3. Shut up daisy

The red head flushed pink, embarrassed. "Shut up Daisy."

Daisy laughed at her sister's reaction. "Oh come on, you know I'm just teasing. Like, I know Ash is a good guy. Cute too. You know he won't make the first move, being so dense like you always say." Hearing a sigh from Misty, Daisy knew she was right but also decided to have a little more fun. "You know what? Why don't you make him jealous a bit?"

"What?!" gasped Misty in surprise.

"Yeah, that'll probably work. Like, you could even use that guy who dropped by the other day. What was his name again? Rudy or something?"

"I can't stand him and no way in hell I'll do something like that!"

"Alright, alright, geez. Well, if you won't do something to catch his attention and if you're not gonna go after him…" Daisy trailed off, not saying anything more.

Misty started feeling anxious, her heat beating a little quicker. "What are you trying to say?" she asked.

Unknown to the redhead, her sister's smirk grew before she answered back. "Hmmm…there haven't been any decent guys my whole life. Like, if you don't make a move soon, even if he is younger than me, I will," stated Daisy.

Misty's fiery side caused her to explode at once over her words. "Don't you dare Daisy!" she yelled into the phone angrily as she stood up, shaking with rage. Her actions caused her pokémon to glance at his trainer to see what happened. Realizing what it was about, he lowered his head again.

Unable to control herself, Daisy laughed out loud over the outburst before responding back quickly so she wouldn't become angrier. "Oh relax, baby sis. Like, I'm just pulling your leg. I'd never do something like that to you. But you should tell him. Like, he won't be dense forever. Hopefully. And sooner or later, he will eventually get with a girl," advised the eldest Sensational Sister, hoping that her warning was heard. She was messing with her younger sister while at the same time trying the tough love approach in order to give her some courage to talk to him.

Understanding what she just did, Misty calmed down and sighed. "I should've known you were messing with me again," she replied as she sat back down on the ground and Daisy giggled some. "But how should I tell him? And when? What…what if he's already with someone?" she asked fearfully with the last question in a low voice.

Daisy sighed on the other end of the line and thought of what to say, becoming serious for the moment before answering her. "That's something you have to figure out yourself. Good or bad ending, at least you'll finally know."

Hearing the red head let out another sigh, the blonde continued on. "Here's some more advice…like why not go for it the next time he calls or visits? Where is he by the way? It's been a while since he contacted you huh?"

Misty hung her head before talking back quietly. Though the Poketch was now near her mouth, Daisy barely heard her. "Yea, it's been a couple months already. I saw him when he came back from Kalos at his house during that big get together with everyone but that was it. Nothing since then."

"Hmm…well, you know him. Like, really know him Misty. How he gets in his training and travels. He'll come back. Like, he always does. So when he comes back, you'll tell him then. So chin up alright?" said Daisy kindly.

The red head had her lips curl upwards into a small smile. "Thanks Daisy. I'll be home within the hour. And don't forget to save me some dinner please."

Daisy responded back saying she'll do that and they hung up. Misty brought her legs closer to her, wrapped her arms around them and placed her chin in between her knees. She thought of everything she and the raven haired young man had been through together. How they met, where they went on their travels together, how they became close friends, the crazy things that happened to them, how she developed feelings for him and everything else.

After some time, she came to a decision. While staying in that position, she opened up her list of contacts on her Poketch and scrolled through it. She selected his number but didn't call him just yet, her finger hovering over the 'Call' button. Taking in a breath through her nose, she then slowly let it out through her mouth.

Here goes.

Hitting the button, she became filled with anxiousness and nervousness but it was for nothing since the call wouldn't go through. What the… She tried again but again it was the same outcome. Why isn't it going through? Maybe the others might know something… She tried a few other numbers while sitting near the cave entrance.

She called her other close friend who also used to be a gym leader that she viewed as a brother. She even called some other friends of theirs, including a few other girls that had traveled with the raven haired trainer in the past that she met because of him. She wasn't able to reach all of them, even having some connections issues with one of them.

And though she had suspicions that some of those girls might like him as well from the way they acted around him, she kept them to herself. Because even with suspicions, each of them was happy to hear from her and she was happy to catch up with them too, talking about many topics and what they've done in the past couple of months.

But when she asked them if they had heard from their mutual friend recently, each of time gave a sullen reply and admitted that they hadn't and had no idea where he was. She finished up her calls soon and just stayed there, thinking a bit with her heart beating loudly in her ears.

Ash…where are you? Sometime later, seeing that no one else was coming by the area, she got up and so did her pokémon. Gyarados allowed her to sit on top of his head this time before he went into the river and made their way back home.

As they went down the river, the youngest Sensational Sister became lost in thought. I wonder where he is now and what he's up to. I hope he's alright and that I see him again soon. And when I do, I'm gonna mallet him into the ground and give him a piece of my mind for not picking up the phone, not keeping in touch and for making me worry! As Misty made her way down the river to go back home, she thought up of ways to punish him for his lack of keeping touch.