10. Find him on Mt. Silver

"How could you not know?" asked Mewtwo, dumbfounded over what he just learned. "Shouldn't you be able to see everything?" His questions angered the reality trio, thinking that he dared question their father on his vast abilities but still remained silent since a part of them also wanted to know.

Arceus did not immediately respond back as he took a moment to deduce the best way to reply back. "For the most part, yes, I do when I choose to. I don't see everything at once. God or no, even I could go insane from it. I mentioned this before, but I made it so I learn of things as I choose to and am made aware of almost everything that is important."

Mewtwo understood and was about to speak when Arceus continued on, unintentionally interrupting him. "However, this darkness could be protecting those that will unleash it. Or it could be the darkness itself that is preventing me from knowing. Again, as of now, I am unsure. This hasn't happened to me before," revealed the Alpha Pokemon.

"I see." Mewtwo went quiet for a bit, thinking of everything he learned. As he thought, so did the dragons behind him, wondering of what their father revealed. Until something popped into his head and made him share his thoughts. "If this is your vision Arceus, why did you bring me here? Why did you want to share this with me? Why am I here? What can I do, if it can affect me so?"

"I did see something else in my vision as well that I haven't mentioned yet."Arceus now stood up and walked forward towards Mewtwo as he spoke, his golden hooves making no noise as they hit the pristine marble floor.

"Near the end of my vision, right before I awaken, I see the darkness gathering from all sides to a large mountain along with many corrupted Pokémon and humans. At the top of this mountain, I see the silhouettes of two beings, one human, and one Pokémon, both of whom seem to be fighting the darkness, keeping it at bay." As he finished saying this, Arceus locked eyes with Mewtwo.

The purple legendary's eyes narrowed in realization. "I am the Pokémon you saw in your vision."

"Yes, you are. Even though you were barely visible in my vision, there is no doubt in my mind. You will be one of the two fighting the darkness."

"But you said that the darkness can affect me as well. Why is it that at the end of your vision, it shows otherwise? And why would I fight alongside a human? They are all unworthy and not to be trusted, believing that they are superior and destroy what they deem unimportant in their own misguided beliefs," snarled Mewtwo, remembering all the horrible things he's witnessed humans do to one another and to pokemon, including what they did and wanted to do to him.

Arceus said nothing for a moment until a soft expression formed on his face. "Yes, many humans have acted with such vile actions. You yourself have done certain horrible actions too as I recall." That last comment made Mewtwo look away to the side with both anger and slight shame that he was reminded of his past actions.

"However, to answer both of your questions, I merely say this; not all humans are the same. I believe there is a certain human who embodies all the good in the world in great quantities and you have met this person a couple times as well. I believe it is because of him that the darkness does not affect you and that is why you are fighting together in my vision."

Surprised over the answer, Mewtwo couldn't believe it and that made him look at Arceus again. "There is no such human. How can you…" Mewtwo trailed off, suddenly remembering who the Alpha Pokémon was talking about. Arceus nodded as he noticed Mewtwo's realization.

"That boy. The one who risked his life for the Pokémon and me…what was his name…Ash? Ash Ketchum? Yes, that was his name. But why him? Just because of a few good deeds, doesn't mean he is the one," wondered Mewtwo out loud, lost in thought.

"Yes, Ash Ketchum. I believe he is the human in my vision. I have a little more information about this vision but before I say anything else, and before you tell me what you decide, I would like to request something from you." Mewtwo looked up at Arceus and after a moment, he nodded.

"Excellent. I would like you to find Ash, and bring him here. Do not tell him about the vision just yet, but that I need to see him. We have met before and he will come. I would go myself, but I would like to get something prepared for him while you retrieve him. Plus, it looks like my children like to complicate things for their own amusement so I will not be asking them to go this time."

Arceus glanced back towards the dragons, causing the three to immediately stare at the floor. Arceus shook his head in disapproval before facing the psychic again. "Mewtwo, before you leave, I would like to give you this gift."

Arceus had a one of his Unown appear, seemingly out of nowhere right in front Mewtwo. It glowed a pure white, causing Mewtwo to glow pure white as well. After a few seconds the glowing stopped from both Pokémon.

Once finished, the Unown vanished back to its unknown place it came from. "There. I have given you access to teleport back here once you find him and he agrees to come with you. I shall be waiting for you both. Even though I know you can find him easily, to make things quicker, he is on Mount Silver. I shall see you both soon."

Mewtwo said nothing in reply but gave another curt nod. He glanced at the Dragon trio for a second before facing the Original One. "I will return with him soon." He vanished from his spot as he teleported to Mount Silver.

Arceus turned around to go back to his throne. Giratina took this opportunity to speak up about some things that he, and probably his brothers as well, were thinking about. "Father, why would you trust Mewtwo? Surely you know of his origin, and what he was created to be? And you know what he has done in the past. Why would you trust such a being, one who is filled with so many doubts and conflicting emotions with something so important? One who only cares for himself?"

The other two reality Dragons locked their gazes onto their father and nodded in agreement with their brother since they all knew how the psychic feline was and wanted to know why he would be so trusting towards him.

Arceus answered his son as he continued moving towards his throne and sat down on it. "Because he is the one I saw in my vision, along with Ash. I believe the two were destined to meet before. They have shown each other what the world truly holds, both good and bad."

"But how would that help them against this darkness?" asked Giratina, saying what was on the minds of his brothers once more.

Arceus was quiet for a moment before he responded. "You will come to understand in time. Words can only answer so much." The reality Dragons said no more as they understood that the Original One was done speaking about that particular subject.

