami-san, I would go to hell and back for you!!" Sanji declared, hearts practically floating out of his eyes as he gazed at her.

"Hm. It's like Ryomen said. We can't go to the Grand Line without a navigator." Zoro added, trying to act indifferent, but his words held weight.

"Captain Usopp always helps his subordinates!" Usopp chimed in, his legs trembling but his voice trying to sound brave.

"Nobody hurts my navigator and gets away with it!!" Luffy shouted confidently, his grin wide and full of resolve.

"We wouldn't leave you behind, Nami." Ryomen said softly, his gentle smile reassuring.

Tears welled up in Nami's eyes as she looked at each of them, her emotions swirling into an overwhelming mixture of gratitude and relief. "Thank you…all of you." She whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of her emotions.