Chapter 2: Let’s settle this—I’m incredibly strong!

Xian Wu looked at his son standing stiffly before him and must have come to the point where he realized that the sudden turn of events had caught him off guard, so much so that he wasn't ready for the weight of it all.

Speaking with effort, he tried to comfort her: "Father, I know that our family has difficult times ahead of it. But I think you are the one who can pull us out of this awful mess!

Continuing, reassuringly: "So as clan leader, you must hold onto this conviction. If all the clan members are in one mind and purpose, no crisis exists that we cannot pass over. With elders by your side, any hurdle can be overcome!"

Just then, Xian Yue looked up. He lifted his right hand a little and lightly touched the tip of his index finger. A brilliant golden light flashed from his fingers. It knocked into Xian Wu. The elder was taken aback momentarily and then changed his face to one of slow surprise.

He would not even give her the courtesy of a glance; Xian Wu was asked by his wife, Yu Zhen, worriedly if something was happening to him.

Xian Wu leaped up at once and the paleness faded from his cheek and a healthy flush spread over all the travel-scored spaces.

Gazing in wonder at what was happening before them, many old people again wiped off their tears for, on their faces, a mix of sadness and disbelief was emanating. Would this portend rejuvenation to their clan's leader?

"What... what did you do?" Xian Wu asked, staring with incredulity. He could visibly feel that life-threatening wounds he had since then heal upon spot.

This miraculous recovery must have been tied to the golden light that Xian Yue had unleashed. How could this happen? His son, who was just in at the door of the body tempering realm, somehow managed to heal nearly a fatal injury that once left him at the mercy of death with merely a flick of his wrist?

"Nothing's wrong; I just healed your injuries!" Xian Yue replied, suppressing the exhilaration bubbling inside him while attempting to sound composed. The overwhelming cultivation level granted by the system was indeed real and tangible.

In that moment, he felt all of himself still bubbling with energy, great and powerful, and he knew then that if he would, he could shake the very fabric of the world with his thought. To mend his father's little wounds was within his power.

"This feeling of being above everything is thrilling!" Xian Yue thought, full of a rush of empowerment. He clenched his fists, knowing he could completely annihilate anything before him for he realized that the tiniest variation of his aura would split this realm apart.

"Son, I know my injuries have healed, but I want to know how you managed it," Xiao Lingtian said, stepping forward with a tremor in his voice, intrigued about his son's secret.

"Alright, cut the crap and let's cut to the chase," Xian Yue declared with a smile. "Truth is, I'm an infinitely powerful being. I've just been hiding my abilities up until now.".

And with that, he headed towards his father's seat that his father had left and sat down. Right after gaining such power, he would only be the clan leader, wouldn't he?

A supremely powerful being? Xian Yue echoed the words, parrot-like, his head spinning with such a revelation. Wasn't his son some lowly monk in the body tempering realm? When on earth had he managed to rise to such extraordinary heights?

Then, in that moment, he did not find monk-like air surrounding his son, who actually looked like an ordinary chap who has never gone out to attempt his arts. Well, this was puzzling!

Yu Zhen and the seven elders all looked on in confusion, utterly perplexed by the bizarre conversation presented before them.

What was this cure? What was this gab of superpowers? They were lost.

"Clan leader, you…" Elder Xian Feng, his hair touched with gray and a face sternly lined, regarded Xian Wu, whose face had brightened in complexion and whose energy had been restored. He hesitated, dreading that this might prove but a fleeting return to lucidity.

"It is good, Great Elder! All of my wounds are healed!" Xian Wu took a deep breath to phrase what was in disbelief, trying not to allow shock to wash over him.

"What? Healed? Patriarch, please don't try to comfort us. We promise no matter how tough things get in the future, we stand by Xian Wu and make sure that the Xian family doesn't flinch!"

Elder Xian Feng was stunned, his head jerking back and forth as he tried to wrap his mind around the impossibility of such a swift recovery that not even a Third Grade healing elixir could affect!

"Great Elder, I swear it's true! Did you not see the golden light that Xian Yue shone on my body? That very light which healed my wounds also had the aftermath of refreshing and even, at the back of my mind, I had a breakthrough.".

This is where the honest faces of wonder moved throughout the crowds. All of them had witnessed the brief golden luster, but their nature remained a mystery to them.

Yu Zhen ran to him and caught him by the hand. The warmth spread from it was nothing compared to the chill she had earlier. "Wu, please don't play a joke on me. Tell the truth!"

Her eyes met his; her heart was pounding for the fear of losing him all over again.

"I won't lie to such an extent. I swear to you, my injuries have genuinely healed!" Xian Wu said laughingly as he knew how unbelievable that sounded but was true anyway.

"Clan leader, are you not trying to comfort us?" Xian Feng asked with a slight tremble in his voice. The elders on all sides immediately surrounded him to question him, looking up at Xian Wu for confirmation.

"Absolutely true, elders! My injuries have indeed healed so one need not have any worry." declared Xian Wu with a bright smile, his voice now filled with newfound vigor.

That was the instant that Xian Yue, freshly installed in the seat of clan elder, now stood and said: "Great Elder, you must adjust your perception going forward. My father has just handed over the reins of governance over to me!

He clenched fists, inside him, the "Eternal God Emperor Realm" cultivates unrestrained. Roaring to life, it was too huge to be imagined by him; even a minor movement of his fingers would make worlds bend to their knees! All of them gazed at Xian Wu, but when Xian Yue opened his mouth, they looked at each other and realized, wondering: How could this Xian Yue, who had been treated so far as nothing more than a simple novice in the sect, have healed these grievous injuries?

"Xian Yue, you just said that you are a supremely powerful individual? Could it be that you have reached the legendary Soul formation realm?" asked Elder Xian Feng, taken aback and unable to believe in how Xian Yue managed to heal such grave injuries with a single gesture.

"Soul formation Realm?" Xian Yue nearly laughed aloud at the puerility. What was that, anyway? It was hardly worth serious consideration as a real power! It didn't even come close to being worth mentioning in the same breath with his abilities! Then, however, knowing the context, he realized that to the Xian family, who resided in Feihua City, the Soul formation realm was some kind of epitome of power-an almost-mythical state of being.

As the confusion subsided, there was an unprecedented shift in the heavens. Ripples started resonating throughout the universe. A bright golden light erupted suddenly in the once blue sky shining brighter than anything that had ever existed before, similar to a breathtaking layer of golden clouds. Exquisite visions broke out all over the world, taking away everybody's eye, mortal and cultivator.

For one brief moment, everybody just jerked his head up to look toward the miraculous manifestations breaking out overhead.

"Can it be that somewhere there lies treasure, causing the very fabric of the universe to shake?" A mighty man gasped in wonder, having beheld the marvelous spectacle; his heart racing with the haste of his rise from his seat, he extended consciousness to explore the origin of this marvelous view.