5. Why you arrogant bastard clone

The smoke slowly cleared and finally revealed his attacking abductors. They were the legendary reality dragon trio of Sinnoh! Dialga, the four legged blue and silver dragon and steel type pokémon who is the Lord of Time, stood to the left. Palkia, the bipedal purple and grayish white dragon and water type pokémon who is the Lord of Space, stood to the right. And finally, Giratina, the grey, red and black dragon and ghost type pokémon who is the Lord of Antimatter, stood in the middle.

Giratina moved a few steps closer towards the psychic feline, his two brothers following beside him. "Very impressive. How did you know there were three of us and where we were even while invisible?" asked the antimatter pokémon. He and his two brothers stopped with some distance between them and the psychic.

Mewtwo didn't immediately respond, thinking a mile a second. "I can sense where you are, even when you try to hide with your invisibility techniques." Even though he knew who the three were, respecting their power and statuses, he did not fear them. But he did wonder why they had brought him here. Deciding to find out while also testing them, he spoke with his telepathic powers. "Honestly, I expected more from you three for being basically deities. Pathetic," remarked the purple feline.

The Lord of space growled. "Why you arrogant bastard clone!" spat Palkia and launched another Dragon Pulse at Mewtwo.

Mewtwo scowled at the words. Before it struck him, he teleported out of the way at the last second and reappeared in the same spot. "Too slow and you will pay for that insult!" snapped Mewtwo before he launched another Aura Sphere. The sphere hit Palkia hard, causing him to move back, roaring with pain.

Seeing his brother get hit, Dialga roared in anger and launched a Flash Cannon at the psychic type. The purple feline's eyes glowed with a blue color. The stream of silver energy became engulfed with a purple outline around it and right before it hit its mark, stopped dead in its tracks.

Mewtwo swung his arm to the side, which sent the attack back towards its user. Dialga's eyes grew wide in surprise, astonished that he was able to redirect his attack back to him and didn't react to it in time. The returned attack struck him in the chest, causing the blue dragon to be pushed back and let out sounds of pain.

Giratina at first didn't get involved, but after his brothers got attacked, he grew angry. It didn't matter to him that his brothers escalated the confrontation because of a petty remark. Nobody hurt his brothers. He was going to teach this arrogant psychic a lesson. "You'll pay for that!"roared Giratina and launched a full powered Shadow Ball at him.

Mewtwo brought up his psychic purple shield again, knowing he couldn't deflect it or teleport out of the way in time. The attack struck the shield but caused the powerful feline to soar back into the wall once again. He pushed himself off of it but levitated into the air, losing his calm demeanor to his rapidly rising fury.

"How dare you! You enter my home unannounced, bring me to this place against my wishes, greet me with insults, and then try to punish me for defending myself! You will answer for your transgressions against me!" yelled Mewtwo.

At the end of his statement, Mewtwo's eyes glowed blue and formed his psychic shield again. Then he brought up hundreds of tiny purple psychic energy balls around him, floating in the air near him. He clenched his three digit hands into fists, which caused them to condense sharply, getting them ready to launch at amazing speeds. More and more were appearing beside him with every passing second.

The reality trio witnessed Mewtwo ready his attack. They glanced at one another, and then with a curt nod to each other, they readied themselves for their counter attack. "No matter how powerful you are, you're still no match for us!" Giratina yelled back to the psychic feline. With this, the three dragons each began powering up a ball of white energy in front of their mouths, growing larger each second.

The purple legendary realized what they were up to and began to charge up his attack quicker and increased his shield's size. The dragon trio launched their Hyper Beams at the psychic feline at the same time he launched his Psystrike at them. Right before hitting him, Mewtwo made to teleport out of the way of the three potent beams but was prevented from doing so. Palkia had used its powers of space to distort the area around him to stop him teleporting away.

Two of the white beams smashed against his shield, shattering his protective barrier. The purple feline was engulfed by the third attack, letting out a yell of agony. Each of the dragons however was struck by dozens and dozens of psychic bullets in return, causing them to cry out in anguish. It seemed that each time they were hit, the pain they felt was intensified. Because of the four incredible attacks, the hall was covered in smoke from the explosions. It cleared after a while to reveal four heavily wounded legendary pokémon.

The Lord of Time quickly used his ability to move faster than the purple feline and took this opportunity to fire a full powered Flash Cannon at Mewtwo. Before the psychic pokémon could react, it hit him in the chest, sending him flying backwards. He recovered in the air and stopped himself before teleporting to Dialga's side and launched a flurry of devastating strikes. The reality dragon cried out in pain from the onslaught until the psychic was struck hard, sending him back, stopping the Close Combat.

Mewtwo retaliated against Palkia who stopped him from continuing his onslaught on Dialga with another Aura Sphere. Palkia went skidding back a few feet and Mewtwo turned to face Giratina in time to be slammed into by the large draconic ghost. Mewtwo felt incredible pain from the Phantom Force attack but immediately fired a point blank Ice Beam to its chest, making the antimatter deity scream, the icy attack hurting him.

The psychic feline put some distance between the three, maneuvering towards the throne like chair on the far side of the hall. The three dragons fired different attacks at him but he dodged each of them with his speed and by the skin of his teeth. He noticed the reality dragons weren't using their deity like abilities anymore. He knew that they had incredible power and he hated to admit it, but they were on another level compared to him.

But Mewtwo was a bit disappointed since he was able to keep up with the three of them at once. Even while in the middle of a battle, his incredible mind thought up a few reasons as to why. Perhaps they hadn't been in a fight like this for a long time and they were starting to become exhausted. Or maybe it could be because of him using one of his most powerful attacks on them that would chip away at their endurance. Or it could even be the area they were at that was limiting their abilities. He didn't know exactly and couldn't figure it out. But he quickly pushed that aside at the moment.

His foes were weakened but so was he. He had noticed that he too was beginning to show signs of tiredness. Each of the four was panting heavily and thinking that they had to end this soon.

Giratina straightened out after taking in some much needed breaths and spoke. "I must admit that I was wrong. You are stronger than you look. But you will not defeat us and will soon apologize for crossing us."

Mewtwo smirked. "Funny. I was about to say the same thing to you three."

The dragons snarled and began charging up Draco Meteor attacks. The psychic's eyes narrowed and brought his hands together. A white ball of energy formed between his hands and he concentrated the energy within it. He still maintained his sight on the three dragons while powering up his Hyper Beam, seeing that they were almost ready themselves. He had to wait for his chance to strike, thinking that if he missed his opportunity, he wouldn't triumph.

Right before the four powerful legendaries were about to launch their attacks, they heard a booming voice from around them that echoed in the grand hall. "Enough."

Even though that single word was spoken calmly, it came from such a tone of voice that it commanded respect and obedience. The dragon trio quickly stopped charging their attacks, which dissipated into thin air and stood up straight, motionless. Mewtwo stopped charging his attack as well, the white ball of energy disappearing but brought out his shield again just in case.

He was no fool and would rather be cautious than blindly trusting another. "You can relax," said the same voice coming from behind Mewtwo, making the bipedal feline turn around towards the throne like chair.

With that greeting, Arceus, the Original One who was God and Lord over all in the universe, appeared out of thin air, right in front of a stunned Mewtwo. The white centaur like pokémon with a gold wheel like protrusion around the middle of its body looked at the psychic for a moment before speaking again through telepathy.

"Hello Mewtwo. I have something I would like to discuss with you,"revealed the Alpha Pokémon calmly. Arceus waited a moment before he turned away from Mewtwo and gracefully moved towards its throne. He half sat and half lied down on it before facing the purple psychic feline, waiting for his response.