9. Rare vision of future

In a massive hall that screamed divinity due to its sublime engravings and decorations on the walls and pillars, several powerful beings were gathered there. Three of them, the reality dragon trio consisting of Palkia, Dialga and Giratina stood together some distance behind the legendary psychic feline.

Mewtwo was the one who stood in front of the three, facing upwards towards Arceus, the large white centaur like being. This particular being was half sitting and half lying down upon a golden throne like chair with velvety red cushions. None of them made a sound or even moved as Mewtwo stared at the Alpha Pokémon, his psychic shield still up, but no longer worried about the Dragon trio behind him who were still there.

After a short while, the psychic feline let his shield vanish while taking a calmer stance before he finally spoke. "You have something to discuss with me Arceus?" Mewtwo's question was not answered but he took the silence as confirmation before the psychic feline continued. "If that's the case, then why did you have these fools bring me here against my will with a rather poor greeting? Why didn't you come to me or summon me yourself if you wished to discuss something with me?"

The Dragon trio growled at the insult and let out some choice words of their own, making Mewtwo glance back at them and snarl in return over their insults but none of them attempted to do anything else, since the Original One was now there.

"Silence," said Arceus, his telepathic voice booming with power that immediately compelled the four to quiet down at once. "I will answer that but before I do, I must warn you that I will not tolerate any more rude or disrespectful behavior from you in this sacred place, the Hall of Origin, which is also my home. This goes for everyone. Are we clear?"

The dragon trio bowed to their father as a sign of obedience, not even attempting to argue back. The psychic feline glared at Arceus, annoyed over the remark since it wasn't like he asked to be brought here. Regardless, he understood and knew that he couldn't argue against the one who created everything. Even he knew that he couldn't go against Arceus. And so, he too agreed with a curt nod. Seeing him submit,

Arceus continued on. "Good. Now, Mewtwo, I had them seek you out to bring you here since I was busy with something else. Even I didn't know what actions they would take to bring you here and because of that, I apologize for their disrespectful actions against you." He glared at the trio who hung their heads in shame and slight fear over their father's angered gaze.

Moving his sight away from the trio, Arceus set his eyes back onto the purple feline. "Allow me to get to the point of this meeting of ours. The reason I wanted you here is because I have had a vision."

"A vision?" repeated Mewtwo questioningly.

"Yes, a vision of the future," clarified the Alpha Pokemon. "Most of the time, I have designated such things for my most powerful and capable children, the legendaries, to take care of but I made it so only the most important ones come to me instead. I have seen this vision five times already, always the exact same vision and always right before I wake up in the morning, in the past five days. Now, this vision that I have seen, is one that brings me great fear and sadness over what can happen due to it, just by thinking about it."

Mewtwo's eyes grew wide in surprise over the revelation. It must be something extremely terrible to bring the Original One to worry, thought the purple feline. He definitely wanted to know more about this so called vision if it frightened Arceus. "What did it show you?" questioned Mewtwo in a low tone of voice.

The creator of all answered without delay. "A terrible darkness will emerge that will threaten the very world itself. It will carve a path of destruction against all in its wake, and those who survive, whether human or Pokémon, will be corrupted by it. These…corrupted…will help the darkness spread its evil all over the world. Sadly, not even my first children, the legendaries, will be able to overcome the corruption. Except for those who have their own worlds or dimensions, such as Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, can run and be safe where the evil cannot reach them."

The reality trio looked up towards their father with horrified faces over what they just heard. They couldn't believe the words that were just spoken by their father. Even their incredible powers will be no match against this coming darkness? They could be affected as well, even with all their strength and reality bending abilities? The three had fear fill them as they shook slightly while rooted to their spots with this newfound information floating around in their heads as they continued staring at their father in horror.

Mewtwo stared at Arceus with a shocked expression on his face as his heart started beating quicker with a cold shiver going down his spine. A moment later he looked down at the floor with many thoughts racing through his mind. How could such a thing happen? What could be powerful enough to overcome all the legendaries? To even affect the deities of space, time and antimatter? How is this possible? But why tell me about this? Unless…wait… He raised his gaze back towards Arceus and asked him what was on his mind.

"You said none of your children can overcome the darkness that is coming. Correct?" A nod was his answer. "Alright. And what of myself? I am not one created by you, but by man. And what about you? Can you be affected as well?" asked Mewto, making Dialga, Palkia and Giratina to look at Arceus with even more fearful expressions, the feline's questions breaking them out of their worried stupor as they too wanted to know those answers.

"The darkness can affect you as well Mewtwo," answered the Original One without hesitation.

"No…" A horrified expression showed up on Mewtwo's face, unable to believe that he too can be affected.

Ignoring the denial from the psychic legendary, Arceus continued answering his questions. "As for myself, I am not sure. If I stay here, I will be safe as none may enter here without my permission. It may not be able to affect me if I go out from here to confront it. But I cannot take that chance, for if the darkness does take over me, it will destroy and corrupt absolutely everything in this universe with my powers. However, I do not yet know where this evil will be coming from, what exactly it is or what causes it to emerge in the beginning so I really cannot say. At this moment, I do not know what or who causes the darkness to emerge or I would make sure it never happens," explained Arceus as he kept his gaze on Mewtwo.

