17. Sounds like a place to date ...

Serena had a large smile on her face. "Well, one other thing about the 'Sky Spirits Den' is that the view it offers at the top of it is said to be amazing and rivals that of any other beautiful spot in the world."

"Now that's more like it," commented Grace, making Serena giggle.

"Sounds like a great place for a date. You should go with…"

"Don't start!" interrupted Serena, making Grace laugh.

"Okay, okay. Anyways, that's enough history lessons for one day for me," said Grace as she stood up. "What do you feel like having for dinner today?" she asked as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Doesn't matter. You decide," replied back Serena.

As Grace started making something for them to eat, the honey blonde haired girl saved her spot by folding the top right corner of the page and closed the book. She started thinking as she gazed at the book's cover. She thought of what she read.

She thought of the one who got the book for her. And thinking of him made her think about how she didn't go through with her plan when they said their goodbyes when he was going back home and they were alone. She wanted to show him how she felt about him by giving him a goodbye kiss but chickened out at the end. And she also thought about how she didn't do anything when she went to his house for the big get together. She closed her eyes and took in a breath. I have to tell him.

But how and when? Unable to figure out a way after a short while and not wanting to dwell on that, she decided to go help out her mom with preparing their meal. Placing the book on the coffee table next to the couch, she got up and went to the kitchen.

A little while later, after Serena and her mother finished their meal, the honey blonde haired girl got a call from one of her newly made friends, who she remembered was a native from the Hoenn region…


Three individuals appeared out of thin air right in the middle of the Hall of Origin. Two of the three were amazed at where they now stood unable to look away. The marvelous grand hall with their seemingly divine markings and decorations seemed to capture their attention.

So much so that they didn't notice that the one who brought them here had already moved forward nor did they notice the others that were already there.

"I've brought him just like you requested. Now, what other information is there to that vision?" asked the purple feline.

Ash's and Pikachu's attention snapped back to Mewtwo after hearing him speak. It was then they noticed three others near them who were actually standing right beside him. His jaw dropped and his eyes grew wide before he was able to say something.

"No way!" he exclaimed with surprise in seeing the three reality dragons with his loyal partner letting out a 'pika' in shock too. Immediately afterwards, a large goofy grin spread on his face.

"Hey, it's so good to see you guys again!"

"It's good to see you too," replied Giratina kindly.

"Whoa, you can talk?!" remarked an astonished Ash.

A scoff was let out by the lord of space before he responded telepathically. "We've always been able to talk. It's just sometimes we simply chose not to," replied Palkia with a slightly annoyed tone.

"True, as well as other reasons," added Dialga.

"What, no greetings for me?" interrupted a deep, booming, yet oddly calming voice that came from behind the trio.

"Wait, is that…" Ash peered behind Giratina as he leaned over to the side.

"It is! Arceus!" The young man dashed forward with Pikachu holding onto his shoulder. He quickly made his way to the Original One, who was sitting on top of his throne.

Ash stopped directly in front of him with a large beaming smile on his face, mirrored by his starter. "Hey Arceus! It's been so long. How have you been?"

"It has been a while. It's good to see you in good spirits and health." Arceus replied back with a warm smile on his face, one he rarely gave. The reality Dragon trio noticed this, becoming a little envious but made no sound.

"Thanks, and same to you!"

The purple feline couldn't wait anymore and spoke up once more at that moment.

"Alright, I brought the boy. I've done as you asked. Now tell me the rest of the vision. What other information is there in regards to it?" Mewtwo was getting impatient. Even though he had a little respect for Ash and Arceus, he didn't like being ignored and made to wait.

"Vision? What vision?" A clueless Ash asked the group at large, alternating his gaze to each of the powerful beings around him.

"Pika?" Pikachu looked lost as well, tilting his head.

Arceus had an expression of annoyance flash across his face that only the young man missed before he started speaking.

"I shall tell you. I will tell both of you. But first let me have Ash catch up to what you already know." Mewtwo growled lowly at having to wait even more but said no more as he crossed his arms and looked over to the side. Seeing the psychic feline fall in line, Arceus moved on.

"Better. Now Ash, I have something important to tell you…" And with that Arceus told Ash everything he told Mewtwo.

The darkness that can and will corrupt all that was coming in five years time. How even the legendaries weren't even safe and powerless against it. How Arceus couldn't get involved personally. And how he and Mewtwo were seen in his vision, which meant they would fight together against the darkness.


More 20+ advance chapters on PATREON!