Chapter 107 Above the Moon

"Old Wang!" Qin Cheng exclaimed, disregarding his companion. The shock on his face was palpable. It was utterly unexpected for his old friend to show up here on New Star's moon, especially considering the distance—over a hundred thousand light-years from Old Earth.

"How did you get here?" Qin Cheng rushed over, pulling Wang Xuan into a warm embrace.

"Just flew over on my sword," Wang Xuan replied, half-jokingly.

"Come on! Even if the Immortals were resurrected, they'd be exhausted flying such a distance," Qin Cheng laughed, clearly overjoyed. He took Wang Xuan's hand, saying, "Let's get you settled in first. You must be tired from the journey. We can celebrate properly after you've had some rest."

Qin Cheng was concerned about Wang Xuan's fatigue and urged him to eat something and take a nap.

"I'm fine, really! I feel energetic enough to stay awake for days," Wang Xuan insisted. At his current mastery level, his vitality was like a roaring fire, far beyond that of an ordinary person.

He glanced at the young woman behind Qin Cheng and lowered his voice, "What's the deal? Does she know about your girlfriend back on Old Earth? It's no wonder she wanted to break up when she heard you were coming to deep space—she must have had good foresight."

Qin Cheng sighed, casting a quick look at the girl. "It's not what you think. I'm being extorted; I can't get rid of her."

"Still showing off, huh?" Wang Xuan teased.

"The situation is complicated. I'll explain later," Qin Cheng waved to the girl before turning back to Wang Xuan. "Let me show you around."

Seeing that Wang Xuan wasn't tired at all, Qin Cheng grabbed his backpack and led him to a small, unmanned shuttle.

The shuttle flew slowly over the base, passing by the Grand Palace, ancient Taoist temples, and experimental fields for mutated medicine.

"On Old Earth, we call this moon New Moon. But most people here just refer to it as the moon or lunar. Some on New Star call our moon Old Moon," Qin Cheng explained.

Both moons were remarkably similar in various aspects.

"The most disorienting part for me was not seeing blue skies and white clouds. Even though it's daytime now, the sky is still pitch black. When I first arrived, I wanted to splash some paint on it to make it blue," he continued, his expression reflecting his past discomfort.

The day-night cycle on the moon lasted around twenty-seven to twenty-eight days, which was hard for him to adjust to.

"This base is covered by a protective layer," he said, gesturing to the transparent, durable material surrounding them. "The areas here are connected like bubbles, able to isolate any accidents quickly to prevent them from spreading."

With such protective layers and real-time adjustments to air temperature and humidity, the base was quite livable aside from the lack of gravity. It resembled a garden city, filled with lush greenery.

As they flew in the shuttle, Qin Cheng detailed the basic information about the moon. Most of the facilities were research bases, scattered in other locations and not connected to this one.

Interstellar ships and warships needed to test their performance in outer space, gather crucial data, and conduct experiments on cutting-edge technologies far from home.

"Thus, the bases here are vital, and no outsiders are allowed near them. I won't take you to those areas since I've never been there myself," he explained.

The part of the base they were currently in primarily focused on tourism, along with some low-risk research institutions, unlike weapon bases where energy beams occasionally shot into space.

"Old Wang, what brings you to this side of the cosmos?" Qin Cheng asked, curiosity written all over his face.

"I'm here for work, but I might head to New Star soon," Wang Xuan replied honestly.

Qin Cheng's eyes widened in surprise. He understood the difficulties Wang Xuan faced in coming to this part of the universe. Although he had tried to help by writing to Wang Xuan about a potential opportunity, he had not expected it to materialize.

"Really? You're working with me?" Qin Cheng's excitement was palpable.

He had leveraged family connections to join Dingwu's organization on New Moon, officially serving as a safety expert.

Qin Cheng's resume had exaggerated his skills in The Old Technique, highlighting his abilities in energy absorption and internal cultivation, which he knew was a stretch.

His current work was relatively relaxed, primarily overseeing the experimental fields for mutated medicinal plants.

"What title are you coming in under, Old Wang?" Qin Cheng asked.

"Special Safety Consultant," Wang Xuan replied.

