Chapter 6: The Demise of the Leaders of the Two Families

Of course, during the weekdays, these three powerful families are very cooperative yet incredibly competitive. Their alliance with one another against the Xiao family is loose at best, based solely on a mutual desire to see their common foe fall. Each of the families hides beneath the surface and keeps a watchful eye on one another, waiting for some sign of weakness or opportunity. Immediately when the Xiao family is gone, they realize that a single family will be able to take the lion's share of the spoils. And each of them thinks the same thing: Why not eliminate the competition once and for all?

Therefore, although they work together at present and act against the Xian family as a single cohesive unit, there is an undertone of mistrust in there that can easily be grasped. Whenever any of the families sense that it is powerful enough, it would not take any time to strike at the other families. Betrayal is no if-it-comes type of event-it is also an inevitability-the only way they can be confident about dominating the others.

The Cao household head sneered with an air of arrogance, his eyes locking onto Yu Zhen with perverted intentions. The tip of his tongue moistened his lips as he nonchalantly played along the edge of his sword. His face was one of depravity, leaving nothing to hint otherwise. He had a reputation, one infamous for being dark indeed. Everyone in the room knew of his vicious obsession with claiming women who belonged to someone else as his own. Over the years, he'd accumulated more than a dozen for his harem-they were all stolen from their husbands through manipulation, intimidation, or worse. It was a habit he never got tired of, and now Yu Zhen was to be his latest victim.

"Xian Wu," Cao Zhongji sneered, his voice dripping with malice and mockery. "If you roll over the Third Grade spiritual weapon and let Mrs. Yu serve me well, I may then spare some mercy. Maybe I will spare the younger generation of the Xian family. But if you resist— "he laughed wickedly" Well, let's just say things won't end all that well for you."

The air became heavy with tension, but before Cao head could relish his moment, a face made of cold sweat replaced the arrogant smile. No warning whatsoever preceded his body flying up as if weighted by an unseen force. He was flailing, losing control of his sword and then panic beams out in the eyes as he was being dragged--no, pulled--towards Xian Yue as if with an invisible strength.

Xian Yue's cold, soulless eyes zeroed in on the Cao family head and, in one swift motion, his hand clamped over the man's face like a vice. The loud cracking of bones filled the room and then the scream of agony from the Cao family head as the pressure of Xian Yue's hold crushed his cheekbones.

"Originally, I was going to let you die quickly," Xian Yue said icily, his voice sending a shiver through everyone present, "but now. I think I want to make this last."

The temperature in the room plummeted like a stone, and an oppressiveness so frigid filled the air. The leaders of the Ma and Fu households were all match toughened, seasoned warriors themselves, yet at the sight before them, they shivered uncontrollably. Sweat mixed with the frigid air as they watched on in terror while every instinct screamed at them to run away from such a familiar face that had turned monstrous overnight-only they knew their Xian Yue, or at least they thought they did.".

Agony aside, the Cao family head made one final attempt at a desperate flailing. His spiritual weapon, the Second Grade blade flashed in his hand as he hacked wildly at Xian Yue's arm, hoping to sheer off the limb holding him fast. But the clang of metal to flesh sounded, followed by gasps of incredulity. The blade had snapped in two upon impact, the once so formidable spiritual weapon now lying there broken on the ground.

None of the heads of the Ma and Fu families blinked to change their physical reaction as they stared at Xian Yue. How was this so? No mortal body could, not even one as strong as this, withstand a Second Grade spiritual weapon. Yet, before them stood Xian Yue, unwrinkled.

"He... he broke the blade with his body? How... how is it even possible?" the head of the Ma family muttered, his voice more or less silent. All others were with him in opinion; nobody could understand what they had just witnessed. Xian Yue was always a man who did not command much attention; just a simple cultivator in their eyes. But now, he was crushing their greatest warriors so easily.

"You haven't seen me in a long time," Xian Yue said his voice still cold and sharp as ice. "So of course, you wouldn't think that my strength would have improved. But it has." His eyes glinted dangerously. "Tell me how you'd like to die today?"

Even the head of the Ma family, his face red with fury and incredulity, spat back at him, "This is a trick, nothing more! It's impossible to acquire such power in only three days. You're bluffing!"

Even as he spoke, his hands trembled around the hilt of his own spiritual weapon. His eyes darted nervously from Xian Yue to the head of the Fu family, who was similarly shaken but desperately trying to keep his composure.

The head of the Fu family, grasping his long knife, growled, "You're right—that's a trick! He could not possibly break with physical strength a Second Grade weapon. Not matter: we will together take him down!"

And with a snarl, the head of the Ma family nodded his head, surging forward, with his weapon raised high. Still, before he could even finish his charge, the head of the Fu family struck him from behind, sending the man hurtling toward Xian Yue like a ragdoll. His body hurtled through the air, helpless as he was thrown toward the waiting arms of death.

Chaos erupted. The desperate head of the Fu family flung his own relatives toward Xian Yue, using them as shields for himself to buy more time. His nephews were among the bodies he flung about, and even to that point, his ruthlessness knew no bounds. His only thought was to get away-from this nightmare with his life. As he turned and ran out the door, leaving his friends to their fate, it seemed that the short, stumpy body was somehow deceiving - that after all his life, his body held a capacity for speed like this.

But Xian Yue would not let it.

A simple gesture-he raised his hand-and from the fingertips shot a dozen golden threads, as thin as a hair but crackling with deadly energy. They slew the air like vipers, and piercing through fleshy bodies with terrifying precision, left them fallen on the ground, one by one, their relatives of Fu family dropping to the floor.

Their whispers of bewilderment turned to shocked gasps as they saw the head of the Fu family stumble out into the street, his body breached by one of the golden threads. He slumped into an unmoving heap on the pavement as the light in his eyes dimmed.

"Wh... what just happened?" someone in the crowd muttered to herself in stunned silence. "Aren't the three families supposed to be destroying the Xian family today? How is it that the head of the Fu family ended up dead?"

The crowds surged forward, attempting to get a glimpse of carnage in view. "Dead," someone yelled, "the head of the Fu family is dead!" Panic swept through the street like wildfire.

Left in the minds of the remaining attackers are a lot of fear left back in the compound of the Xian estate. These people who came into the estate to destroy the members of the Xian family ended up trembling like leaves and were unable to bring themselves into doing something. Others were pulling back with their mouths open in some while others just collapsed into tears. A few lost control over their bodies shamefully wetting their clothes as the stench of urine filled the air.

It was but a moment in time when the three families had seen their power broken. The greatest warriors in the city were all brought down, and no other force was left to match the anger of Xian Yue.