Chapter 108 The Bodhisattvas Are Too Enthusiastic

The ancient temple had stood for a millennium, weathering the rise and fall of countless dynasties. Its timeworn essence carried the weight of history, and now it stood at the edge of the starry sky, gazing at the Milky Way, while the past faded into the wind. Yet, some consciousness remained, unchanged through time!

Wang Xuan was certain that residual spiritual energy from the Bodhisattvas lingered here, sealed within mysterious artifacts, waiting for him to unlock it. The mysterious essence around him cheered and danced, welcoming his arrival.

Where is the land of immortality for the celestial beings? Where is the Pure Land of the Bodhisattvas?

Wang Xuan pondered why none of those ancient ascended masters, so powerful in their time, had left behind any traces. Yet now, the lingering spiritual energies seemed to stir, trying to rise from the depths but threatening to pull the living down into their traps.

What was the relationship between these spiritual remnants and the actual celestial beings or Bodhisattvas? Were they truly the same, or had they deliberately anchored themselves in this world?

"Old Wang, I never realized this ancient temple was so special. It may not look high, but it feels grand and makes me want to look up. Those blue bricks and gray tiles, over a thousand years old, cracked yet resilient, carry a profound sense of history. They seem to glow now, moving me to tears. This inheritance is so great— the eternal flame of Buddha spreads across the starry sky, conveying the compassion of the Bodhisattvas, aiming to purify the world. I can't help but want to pay my respects," Qin Cheng gazed forward, seemingly preparing for a pilgrimage.

Wang Xuan pulled him back. He realized that Qin Cheng's emotions were resonating with the mysterious energies within the temple, potentially awakening forces that could affect him.

"Snap out of it! You're merely being influenced by some residual spiritual power. Instead of worshiping the Bodhisattvas, do you want to become a monk?" Wang Xuan lightly tapped him on the shoulder, activating his spiritual field to restore clarity to Qin Cheng's eyes.

Qin Cheng, surprised, replied, "Old Wang, this temple feels different today. There's something sacred about it that stirs my heart."

"Step back about ten meters and see if you still feel that way," Wang Xuan instructed, wanting to keep some distance.

As Qin Cheng moved away, he felt the intensity of that sensation fade. Wang Xuan, sensing the gathering energy, chose a clear spot near the temple to stand silently, absorbing the essence around him. He then turned to Qin Cheng and said, "Practice the Diamond Fist here."

"Is there any significance to that?" Qin Cheng asked, puzzled.

"It's well-suited for this area," Wang Xuan replied.

"Okay!" Qin Cheng nodded enthusiastically. He was familiar with the Diamond Fist from his time in The Old Technique experimental class, and he felt a profound connection in this sacred space.

Wang Xuan began to channel the techniques of the ancient practitioners, drawing in even more mysterious essence. He could feel the temple glowing with energy, but he remained outside, standing in front of it while channeling the essence towards Qin Cheng.

Of course, Wang Xuan could do this because he had learned to open his Inner Landscape, allowing the energies to be naturally drawn to him. Although the intensity of the falling essence couldn't compare to what he had in his Inner Landscape, it was still immensely valuable for Qin Cheng, who had never encountered anything like it.

Wang Xuan estimated that if Qin Cheng trained here for a year or two, he could reach the Grandmaster level!

Now, directing the mysterious essence towards Qin Cheng was significant for someone who hadn't yet begun to absorb energy. Though Qin Cheng couldn't perceive the mysterious essence, he could feel his vitality increasing, his metabolism speeding up. Practicing the Diamond Fist felt even more invigorating.

"Am I starting to absorb energy?!" He could hardly believe it, watching his body tremble with excitement.

He had been so close to this level before. After arriving at New Moon, he had worked tirelessly in the tiger-wolf medicine testing area, trying to absorb as much energy as possible, but he always fell just short of the breakthrough.

Now, everything felt different. With the nourishment from the mysterious essence, his vitality surged, and he could sense his spirit and energy rising like a tidal wave, pushing him closer to a breakthrough.

Qin Cheng felt an overwhelming urge to cry. He had longed for this moment, only to be blocked by an invisible barrier. Now, it felt so close!

Lately, he had been feeling guilty for spending so much of his family's money, only to be treated like a cash cow by others. Having lost three million New Star coins without seeing any returns, he recognized that the root cause lay in his own shortcomings; he hadn't been able to absorb energy, leaving him vulnerable.

"Old Wang, I feel like crying. I don't thank the heavens and Bodhisattvas; I think you've helped me with methods I don't even know!" Qin Cheng said, his eyes reddening.

His friend's unusual behavior and the mystical experiences in the temple had made him realize that Wang Xuan was quite extraordinary.

Practicing The Old Technique before breaking through made his instincts much sharper than usual.

