Chapter 1: Ascending to Clan Leader and Awakening Unmatched Cultivation!

Host: Xian Yue 

Cultivation: None

Kung Fu: None

Emperor Weapon: No

mount: None

Note: this is an invincible family sign-in system. It could only be activated if the host became the head of the family.

Xian Yue's heart was racing as he stared at the floating system panel in front of him. Carefully taking a deep breath to control his enthusiasm, he couldn't help but have slightly shaking hands and wide, incredulous eyes. "I really have transmigrated, haven't I?" he whispered to himself in an almost-bemoaning, half-whisper which reveals the chaos of thoughts going on inside his head.

Just moments before, it had been but an uneventful grind. In retrospect, Xian Yue recalled the day as if it were still in the unspooling process.

He had just concluded marathon overtime for half a month-straight, his body drained but humming with a weird satisfaction. He decided to treat himself as a reward for having survived it all, devouring most of the charcoal-grilled elbow and spicy pepper chicken for dinner, then cracking open a cold bottle of Otaku Happy Water. He let out a wistful sigh, patting at his belly as he thought to himself, "This life is enough."

The last thing he recalled was falling into some sort of food-induced somnolence, and now he was awakened in this weird, dreamlike world. And now… here he was, standing in a world full of the mighty and the mysterious.

Fortunately, he had been provided with the memories of this body. Not anymore was this office worker Xian Yue. Now he was Xian young master of the Xian family, one of the four major families in Feihua City of the Yunxiao Dynasty.

This was a world of cultivation, in which strong men wielded power over life and death and weak men were just pawns at the great game of survival. Here, a cultivator could jump to the heavens, shatter mountains, or summon powers as earth-shattering as wars with a flick of his fingers. It was strength that decided one's fate.

But as he details recalled, his face grow darker.

Although his predecessor was not quite what he expected, the Xian family was a major force in Feihua City. Xian Yue had so far only reached the body tempering Realm, the first and most rudimentary level of cultivation; a realm where one merely begins to open one's body's latent abilities and fortify the flesh.

"Training in this world… it's incredibly difficult," Xian Yue thought, furrowing his brow. "Months of practice can yield no tangible progress. But— " A small smile crept onto his face as a glimmer of excitement brewed in his chest. "As a transmigrator, I have something no one else does. My system!

And then, with that in mind, he thought of his next step. He knew what he had to do. The system required him to be the patriarch of the Xian family to activate its invincible sign-in rewards. But there was one major thing standing in his way.

"How can I make my father abdicate?" Xian Yue mused, running a hand over his chin. "He is at the age of his prime, revered and strong. What could possibly make him retire?" A bit irked, he sighed. "I don't want to wait until I'm a hundred years old. I should activate the system now!"

Just as Xian Yue's mind was grappling with these thoughts, hastened footsteps jolted his train of thought. A boisterous, familiar voice resonated through the courtyard:.

"Xian Yue! Come quickly to the meeting hall! The patriarch wants to see you!"

Xian Yue turned and saw a tall young man standing at the entrance, his broad shoulders heaving with heavy breaths. It was a younger talent from their clan and a good friend of Xian Yue's predecessor. Yet, his usually composed face was filled with anguish and his eyes glistened with unshed tears.

"What's the matter?" Xian Yue's voice grew sharp as he quickly approached. "Why does my father want to see me so all of a sudden?"

The young man's face crumpled with the pain as he fought to get his words out. "It's the patriarch. He's badly injured! He won't last till dusk."

The world seemed to stop for Xian Yue. "What?" His voice cracked with disbelief, and his heart pounded in his chest. Despite the fact that he was a transmigrator, the memories of his predecessor filled him with grief; after all, his father was dying?

"'Xian Yue, the patriarch has requested you. He has final words to pass on.' The young man grabbed his arm, pulling him toward the courtyard gate. "Hurry!"

Without one word, Xiao Chen followed, his mind racing. Then while they speed toward the meeting hall, Xiao Yue added up-to-date terrible news in a flash.

"'Recently, our family discovered a vein of minerals,'" the young man said, his voice dripping with bitterness. "It was a vein of powerful materials, a Third-Grade Spirit Weapon. That can sway the balance of power in the entire city."

Xian Yue narrowed his eyes. He knew that in Jiuji City, the four major families—Cao, Ma, Fu and Xian—had maintained a fragile balance of power for a long time. The patriarchs of all four were in the golden core realm, an extremely powerful realm. But the spirit weapon was Second-Grade and, now they had discovered something much more shocking: a Third-Grade Spirit Weapon.

"With that weapon, the patriarch's power reached his peak," he continued. "But the other families feared our rising… They feared that the Xian family was going to surpass them. So they schemed.."

"A trap," Xian Yue said darkly and asked, "They trapped him and attacked?"

The young man nodded solemnly. "They ambushed our elders in secret. He fought valiantly but…"

The rest was spoken of but was not necessary to say. Xian Yue's father was ambushed and grievously wounded by the combined forces of the other families.

The moment he entered the meeting hall Xian Yue was seething with steam, but he controlled it. The hall was heavy and oppressive in atmosphere, because the elders of the Xian family sat there, not saying a word, with dark bereavement traces on their faces.

At the far end of the hall was Xian Wu, Xian Yue's father. Fair-skinned and bleeding from the corners of his mouth, beside him knelt Xian Yue's mother, Yu Zhen, her face streaked with tears as she clasped her husband's icy hand.

"Father!" Xian Yue's voice crackled as he rushed to his father's side.

Slowly, Xian Wu opened his eyes. He was weak and breathed shallowly. However, at the sight of Xian Yue, life sparkled in his eyes.

"Xian Yue… come closer…His voice is so soft, barely above a whisper, but with weight equal to ten thousand unspoken words".

Xian Yue knelt beside him, his heart heavy with sorrow. As the old master's strength waned, the voice of Xian Wu was firm and unbending.

"From this day forward… you are the head of the Xian family. Lead our clan through these dark times… " The room fell silent.

Xian Yue's chest was thundering, his head spinning with this unexpected responsibility. There would barely be time to let this soak into his subconscious when he heard the voice of the system in his mind.

Ding! Congratulations to the host who becomes the head of the family. Invincible Family Sign-in System has been activated. Signed in successfully!

The host has obtained the unbeatable cultivation of "Eternal God Emperor Realm!"

Xian Yue stood there, frozen, his mind unable to process what had just happened.

"E-Eternal God Emperor Realm?"

He couldn't even fathom how he'd come to inherit the most powerful cultivation level in the world! His body quivered as raw power ran through him. The cultivation at the body tempering Realm, which was his state, rocketed instantly. Every cell of his body felt as though it was being filled up with divine energy; his soul ascended to heights that he could hardly fathom. A smirk jerked at his lips as he clenched his fists.

"This system. really knows how to deliver," he whispered to himself, his voice full of awe and disbelief. He felt invincible-now truly invincible-from the time he became the patriarch. As his new power steadied, Xian Yue's thinking became keen once more. He looked about the room with eyes aglow now with new strength and he said softly to himself,

"Now it is the time when the Xian Family ascends just as it never has."