19. We're partners

Ash looked at the powerful psychic, feeling a little anxious.

"I guess we're partners huh? I hope we can get along and learn a lot from each other." He was unsure if the legendary psychic feline wanted to be around him or if he was disappointed to be told to stick with him.

Mewtwo could tell Ash was feeling a little timid and hesitant, even if he hadn't picked up his thoughts as he read his mind.

"Do not worry Ash. You are the only human I respect and will not hurt intentionally. I believe we'll do well together as long as we do our best and don't give up," stated Mewtwo.

Ash smiled at that, feeling more confident. "Thanks Mewtwo and I'm sure we'll do great!"

Arceus had nodded in approval with seeing the two getting on the same page. "Mewtwo. Ash." The two looked up at Arceus.

"I have a plan for you both as to what you should do in the coming years. If you feel you have any advice, objections or different ideas, please feel free to let me know as I give out the details."

Both Mewtwo and Ash nodded and waited patiently. The reality dragons, although silent all this time, became still as statues as well, waiting to hear their father's plan.

"Alright, since we have five years before the darkness emerges, we should break up that time into smaller goals and objectives so we don't get lost in what to do…" Arceus trailed off for a moment as something popped up in his mind suddenly.

"By the way Ash, I know you have practiced on using your aura a bit, but you should train your aura abilities every day from now on. In that regard, you should find that Riolu that you crossed paths with a while back as fast as you can. He will become one of your strongest friends." Arceus gave a slight pause, as if something just hit him and then he continued.

"Actually that should be your number one priority. He is on his way to your Mount Silver training area, since that's where he last sensed you."

Ash was slightly surprised that Arceus mentioned Riolu for a moment but then quickly understood. He figured that Arceus is the Alpha Pokémon and probably learns about everything that happens at some point or another.

"Will do Arceus."

The Alpha pokemon went on with his plans. "For the first year, you should travel the world again and look for Pokémon that will aid you in the coming battles. It's a given that you should find powerful Pokémon, but also look for powerful ones who also have true fighting spirits. Your aura senses, along with Riolu's, as well as Mewtwo's psychic senses, should help in that regard." Arceus paused for a second, waiting to see if either Ash or Mewtwo had questions, but both were silent.

"From the start of the second year until the tournament begins, you should train all of your Pokémon as well as yourself to the best of your and their abilities. Mewtwo, you should help him in this regard and he will help you. You both know how to set up good training regiments. But don't forget to do some research as there may be some things that you don't know about."

Both Ash and Mewtwo nodded, to show that they understood the plan so far. "After the tournament, use the results to catch up on things you may not know or weaknesses that you may not have addressed that were exploited. Also, use this time to find other Pokémon that you didn't think about before and train them up to your other Pokémon's levels."

"During this time, you should also start strategizing how to implement your Pokémon in an actual battle of war, and how to have your Pokémon fight multiple opponents at once." Arceus gave a moment's pause so they can think about what he just said and to see if they had any questions.

Silence followed and he went on. "After the end of the fourth year, you should start scouting out strategic areas to set up camps and bases. Perhaps even set up secret supply stashes that you can use while on the run."

"Make sure to have some sort of communication system set up between all of your Pokémon, and maybe perhaps your camps so that you can give out commands efficiently while in combat. You should also have some sort of headquarters that will help set everything else up." Arceus took in a breath before he finally finished with a couple more statements.

"That's what I have planned out so far at the moment. If I come up with anything else, I shall let you both know. And please, if either of you come up with anything, let me know as well. But I must also say this; all this planning will only help a little to prepare us for what is to come. I cannot truly say what will happen when the fighting actually begins."

Ash and Mewtwo understood Arceus, not saying anything about his plans or about his final warning. Ash remained quiet for a moment since many thoughts were going around in his head. Some of those thoughts needed answers and he spoke up.

"Arceus, what about my friends and my family?" asked Ash.

"Shouldn't I tell them about all this? Shouldn't they come to train as well? And what about you? And the Legendaries? Actually, shouldn't we let the world know?"

Arceus had a feeling those questions would probably be asked and was ready in advance to answer them.

"Yes and no. Before you go to tackle these things, you may go tell your friends and mother that you are going on a long training trip. But do not tell anyone, not even your close friends or mother, about the coming darkness. The world will panic and be engulfed in chaos if they let something slip. It may even make the darkness emerge sooner than we anticipate."

"It may even bring those who are the cause of it to attack you before you are ready. Unfortunately, when the battle begins, I will not get involved. It may not affect me but if it does, it will wreak havoc on the entire universe. I will watch from here, the Hall of Origin as nothing can get in here without me knowing or having my permission. I will give guidance when needed. If the darkness does take over and you two fail, I have a backup plan but I would much rather not do that though as I care about all of my children," explained Arceus, making Mewtwo furrow his brow slightly over what he said last.

Ash scowled over what he heard and Pikachu didn't like that either. He didn't like to lie or to keep secrets, even though he had to regarding certain things. He was tired of keeping secrets and lying to those he cares about the most.

But now he had to keep more secrets and tell more lies? And these lies involved such high stakes that he wondered how could he even keep this from them.