11. At Mt. Silver

Laughter echoed in the mountainous forest as a purple haired girl dashed through the area while occasionally using the tree's lower branches to swing herself towards her destination faster. She always relished the feeling of being out and about in the world, especially out in the wilderness where she loved being in.

The wondrous smells of exotic flowers that one could sniff. The gorgeous views that one could see at the top of mountains and plateaus. The rare pokemon that one could cross paths with on their journey to become stronger.

All of that and more were the reasons why she enjoyed being outside compared to being cooped up inside. One of the biggest reasons was because she felt free whenever she was outside. That freedom allowed her to be who she wanted to be and also allowed her to think without anything or anyone bothering her.

Though she would take almost any reason to be outside, this particular time was because she had returned back to her hometown, a small settlement called the Village of Dragons and decided to go on patrol for one of the guards who had become ill from food poisoning.

Volunteering to do the patrol without a second thought, it allowed her to escape her elders who had wanted to speak with her about her future and her responsibilities. She didn't want to think about it as she had other goals and plans in mind instead and one of them was to become one of, if not the, greatest dragon trainer in the world.

How was she supposed to accomplish that if she stayed stuck in her hometown? Plus, she was barely an adult, in her late teens. She wanted to bring that up but didn't know how to say so just yet and because of that, took any opportunity to avoid it altogether.

After continuing on a little bit longer and going up a path on the side of a mountain, she finally arrived to her destination as she reached its peak.

Slowing down to a walk, the purple haired girl took in a few deep breaths as she moved closer to the edge of the mountain cliff. Once at the end of it, she lifted her hand to use as cover for her eyes from the strong sunlight and took in the sight before her.

"Wow. Every time I come here, it always looks so beautiful," she spoke to herself and she wasn't lying.

The entirety of the forest lay before her in the valley with the winding river flowing through it from one side to the other. And in the far distance she could see her village at the base of the mountainous region behind it.

Smiling wide, the girl took a seat right there with her legs crossed, being careful to not fall over.

She stayed there for a while, thinking about everything she had gone through so far in her life. She always did whenever she came to this particular spot since it was peaceful and no one bothered her while there. One particular memory came up and it brought a large smile on her face.

"Man, I can't believe it's been a couple months already. It was fun seeing everyone again…" The memory that came to mind was the group reunion she went to recently that was hosted by a certain raven haired trainer's mother when he had come back from the Kalos region.

"I wonder what everyone's up to…"

Deciding to call some of her friends to see how they're doing, she took out her Poketch and attempted to call some of them. However, after a few failed attempts, she let out an annoyed grumble before she crossed her arms after realizing the reason why.

"Damn it, of course. Weak signal." Letting out a huff because of it, she wondered if any of her friends missed her and if any of them tried to contact her.

"Yeah right, they probably have better things to do than try to call me while I'm here in the middle of nowhere."

Even though Iris loved her hometown and culture, there were a few things she hated about it. And one of them was how they had horrible reception. Only a few places in the village had good service, which were the pokemon center, the council building for the village elders and some of the villagers' homes.

Luckily for her, her residence was one of them but that didn't help her at the moment.

Letting out a huff, she brought her legs up and close to her chest while placing her crossed arms over her knees. As she thought about her friends and her inability to contact them whenever she or they wanted, a certain person's image appeared in her head.

"And like hell that dumbass kid would call since he even forgets to call his own mother even after promising her he would. Stupid kid." Her previous cheerful attitude soured as more and more negative thoughts entered her head.

Dwelling on that for longer than she intended, she was about to get lost in it when her Poketch started ringing, catching her by surprise. "What the hell?! A call went through?!" Hurriedly answering it, she spoke into it, a little louder than intended. "H-Hello?!"


Her eyes widened, hearing who it was. She didn't expect her to call. Even with the signal weak and the other's voice being broken up, she still knew who it was, having met before a few times and became friends. "Misty, hey, I'm good and you?"

"…to hear…wanted…catch…breaking up…where…"

Standing up, she spoke a little slower but also louder into the Poketch while raising it higher into the air, hoping it would help with the signal. Iris tried her best to communicate while making assumptions of what her friend was possibly saying. "Sorry, I'm up in the mountains right now doing a patrol of the area. If I was in the village, it would be better."


"Thanks for the call. How are you doing?"


"Good to hear and nope, all the same. With you?" she replied back.


"No, not since the reunion. Have you?"


It took Iris a moment to understand who she was talking about until she got it. "Ah, okay, cool. I should call them too and see how they're doing." She heard something on the other line that she assumed was an agreement of some sort. Deciding to go with that, Iris asked a question that came up then. "What about that kid? Have you talked or heard from him?"


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