33. Pleasure

"Ah! This feels good!" said Ash as he dropped onto the middle couch, taking up the whole thing.

"Chaaa!" agreed Pikachu while he curled up into a ball on the left couch.

"These will be good to relax on after a good day's training," added Riolu as he too sat and relaxed on the couch where Pikachu was curled up on.

"I agree. These aren't half bad," finished up Mewtwo, having used his psychic powers to float over to the other couch on the right and lied down on it. His long purple tail grazed the floor as it swished back and forth.

A comfortable silence enveloped them as they all thought about different things. "We should figure out where to put the large aura crystal that Lady Mew told us to bring," advised Riolu after a few silent minutes.

"Hmm, that's a good point," replied the raven haired trainer while still lying down on his back with his interlocked hands behind his head and his eyes closed. His hat was lowered over his face a little. They all thought in silence.

"Pika pika chu pi chu pika pi pikachu pi kachu pi pika."

Ash took off the hat and stared at his starter. "Huh, why didn't I think of that? You're right; we should put it in the office, in the middle of the large open area. Nicely done buddy!" praised Ash, making the electric mouse grin proudly.

"I'm impressed Pikachu. Good work comrade," said Riolu. Mewtwo merely nodded when he sensed Pikachu glance in his direction.

"Alright, let's get that taken cared of now, and then we can call it a night for today. I'll bond with the crystal tomorrow, we'll explore the rest of the island as well and then figure out how to let my family and friends know I'm going to be gone for while."

The pokémon murmured in agreement and Mewtwo told them he'll go get the crystal and be back quickly since he could use his psychic powers to lift the crystal and teleport back with no problem. The others agreed and watched the purple feline disappear before going back to their resting positions. About five minutes later, they sensed Mewtwo teleport back into the room. Ash opened his eyes a little and saw Mewtwo lying back down onto the couch with a smirk on his face.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but what's got you so happy Mewtwo?" asked Ash, catching the other two's attention as they too looked at the psychic feline.

Turning his gaze towards Ash, the psychic feline's smirk didn't disappear as he spoke telepathically. "When I went to pick up the crystal, Mew was there. You know how she is. She kept flying all over the place in her pink ball of energy so…" His smirk grew as he trailed off.

Ash's eyes widened slightly while Riolu and Pikachu glanced at one another. "You didn't…"

"I did." Mewtwo chuckled before explaining further. "I told her to stop being such an annoying pink pin ball again. She grew furious at that remark as you know she would and launched an Aura Sphere at me this time. At the last second I called her a 'Slowpoke' and teleported back here. I can still see her furious glare."

Ash laughed out loud. He couldn't believe what he just heard, but what surprised him even more was that Mewtwo was having some fun as well. I'm glad he's starting to relax a bit and have some fun. "So you put the crystal in the office and came here I take it?" asked Ash after finishing his thoughts.

"Yes. I made a stand with my psychic powers and placed the crystal on top of it," answered Mewtwo.

"Good," remarked Riolu. "We should get some rest. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow." The group agreed and muttered good night before they all fell asleep right there on the couches since they were so soft and comfortable.






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