4. Who's there ?

Somewhere within the deepest part of Cerulean Cave, a powerful being sensed the red haired gym leader leaving. He did nothing when the red head arrived, while she stayed and even when she left because she wasn't a threat to him.

He knew her from years ago but wondered sometimes if she remembered him at all. She was actually beneficial to him too, since she would make most would be explorers leave the cave alone. He would sense her from time to time whenever he was there since he viewed the cave as his home for many reasons.

The biggest reason was because it was almost impossible to reach where he was, which is the deepest part of the cave labyrinth. The area helped him hide when it wanted to be left alone. He likes his solitude since he feels like it doesn't belong because of his origin. His solitude would also help him meditate after journeying around the world every now and then, keeping his senses sharp.

And right now, this particular pokémon was in deep meditation after a quick journey through the Johto region while allowing his body to rest after his long flight.

Though he wasn't tired at all from his traveling, he knew that rest was important to stay strong. Even with his abnormal birth, he was proud of his feline like physique as there was nothing else like him and made sure to stay fit and healthy, even growing some more over the years.

Standing tall at right about seven feet in height, this powerful organism had long and thin arms with three digit hands, thick powerful legs, a horn that protruded out on both sides of his head along with a narrow secondary neck like body part that came out from the rear of his head and connected to the top area of his back.

His body was covered with fine lightly purple colored fur with a dark purple underbelly and a long dark purple tail. This being is the strongest psychic who has ever existed, being cloned from the legendary Mew and had its abilities augmented to incredible levels. This pokémon given birth by humans had been christened Mewtwo.

Mewtwo kept his meditative state for quite a long time until he finally did move. The purple feline's eyes snapped open as he sensed something all of a sudden. He called out into the darkness in front of him with its telepathic powers while facing the entrance to his sanctuary.

"Who's there?" asked the legendary. No answer came from the darkness. He knew something was there, sensing it but he couldn't make out who or what exactly was there since they were shielded by something, preventing him from distinguishing them.

"I know you're there. Show yourself or leave now before you anger me," he said. Again, no response. He took up a battle stance, a purple glowing outline appearing around him with his eyes glowing blue.

Before he was able to do anything else however, a bright white light erupted out of the darkness near the beginning of the area's entrance from the tunnel and sped towards him. Before the intense light engulfed him, he took up a defensive stance. A lightly purple colored psychic shield formed around him and he covered his eyes with his arms since the brightness was far too intense.

After a few seconds of being unable to see through the blinding light, it began to slowly fade away. Sensing this, Mewtwo cracked open his eyes but kept his shield and guard up. When the light finally vanished, he opened his eyes fully. The first thing he noticed was that he was no longer in the cave. He realized he was transported against his will from home and he carefully took in his new surroundings to figure out where he had been taken to.

He was standing in an enormous hall that was very spacious, being roughly three times the size of an official pokémon stadium. It had evenly spaced out pillars lining the walls around him that had engravings on it of all the known legendary Pokémon.

There was also a single, very large throne like chair with gold framing and red cushions on the other side of the vast hall in front of him. He stood quite still, waiting for his abductor to act. He did not want to make a foolish mistake by being caught off guard. He used his powers to try and locate the one or ones who brought him here.

"I'm surprised and a little disappointed that we were able to bring you here without any struggle whatsoever." A cocky voice was heard, echoing around the room. Mewtwo did not waver from his defensive position. He kept still, waiting to see what would happen. Instead, he focused his senses to pinpoint the location of the speaker and the rest who were with it. Now he knew there was more than one in the act because of the way the voice spoke.

Nothing else was said for a few moments and during that time, he was able to finally distinguish who was there and where. "No response? Hmm…Looks like he's too scared to do anything!"cackled the voice.

"Wrong." And with that reply, Mewtwo shot off two bluish white energy balls, Aura Spheres, one to the right and the other to the left from his three digit hands. He then rapidly brought them together and launched a dark purple ball of energy, a Shadow Ball, directly in front of him.

All three balls of energy were launched with such deadly speed that they exploded at the same time, having collided against their targets simultaneously.


The explosions brought forth large smoke clouds that filled the area and the shockwaves caused some tremors to rock the enormous hall a bit from the sheer force.

Three different roars were heard from within the smoke. Three powerful multi colored beams of energy, Dragon Pulses, were launched from the unknown attackers within the smoke, speeding towards the psychic feline. Mewtwo increased power to his shield to reinforce it, sensing the amount of energy in the attacks.

The pulses hit their mark and even though the shield was held, the attacks were so powerful that they caused him to rocket backwards. He slammed into the wall behind him, shield and all, causing a crater to form from the impact. Mewtwo's eyes bulged out a bit, feeling the impact yet was saved from most of the damage because of his shield.

He pushed himself out of the crater and dropped down onto his feet. He moved forward and dismissed the shield before getting into a battle stance. He was readying himself to fight more offensively. However, he waited for the area to clear up and his attackers to show themselves.