Chapter 10: Where does the clown come from?

Without getting a breath, Yan Tianshan made a dash for the Ma estate with each step digging panic inside of him. A feeling of urgency in his mind led him to the site to find only what was left of a gruesome massacre: the Ma family was totally obliterated; not a single soul survived the carnage. Darkening his features with this realization, anxiety within him turned deep frustration for Yan Tianshan.

"How could this be? he muttered in hurt anguish, racking his brain with questions. What went wrong with the Xian family? How could they have moved so fast?"

An incredible spirit practice that made him traverse the distance between Cao's and Ma's in a moment, he thought that the Xian family had left him behind by far. That was impossible. Did they have supernatural speed?

Ji Kun watched the scene played before him. Curiosity struck him once more as this Xian family was to be so profoundly capable, far beyond his expectations.

Just as they were, a nervous onlooker who lived in the vicinity of the Ma estate rushed out to report what he had seen.

"You won't believe what I have to tell you, Lord City Lord," he exclaimed.

"What is it? Speak quickly," Yan Tianshan snapped urgently.

"The Xian family members-they materialised right in front of the Ma house, as if they just appeared out of the air! They were like they've been evanescing from some other dimension before splatting themselves on the house to begin their killing spree.

The voice of the messenger was shaking with fear. "It was total massacre. They killed everyone, without mercy; men, women, and children. everybody was mercilessly killed. They were like demons unleashed on earth!"

"Lord City Lord, you must take action! If people like that are kept in Feihua City, they will very soon direct their bloodlust on all of us!" Panic gripped the crowd, their pale faces reflecting their fear.

Ji Kun squinted his eyes and thought again. Was it really that easy for the Xian family to gain such an outcome? Was it from some legendary ability called void movement? But he also remembered that the strongest man in the Xian family was only at the golden core realm. It was impossible that anyone could master such power, especially in a place as small as Feihua City.

"This city lord will take care of this situation appropriately," Yan Tianshan said firmly, but refused to head to the Fu family home and instead retired to his estate in Xian household; he thought it safer there for formulating his next move.

Soon after, the other members of the Xian family came back to their compound, clothes soaking wet with fresh blood dipped up and drenched, as if each had just stepped out of a crimson pool. There was that sulfurous blood odor suspended in the air around them, but something even worse-the bad aura-was said to come from them.

As if that's not enough, by the time he went to the door of the Xian family home, he was face to face with Xian Wu, who stepped forward to stand in his way. "Xian Wu, you really are merciless! You killed a whole family without any survivors left!"

Meanwhile, Xian Wu treated him to a smile. "Ah, I didn't think the City Lord would drop by to see us. Sorry about the mess; it's really pretty inconvenient having to receive you this way!"

"Do you think you've overdone things?" Yan Tianshan's voice cut in, sharp and weighted with authority. He was ready to open an investigation on the spot.

"Overboard, perhaps. Possibly mistaken. It seems you have never felt the fear of annihilation for yourself. If those other families had not attempted to destroy my Xian clan, then would we have had to come to such a decision? That is just karma. You know the cause and effect here; I needn't explain further," Xian Wu replied calmly, with a hint of satisfaction in his tone.

"But I only see the Xian family slaughtering three clans!" Yan Tianshan's eyes were knife-sharp, his hands clenching so hard at his back that he had to force himself not to bellow with rage.

"Annihilated? Ah, but what do you plan on doing about it? This world is ruled according to the law of the jungle. Of course you would know this, City Lord. Do you want to support the oppression of the three families? If that's what you propose to do, then I'd be happy enough to level the City Lord's Mansion as well!"" Xian Yue preempted, a cold grin twisting his face as he gazed upon Yan Tianshan with contempt.

Yan Tianshan laughed a hearty dark chuckle. "Your arrogance is astounding! You would destroy my City Lord's Mansion? Come, then! Prove it if you think you can do that and live to speak of it!" He laughed, the temptation rising from the pit in his stomach like a vaporous assault-tinged cough. It had been years since anyone dared speak so brazenly to him.

Right when Xian Yue was making up his mind, Xian Wu intervened, "Wait a minute, Xian Yue. Do you forget that these city lords are appointed by the Yunxiao Dynasty itself? Killing a city lord would amount to announcing war against the entire Yunxiao Dynasty!"

Xian Yue dismissed the idea, thinking that if they were to be intimidated by the Yunxiao Dynasty, it would not be hard to wipe them out. Still, the fear resonating within the clan made him think otherwise in his immediate course of action. He chose to hold himself as well, knowing that to forego pointless conflict is everybody's best interest.

"Listen well, young one. Your hubris may lead you to an untimely demise!" Yan Tianshan's voice dripped with disdain as he regarded Xian Yue. He then turned his attention back to Xian Wu. "Since your family has slaughtered three other clans, you shall from now on be in charge of collecting their annual taxes!

Xian Wu's face grew dark with shock at the unexpected demand. "So, you mean we must assume the taxes of these families? And then, you come here demanding that we transfer our mine to you? This is utterly absurd!"

"I won't do it," Xian Yue said sternly with defiance in his voice. "My family will no longer present taxes to any pressure. If you want something from us, prepare to lose your hands in the process!

Yan Tianshan sneered. "You, a mere child, presume to dictate terms here? Silence yourself! His voice rang out with all the authority of a master. The impertinence of this young man to interrupt their conversation was appalling.

In that split second, Xian Yue's face shifted. He looked at Yan Tianshan and with a wave of his finger snapped. In that split instant, the city lord is flung against the courtyard wall, leaving an empty space with his fall as blood gushes from his mouth.

"I didn't do it for the sake of my father," declared Xian Yue as his face set into lines of firm intent. "But I won't stand you taking such liberties with me!" He glared at Yan Tianshan, who had no thought to what was going on as he lay unconscious on the ground.

But seeing from afar, Ji Kun received a chill down his spine. He couldn't feel any change in energy, and Xian Yue looked like any ordinary person just the moment before.

"Did he even hit just now?"

In Ji Kun's eyes was the shock, but Yan Tianshan's son, Yan Zheng, was done waiting for it all to sink in; he burst into action, his anger pouring out with each movement. "How dare you hurt my dad? You are simply looking to die!"

With the icy blue spiritual energy flowing over his palm, Yan Zheng led the potent strike at Xian Yue's head. Though they belonged to the same golden core realm, there was a huge difference between them. Compared to his father, Yan Zheng had cultivated much more in terms of spiritual veins. This automatically gave him more power and control over them.

"Who is this clown to raise a hand against me?" Xian Yue's irritation flared as he glanced at Yan Zheng. With a swift flick of his finger, a golden beam of light shot forth, piercing Yan Zheng's forehead with deadly precision.

The blow halted Yan Zheng's attack mid-motion, and his body crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Ji Kun's eyes opened wide in incredulity. How could a guy who had nothing but negative appearances in him conjure such a deadly attack with just a flick of his finger?

"Do you understand the weight of your actions now?" Ji Kun breathed, and a mix of dreads and adorations flickered in his gaze. "Do you know who Yan Zheng is? Do you not fear the consequences of this deed?"