32. New home or trouble

There was a rather impressive white marble water fountain that had a statue of the same design as the gate and just behind that was a large two story house that looked like a miniature mansion. Ash and Pikachu grinned at one another before the young man sprinted towards the house. Riolu and Mewtwo followed shortly after him.

The young guardian reached the door, grabbed the doorknob and turned it. He and Pikachu stepped inside the building after pushing open the door and their jaws dropped. As they explored the mini mansion, their stunned expressions not once left their faces as they took in their new home for the next few years.

As soon as they entered their new home, they were greeted with a huge living room with three large light grey couches surrounding a decent sized glass coffee table in the shape and design of a common poke ball. A large flat screen TV hung against the wall in front of them. Two staircases on both sides of the living room that led upstairs also had door openings under them.

The left door opening led to a large dining room, where a long black dining table with a dozen chairs around it was set in the middle of the room. The right door opening led to another living room that doubled as a den, with more of the same couches and another same coffee table, all in front of a large fire place.

In the main living room, the wall that had the hanging TV also had two door openings on either side of the TV that both led to a large kitchen. Many cupboards lined the walls with several brand new appliances spread around them that included a refrigerator, dishwasher, electric stove and microwave.

There was another door opening to the right that led to a laundry room with a brand new washer and dryer. To the left, another door opening led to a pantry, with shelves lining the walls. The kitchen also had a single door in the middle of the back wall that led to the backyard.

The backyard had a fairly large patio with a larger oval pool a little away from the patio along with a raised oval jacuzzi next to the pool on the other side facing the building. There was also a barbeque grill area made from bricks in the patio off to the side. Near that and around the pool were several lounge chairs surrounding it.

After checking out the backyard, they went upstairs and saw that there were five bedrooms and three bathrooms. Two bedrooms were on the left with a bathroom in between them.

The same layout was on the opposite side of it. And in the middle was the master bedroom that was over the main living room. On the right side of the master bathroom was the large walk in closet and the left was the master bathroom.

Across the hall from the master bedroom they saw elevator doors. Curious to why it was there, the group moved to it and Ash pushed the button with his right index finger. The elevator door's dinged open immediately after. Getting inside the elevator, they looked to the right side of the door opening and noticed that there were only three buttons. Next to each button was a single word.

One read "Office", the next was "Bedrooms" and the last one said "Roof". Ash pushed the button for "Roof" first and they felt the elevator go up after the doors closed.

As the elevator dinged and opened the doors, they stepped out. Ash and Pikachu smiled as they saw a good distance out over the railings around the edges of the building's roof, seeing the sea of green around them courtesy of the surrounding forest with the blue ocean further out in the distance.

The two quickly joined Mewtwo and Riolu looking around the roof after taking in the view. Five large curved solar panels in the middle of the roof as well as four tall shielded windmills, one in each corner of the roof, supplied the building's electricity requirements.

"That's great. Now we know how everything is powered and shouldn't have any worries about any electric bills, huh Pikachu?" joked Ash. Pikachu shook his head at the lame joke while Riolu and Mewtwo didn't say anything. Though one of them was smirking to himself over it.

"Oh alright fine it wasn't that good." He scratched the yellow mouse behind the ears and Pikachu cooed in happiness.

Riolu motioned them to go back to the elevator. "Let's see what's in the 'Office', shall we?"

"Yes, I am curious as to what it holds as well," added Mewtwo.

They got back inside the elevator and Ash pushed the button for "Office". They felt the elevator move down and dinged, opening the doors a second later. They stepped out and Ash let out a whistle. For they had stepped into a large rectangular room that had a computer and three monitors in a half circle on a large desk with a computer chair right in front of them about ten feet from the elevator doors.

Against both side walls were a row of cupboards on the ground, followed with rows of books above them reaching the ceiling. A large open area in the middle of the room had nothing there.

On the wall opposite the elevator doors was again a row of cupboards on the ground and a large detailed world map hung above it.

Riolu and Mewtwo checked out the book shelves, while Pikachu opened each cupboard to see if there was anything inside them.

Ash turned on the computer to see if there was anything on it. It was basically a brand new computer that had several useful programs pre-installed, such as a pokémon battle simulator, Sliph Office Works for typing documents, making computer presentations and other things, a CD burning program, an internet browser, as well as many other programs he could possibly use.

He also noticed that the computer had a wireless internet connection, which he assumed was via satellite since he saw one set up on the roof.

After they finished checking out the room a little, Ash turned off the computer and they decided to head back up. Once they reached the bedroom level, they went back downstairs and relaxed onto the couches in the main living room.