Qin Cheng's jaw dropped. He knew the inner workings of Dingwu's organization. As someone who had entered through connections, he was well aware that many were placed in easy roles just to transition to New Star.

In contrast, those holding the title of "special consultant" were highly respected and rarely troubled, often called upon only when significant issues arose.

"Old Wang, what level have you reached in The Old Technique to get a position like that? That's incredible!" Qin Cheng exclaimed.

Wang Xuan suspected that Old Chen's influence played a part in this, as there seemed to be a close cooperation between the expedition organization and Dingwu.

Still, he could justify the title of special consultant with his mastery as a Grandmaster.

He remained humble, downplaying his abilities. "If there were unrestricted free fights back on Old Earth, I'd probably rank in the top one or two in a province."

"Wow!" Qin Cheng gasped again, genuinely astonished. "Old Wang, are you being too arrogant?"

"I'm just being realistic," Wang Xuan sighed.

Qin Cheng was stunned. "So you're saying you'd at least rank within the top fifty in The Old Technique back on Old Earth, and with New Star, you'd be among the top one hundred experts?"

Wang Xuan couldn't deny it. It was hard to remain modest with such accomplishments.

"Let's go! While it's still afternoon, I'll help you with your paperwork. As a special consultant with a free identity, your perks are much better than staying in a hotel," Qin Cheng said as he switched to a hover car, heading to Dingwu's branch on the moon.

"It's a shame that annoying guy isn't here; bringing back a special consultant would've scared him," Qin Cheng grumbled.

Everything went smoothly, and Wang Xuan was officially recognized as a special consultant at Dingwu. Everyone understood that this title signified someone capable of handling tough situations, drawing curious glances from colleagues.

Wang Xuan's new residence was conveniently close to Qin Cheng's, featuring a lovely 200-square-meter courtyard filled with flowers—quite a rarity on the moon's expensive real estate.

That evening, with the moon brightly lit like daytime, Qin Cheng took Wang Xuan out for a welcoming dinner at an upscale restaurant, using the time to vent his frustrations.

The head of one of the departments had been treating him like an easy target, demanding three million New Star coins without delivering any results. It was infuriating.

Upon hearing this, Wang Xuan's expression turned serious. Three million coins were the equivalent of a deep space ticket—far too greedy.

"It's mainly my fault for wanting to come to New Star but not having the necessary qualifications. I'm always just short when it comes to energy absorption," Qin Cheng lamented, downing his drink.

"If only you hadn't arrived early at New Moon; your strength might have significantly improved by now," Wang Xuan said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Qin Cheng asked, confused.

"I'm the protector of the number one person in The Old Technique, though that title might not hold for long," Wang Xuan reflected. "Let me think of a way to help you."

Qin Cheng was bewildered, unsure of what Wang Xuan was implying.

Distracted by worries about that greedy individual, Qin Cheng lost his appetite, watching as Wang Xuan enjoyed his meal.

"Let's take a walk toward that ancient temple. It's not far from here," Wang Xuan suggested, keen to scout the area.

"Old Wang, do you really believe in that?" Qin Cheng was surprised.

"I'm doing this for your sake. While I can't make you a top expert, I can help you manage your troubles. Getting your strength to the top one hundred in The Old Technique shouldn't be too difficult," Wang Xuan reassured him.

"Are you serious?" Qin Cheng felt a surge of excitement, knowing Wang Xuan was reliable and never made empty promises.

"Keep what I just told you to yourself!" Wang Xuan cautioned.

As they neared the ancient temple, he suddenly sensed a strong, mysterious energy—definitely more than one Bodhisattva had been here. Something felt unusual.

"Old Wang, you look a bit off. What's wrong?" Qin Cheng noticed his friend's change in demeanor.

"I'm starting to miss Old Earth," Wang Xuan admitted, his expression grave. The mysterious energy seemed to be actively reaching out to him.

"Wait, you promised to help me! Why are you already thinking of leaving?" Qin Cheng was baffled.

"Alright, let's check it out first," Wang Xuan hesitated. "Maybe finding Old Zhang would be more reliable. After all, he retired in the serene He Ming Mountain, and his mindset is quite tranquil. But what if I accidentally mention him too often? What would he think?"