18. Aura Guardian

After he had been caught up, Ash was both horrified at finding out about the darkness coming and shocked that he was one of the two seen fighting in Arceus's vision. He went quiet for a short while, thinking of what he had been told. Several things came to mind and he brought them up.

"Damn, to hear all that…that's terrible. Even legendaries can be corrupted by this evil. That's awful. I want to help. I really do. But…why me?" asked Ash, glancing at each legendary Pokémon there before facing Arceus again. He took in a breath and continued since they remained silent.

"I'm just a teenager, not even an adult in the laws' eyes since I'm just seventeen years old. I haven't even won a major tournament yet. Sure, I've gotten to later rounds and my pokémon are strong…but…I don't think they can handle something like this. Especially if even legendary Pokémon can't go against it, how could I? I don't know why you saw me in your vision Arceus. I'm not some great hero. I don't think I'm the right person for the job." Ash couldn't look at the Alpha pokemon anymore and lowered his gaze to his feet while his ever loyal starter tried to cheer him up by patting him on his head.

The young man felt ashamed that they thought he was something special when he wasn't. How could they think I could do it?

Arceus knew what troubled his young friend and decided to help him. "Ash." The raven haired trainer looked up at the Original One after he called out his name.

"Aren't you forgetting some things? You are an Aura Guardian and you have done many great things already, even before you knew of your true heritage," reminded the god pokemon kindly.

Mewtwo's face showed a startled expression over hearing that, but only for a split second. Of course! That's what it was! I knew what that glow was! So, he's an Aura Guardian as well? Hmm…he keeps surprising me. Perhaps there is even more to him than I thought.

Seeing that his Chosen One was still being quiet, Arceus continued on, to give him encouragement and to reveal the first of the information.

"You have much potential. Both you and Mewtwo. But there is more to the vision. I mentioned that I have seen the vision every morning for the past five days. I have not seen the vision today though which means something a little good for us. You will have five years to train and prepare for this coming evil."

"How do you know that?"Both Mewtwo and Ash asked at the same time, making them glance at one another before facing the creator of all.

"As I said before, only the most important visions come to me. I have seen visions before and each time, I saw them continuously for some days and then it stops. Once it stops, the amount of days I saw the vision, would be the amount of time in years it would take for it to happen. That is something that never changes. So again, that gives us the time to ready ourselves for what is to come."

Ash nodded at hearing that and so did Mewtwo. "So five years. Five years is what we have to prepare for what seems like an all out world war or to do nothing and just wait for it to come for us…" said Ash quietly but it was heard by everyone there. He glanced down at his shoes, thinking hard. After a short while, he clinched his fists and raised his head up to face Arceus.

"I will train hard and prepare as much as I can. I will face this coming darkness when it appears to the best of my ability and I will never give up until the end," he said with no hint of hesitation in his voice with Pikachu agreeing with his statement, making Dialga, Palkia and Giratina give him astonished looks while Arceus gave him a proud one.

Hearing his words spoken with such conviction caused the purple feline to give an appraising look at the boy. I knew that this human…no...Mewtwo shook his head mentally.

This young man has shown me great kindness and respect. He is also not running away from this. He deserves my respect and I shall call him by his name. I knew Ash was different, but I didn't expect him to accept this great burden so quickly.

While Mewtwo thought of that within a split second, Arceus spoke to Ash.

"I can expect no more from you, even as an Aura Guardian…even as my Chosen One." Those last few words made Mewtwo widen his eyes and looked at the young man with disbelief on his face.

"I am happy to say that I am proud that you are accepting this great burden on your shoulders. I know you will do your best and that you will not give up, like you always have done before. I have some advice and a plan for both you and Mewtwo that will help out tremendously in your training and preparation."

Ash and Mewtwo, who had recovered and went back to his normally stoic expression, glanced at each other and give a curt nod to one another. They both stepped forward to Arceus and awaited his advice.

"Before the advice, I have been told from one of my children who has also seen a vision as well, but of a happier event. There will be a tournament of the best trainers across all the regions. It will take place in three years time, hosted at the Indigo Plateau. I think it will be a good test for you, my Chosen One, to see where you stand against the best of the best and will help you find out of any weaknesses you may still have."

That bit of news perked him up greatly since he loved pokemon battles.

"Sounds awesome, thank you Arceus! I will definitely enter and see where I stack up," said Ash, excited to hear of a new tournament coming up in the future.

Arceus smiled before continuing on. "As for you Mewtwo, I believe you will be able to achieve greater power and skill if you were to stick with Ash for the next five years. You can learn greatly from Mewtwo as well Ash."

Mewtwo was silent for a moment, thinking about what he was told but then gave a slight nod in understanding and agreement soon after.