6. The vision

"And that's how it's done!" remarked a brunette girl as she had her pokemon finish showing off their new contest moves to their friends.

Said friends were pretty impressed with what they just saw and one of the three spoke up first. "Wow, that was amazing May. The way you put those moves together, it made such a dazzling display. Where'd you get that idea from and how long till you made it perfect?" she asked May, voicing what was on the minds of the other two.

Returning her pokemon and then turning towards her blue haired friend, May smiled before answering her. "Thanks Dawn. Well, it took me about two weeks to get it down right with the timing and how much power to use. And how I got the idea…well, honestly it was by chance."

"By chance? What do you mean?" asked Dawn, titling her head slightly before looking at the other two in their group. One with long salmon colored hair started smirking while the other with short red hair looked curious.

Reddening slightly and looking off to the side, May didn't know how to say it but tried regardless while tapping the ends of her index fingers together. "Well…it crossed my mind by accident while…I was in a…um…"

"She thought up of the move while having another bottomless pit challenge with Ash during your guys' last group get together at his house," remarked the one with the salmon colored hair with a large grin on her face.

"Soledad!" shouted May in embarrassment as she glared at the older one of the group but it was too late as the other two started laughing while Soledad had a shit eating grin on her face.

"Pfft! Hahaha! Are you serious?! Hahahaha!" Dawn couldn't help it, laughing loudly while holding her stomach.

"Hahahaha! Of course its food that gives you an idea!" remarked the redhead as she leaned against Soledad while laughing hysterically.

May pouted as her cheeks flushed red before crossing her arms and turned away from the three. "You're all so mean!" snapped the brunette while they kept laughing.

They continued for a bit until the redhead calmed down enough to notice the brunette's pouty expression. "Oh c'mon, don't be such a killjoy."

"I'm not a killjoy Zoey!" snapped May as she glared back at her.

"My apologies Princess of Hoenn," said Zoey with obvious sarcasm in her voice while a large smirk spread across her face.

May let out a disgruntled sound over her words. "Damn it, I wish you never heard that," she whined, pouting even harder.

Wrapping her right arm around May's neck, Soledad brought her in closer to her. "Now, now, no need to be all sad and angry at the same time over something like this. Plus, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't mind a certain someone calling you that huh?" questioned the older girl with a devious smirk.

May went scarlet while Zoey became interested and Dawn's smile faded while her expression took on a bit of sadness. "Soledad…p-please…"

"Alright, alright, I'll stop."

Letting out a sigh of relief, May nodded and withdrew from her. "Thanks." Smiling at her older friend, May turned towards the other two and before Dawn could change her expression, she noticed it and became concerned. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. No need to worry!" said the blunette hurriedly with a forced large smile on her face that only one of them noticed. "Anyways, we should continue working on our contest moves!" she said, reminding them on what they should be doing at the moment.

Knowing she was right, the girls agreed and Soledad made up their plans for the day. "Yeah, we really should. Contest is in a couple days. We should practice some battles too. Zoey and I will practice together while you two train together and then we'll switch. Say in an hour or so?"

"Alright. Sounds good to me. See you in a bit, you two," remarked Zoey and she turned to walk towards another clearing with Soledad following after her.

May and Dawn watched the two go before they faced each other. "Ready?" asked the blue haired girl.

"Yeah, but before that…are you really alright Dawn?" she asked her friend, looking at her with a concerned expression.

"Yeah, I'm good. Why do you ask?"

"Well…" May hesitated, debating on something internally for a moment before deciding to just bite the bullet and say what was on her mind. "I saw your expression just now." Dawn's eyes widened slightly. "You looked sad. Is everything alright? You know you can talk to me right?"

The blunette looked away from the brunette, wondering if she should say anything. After a moment's silence, she decided on what to say and faced her friend. "I'm alright May. No need to worry. I just remembered some friends of ours and that made me miss them," she revealed to her with a small smile. What she said was the truth, in a way and she hoped that the brunette would understand and just leave it at that without trying to dig deeper.

Luckily for Dawn, May understood what she was saying and didn't pry too much into it. She smiled a little in return. "I get it. I miss our friends too. I wonder how they're doing?" Before either of them could say anything, May got a call on her Poketch. Looking at it, she became surprised a bit. "Well, speak of the devil. Or one of them." Her words made Dawn tilt her head but before she could ask why she said that, the brunette answered it and placed the call on speaker. "Hey Misty, long time no talk. How's everything?" Hearing her say that made Dawn understand and she smiled a bit as they waited for their friend to reply before getting involved in the conversation herself.

"Hi May, everything's good here and yea, it's been a while," came their mutual friend's voice from the device's speaker with what seemed like running water in the background. "Wanted to see how you're doing and what's new," she said.

"Oh, you know, same ole. Just practicing some moves for a contest in a few days with some friends. Dawn's here too and she can hear you by the way," answered May while letting her know who else was nearby so she can know and so the blunette could get involved too.

Said blunette flashed a quick smile of gratitude towards the brunette for that before she started talking. "Hiya Misty, all good?"