8. You'll regret is mfker

Almost a thousand feet below the ground, an enormous underground facility was brimming with activity. And the busiest area in the entire facility was inside the research laboratory. It was one of the largest areas built since many scientists were in the middle of many experiments with nothing left on the table.

Having no morals or limits on what they could test, these scientists were left to do as they pleased, as long as they showed progress on whatever they were working on. Performance enhancers, new weapons, cloning research and much more. They were allowed to research and conduct as many trials as they wanted to their hearts' content as long as their research could benefit their leader in some way. And said leader only wanted actual progress and results with no care as to how they achieved them.

As they worked, a blonde woman was watching them through the large room window next to the laboratory's entrance while standing in the hallway with several of her subordinates beside her. It was quiet for a few moments until one from the group decided to speak up. "Looks like it was a piece of cake huh?" he asked her.

The blonde woman didn't answer immediately with the others in the group grimacing internally over it. After a moment, she slightly turned to him with a neutral expression on her face, deciding to answer since it was a harmless question from the newbie grunt. "Yes it was."

Moving her head to look at a certain group of scientists that were in one corner of the area, she had a small smirk form on her face. "He'll be thrilled to know we were able to take the league's test subjects and research notes. That'll let us speed things up a bit."

He nodded in agreement with her while a thought entered his head after staring at her for a moment. "You're right about that. I hope he's happy since the intel came through. We did good right?" She nodded after his question and he grinned a bit. "You know, we should celebrate accomplishing our mission without trouble," he said with a suggestive tone along with doing something, becoming emboldened from her agreeing with him.

She turned to face him after he said the suggestion with an angry glare. He had moved closer to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. His stupid action made the others in the group stare wide eyed in shock at what he just did. "You're going to regret that."

Before he could even respond, he was pushed back with two of his fingers broken, making him howl with pain. "Don't ever touch me again. Only one man can touch me and that's not you. Got it, you fuckin nobody?!"

Not waiting for a reply, she delivered a strong right hook to his face that cracked his jaw. She followed up immediately with a kick straight to his groin that made him freeze with tremendous pain that didn't even let him make a sound. And she finished up her assault by grabbing his face with her right hand and slammed his head against the wall near them a few times before letting him drop to the floor in an unconscious heap. "Get this piece of shit outta my sight before I kill him!"

The others that stood there and did nothing as the blonde woman ruthlessly beat down the foolish rookie moved at once to follow her orders. "Fuckin idiot," commented one of them as he knelt down to pick up the unconscious person.

"Newbie should've known better," remarked another as he helped carry him.

Glaring at the unconscious form of the unworthy prick who dared think he could touch her as her other two subordinates took him away, the woman said something out loud to her subordinates while shifting her attention back to the room window. "Tell everyone that the next moron who thinks they can touch me, is gonna die a slow and painful death." The group beside her swiftly left to inform everyone of her new decree.

"Did you break another set of fingers?" said a new voice.

Without even looking towards the person who just spoke, the blonde responded back with a neutral expression on her face as if she hadn't even done anything. "Stupid shit should've listened to the others telling him not to try anything with me. Damn newbie," she replied back without care and the new person chuckled. "Did those psychos do their job?" she asked the newly arrived man

"A little too well actually. Got everything that we needed and more. Dropped them off in Unova before coming back. They're unloading as we speak." The blonde let out a content sound at that and the man nodded. He glanced at the window, looking in on the scientists working inside. "So, with this job complete, that makes it my last flying mission. I'll get a nice desk job now and have several of my own to boss around," said the man with a smirk.

"That's right, you're moving up in the organization. Who's your replacement?" she asked him.

"New guy. Damn good pilot if ever I saw one. Still not as good as me though since he's a timid one. He'll have to toughen up to survive here. He might be able to do it. Kinda obsessed with the red head though ever since he saw her," informed the pilot, not caring about his words. He knew the woman in front of him absolutely hated people who beat around the bush and those who wasted time. He didn't want to ever get on her bad side.

The blonde woman was filled with annoyance over what she heard. "Great. Another simpleton."

"Maybe. But easier to control, right?" said the man and the woman didn't say anything. "So, I'm curious, what's next?"

She didn't say anything for a while, contemplating if she should or not. Deciding she should, since he was being promoted and would probably hear about it anyways from the other executives. "We're going to need some more test subjects," she said. "We have some pokémon from the scientists' labs we took. But we're going to need more. And we're going to need some human volunteers as well," she added with a nasty smile spreading on her face, not going into too much detail.

The pilot chuckled. "I know you'll have fun finding some volunteers. You gonna go for just anyone or certain people in mind? Like one of the gym leaders, professors or popular trainers?" he asked her.

She thought about that for a bit before she shook her head. "No. We can't afford to go after well known individuals. It'll cause too many questions to be asked and many would go searching for them. It's unnecessary anyways with what the boss has planned."

He nodded. "Oh right, the boss's vision. It'll be a glorious day when it finally comes to pass. All will know the boss's will and we'll all live much better lives."

A genuine smile spread on the woman's face that not only increased her beauty but somehow also made her look sinister. "Yes. It will most definitely be a glorious day. With him on top of the world…and with me right there beside him, where I belong."

With those words said, she left the man and made to go find the one whose image appeared in her mind. The one who she loved and would burn the world for if he wished it so…