"Don't speak; don't disturb your feelings!" Wang Xuan urged him to maintain focus.

"I feel like… I'm about to step through the threshold. This momentum feels unstoppable," Qin Cheng said, his voice shaking, tears welling in his eyes.

Wang Xuan replied solemnly, "Don't break that barrier yet. Spend some time understanding this state; it will help you when you finally break through. Remember this feeling."

Qin Cheng nodded, following Wang Xuan's advice. After an hour of deepening his experience, he quietly asked, "What if I miss the chance to break through?"

"Don't worry, I'll take you into the temple tomorrow," Wang Xuan reassured Qin Cheng, suggesting he let go of any burdens, ensuring that nothing unexpected would occur.

Wang Xuan was willing to help his friend Qin Cheng wholeheartedly. If he ever opened his Inner Landscape again, he would invite Qin Cheng to join him. That night, Qin Cheng practiced the Diamond Fist, deeply immersed in a unique understanding as the mysterious essence nourished his body. He gradually transformed from red-eyed and tearful to shedding his emotional burdens, fully investing himself in the practice and regaining his confidence.

"Let's go back," Wang Xuan called after an hour, and they turned to leave. Despite the brightness of the day, it was time to sleep; according to New Star's schedule, it was already night.

Fortunately, their room was completely dark, allowing Wang Xuan to fall into a deep sleep without dreams, typical for a master like him. After returning, Qin Cheng, still slightly red-eyed, quickly wrote to his parents, assuring them he would soon reach New Star without further offerings to others, relying instead on his own abilities.

The next day, Wang Xuan and Qin Cheng visited the Lunar branch of Dingwu Company, where they met the greedy department head, Li Kun, a middle-aged man with a fake smile. Li Kun welcomed them with empty pleasantries before they left to explore the ancient Taoist temple.

Wang Xuan observed the area, feeling an unusual serenity and depth, with mysterious essence flowing and expanding around the ancient buildings. "This place truly is extraordinary; it likely holds relics from legendary figures," he pondered.

The spiritual essence here was not overly active, almost in a dormant state. "Is this lingering energy simply asleep or inherently calm?" he wondered, standing before the temple, sensing something profound.

He realized this ancient Taoist temple was one of the ancestral grounds of Taoism! "What if the remnants of Old Zhang's spirit are here, and I accidentally disturb him? He might not take it lightly," he mused, feeling a bit anxious.

Nonetheless, his main reason for visiting was to repay a debt of kindness, believing it was time to give back. "I once freed a ghost monk, effectively saving one of your Bodhisattvas. Then, I fought off demons for you—first the White Tiger, then the Red-clad Demoness. All of this stemmed from the demon bones that had escaped from your temple's depths," he murmured as he entered the ancient temple.

For now, he wasn't thinking of releasing anyone; instead, he planned to observe carefully. The mysterious essence would be sufficient for Qin Cheng's needs.

Upon entering the millennia-old temple with Qin Cheng, Wang Xuan immediately felt something unusual—the smoke swirling around the Bodhisattvas intensified. The fragrant incense thickened, drawing closer to the golden statues, almost as if something was about to manifest.

The air grew dense with mysterious essence, and the Bodhisattvas seemed too eager! Wang Xuan quickly led Qin Cheng out of the Bodhisattva hall into the courtyard, staring blankly at the large bronze incense burner, feeling something was off. What were the Bodhisattvas planning in broad daylight?

"What's going on, Old Wang?" Qin Cheng asked, puzzled.

"Nothing much. Just practice in the courtyard and settle yourself, then break through that barrier," Wang Xuan encouraged. "Absorbing energy is just a small goal; there's much more potential ahead!"

Soon, an old monk accompanied a middle-aged man into the courtyard, heading for the Bodhisattva hall. Wang Xuan was surprised to see Ling Qiming again.

Ling Qiming walked past them without acknowledging Wang Xuan, who turned to Qin Cheng and said, "That's Old Ling."

Qin Cheng raised an eyebrow, sensing something familiar. "He looks familiar."

"Ling Qiming!" Wang Xuan confirmed.

Evidently, Ling Qiming had overheard them; he stiffened momentarily but chose to ignore them and entered the Bodhisattva hall. The old monk, seeing Ling Qiming offer incense, remarked, "Today, the hall is filled with smoke; it's a good omen, perhaps related to the offerings of a benefactor."

Wang Xuan noticed that Ling Qiming accepted this with a nod, prompting him to turn and leave with Qin Cheng. The old monk and Ling Qiming then saw the swirling smoke drifting towards the two young men.

The old monk muttered a Buddhist chant, while Ling Qiming felt a strange unease and quickly rushed out of the Bodhisattva hall, calling after them, "Wait a minute!"