7. Anyone of you heard of him ??

"Dawn! Nice to hear from you too! I was actually gonna call you after talking with May. Looks like I got you both at the same time. Lucky me," chuckled Misty. Both May and Dawn chuckled at that as well. The three of them talked for a bit, sharing what they've done within the past couple of months.

Some interesting battles they've had. People they've met. What they've learned. New clothes they've bought and a few other things. After talking for a while about all that, the red head of the three decided it was a good time to ask the question she's wanted to ask for a while now after catching up and talking about their other friends.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I talked to them too. I'll probably call them after our talk to see how they're doing as well." Both May and Dawn decided to do the same and voiced it before Misty continued. "Speaking of catching up with friends, have either of you heard from that dense head recently?"

Both girls giggled at that, knowing exactly who she was talking about as an image of a certain raven haired trainer appeared in their mind's eye. "No, sorry Misty, haven't heard from him since seeing all of you at his house a couple months ago," answered May.

"Yeah, I haven't either. Sorry Misty," said Dawn as well.

"Oh, alright." All three girls said their responses with tones coated with slight sadness that was noticeable to each other, yet none of the three were brave enough to address it.

Deciding to say something so it didn't get too awkward, Dawn spoke up after having an idea form in her head. "You know, maybe Iris might know something. Let me try giving her a call myself while you're on the line," she advised while taking out her Poketch and searched for Iris's contact information.

"Good idea," said May with Misty agreeing before waiting for their friend to call the Unovan native.

Dawn found Iris's contact and initiated the call while placing it on speaker. A couple ringing sounds went through before the call abruptly disconnected. "Huh? It didn't go through?" she asked rhetorically.

"Try again," suggested May.

"Alright." Dawn tried again but was met with the same result. "Still nothing."

"Didn't she say her hometown is up in the mountains and they have bad reception or something?" asked Misty.

May and Dawn exchanged looks of realizations on their faces. "Oh yeah…" Both said at the same time before both let out giggles at that while Misty chuckled. "I'll try one more time, at least," said Dawn as she tried again.

"Third time's the charm hopefully," commented May while Misty let out a 'hmm' in agreement.

However, luck wasn't on their side as the same thing happened with the call not going through. "Damn it," grumbled Dawn as she put away her Poketch.

"It's alright. I'll try calling her myself later. It was a good idea though," said Misty.

"Alright. We'll try again later too," said May before a sudden thought crossed her mind. "Oh, we can try Serena too and see if she knows what he's up to."

"That's right, we can!" agreed Dawn, about to call her now.

"You could but we can always try calling them later. Don't you two have to be training right now for the contest?" asked Misty, reminding them of what they were supposed to be doing right now and feeling slightly guilty for taking up their training time herself.

May and Dawn exchanged wide eyed looks at one another before letting out small chuckles. "Yeah, we should get back to that," agreed Dawn with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah we really should," started May, going silent for a moment as she thought of something else. "Before we get back to that, I got another idea though. We should have another group meet up. Get everyone back together again."

Perking up at that, Dawn joined in. "Yeah, that'll be fun! We definitely should! What do you think Misty?"

They didn't know that on the other end of the line, the red head smiled at that and felt excited for it too. "Sure, I'm in. Just let me know when."

"Alright. I'll send a group text later on with everyone in it," said May.

"Okay. Hopefully Iris will have easier time getting messages as everyone else should be fine. I'll let you two get back to training," replied back Misty.

"Oh yeah, we really need to get back to work," chuckled Dawn. "See ya Misty!"

"Yeah, we should and bye Misty! We'll talk again soon."

"Of course. Bye Dawn! Bye May! Take care!"

With that promise of meeting up again soon and goodbyes said, both May and Dawn glanced at one another after the call ended. "Well, time to get back to work," stated the brunette.

"Yeah, before Soledad and Zoey come back and see we're not doing anything," joked the blunette.

"What, scared of them?" joked May as she took out a poke ball.

Shaking her head, Dawn grinned at her as she took out a poke ball of her own. "No, but do you want to tell them the reason why we weren't?"

Face flushing with color over how both of their friends would tease her about some of the things they talked about, she didn't want to go through that. "Not really. They'll do the same to you too though," replied back May with a smirk.

"Oh, shit, you're right." Her response back made May laugh and Dawn joined in a moment later. After calming down, both girls began their training afterwards, working on improving their contest moves with their pokemon. Images of new combinations of moves entered their minds as they worked together and collaborated.

As they continued their training, another image, one unrelated to training, popped up in their minds constantly. It was of a certain raven haired trainer, making them smile and feel several different things while using their current activity to hide it from one another.

