Chapter 28: You should not involve yourself in the affairs of my Xian family

Finally, something is happening! The strongman of the Yunxiao Dynasty finally does his job! Just look at the impertinence of the Xian family!

The excitement was sweeping the crowd as many enjoyed seeing the powerful Xian family suffer.

For long, the Xian had claimed supremacy in Feihua City, even if, largely unmotivated to establish outright domination, their unchallenged lordship of the city was assured only after they had eliminated three other families in a stark demonstration of ruthlessness. Their cold-blooded methods ran down many spines because many could not help but think that, on a whim, the Xian family might decide to unleash their wrath on the whole city.

For many, the time of the Xian family had finally come, and they would soon be at the mercy of the Yunxiao Dynasty. But just as these rumors were gaining impetus, the spiritual weapon that earlier floated above their heads like a net fishing for fish disappeared from view.


Tang Guan furrowed his brow in puzzlement, looking around. "Where did my spiritual weapon go?"

"What's going on?" Xia Li asked, concern carved across his face.

"It's gone," Tang Guan said, a tone of disbelief hanging in the air. "I can no longer sense its existence."

"Vanished?" Xia Li repeated incredulously.

"Yes indeed! Completely gone! Your men can't locate it at all. Ninth Prince, I think the Xian family is not as innocent as they appear to be."

The sudden loss of his spiritual weapon made Tang Guan feel uneasy for the first time. He felt it was somehow related to the Xian family. A nagging thought came to his mind: Is there someone with extraordinary strength in their ranks? Otherwise, why would his weapon disappear so mysteriously?

"Since you are an inspector, do you have your father's decrees with you?" Tang Guan asked.

"Naturally! How can I not bring the edict from the Human Sovereign?" Xia Li replied with a beaming smile.

"That being the case, we have nothing to fear. Let's go inside and understand what this Xian family truly is," Tang Guan said now with an aura of determination.

Nodding in agreement, Tang Guan and Xia Li entered the Xian family estate. However, something felt odd. Everywhere was an unsettling emptiness. Where was everybody? Had the Xian family heard that they were coming and fled in anticipation of trouble?

"Even if they manage to escape into outer space, their lives are already finished!" Xia Li sneered, trying to sound braver than he truly was.

When they entered the great meeting hall of the Xian family, they were shocked by the sight. Several figures lounged there casually, and at the top of the table was a youth indifferently playing with the very spiritual weapon lost by Tang Guan.

"Haha! What's this? Did you know we were coming and choose to forfeit?" Xia Li mocked, sneering at Tang's mouth.

"Surrender? Hahaha!" Xian Yue's laughter cascaded out of his mouth, but then a dark, piquant look fell across the two visitors, instantly turning the scene around. With the wink of an eye, crushing pressure fell over them, crushing and suffocating.

It was then that the air was filled with an otherworldly energy and this careless young man was transformed into a giant-a giant of divine right. The presence of such a giant weighed down Tang Guan and Xia Li, making them feel as small and insignificant as the ants scurrying, crawling beneath a god's gaze.

Just as suddenly, oppressive darkness receded and Xian Yue was once again the laid-back figure they had encountered a few moments earlier. Yet the two men were dripping with perspiration, their hearts racing. They never felt smaller, as if the mere existence of a blade of grass hung in the balance.

"You come from the Yunxiao Dynasty, don't you? Go tell your emperor that meddling in the affairs of the Xian family will have horrific effects. The dynasty will come undone if you don't!" Xian Yue warned, spitting with scorn. And grinding a spiritual weapon in his hand to dust, he said:.

"Quick, quick! Let's bring out the Human Sovereign's decree!" Xia Li stuttered, his voice full of fear. He realized that they were dealing with something much more extreme than anything they had ever been able to tackle.

How did a being so powerful come to a place so remote?

"Inspector Tang Guan, we respectfully request that the Human Sovereign expose his might!" Xia Li screamed out from the balcony, his voice desperate.

Reluctantly, Tang Guan called forth the golden imperial edict, a glistening artifact emblazoned with the symbol of a golden dragon. It seemed to emit an aura that spoke of majesty and splendor as it exuded magnificence and power.

With a resonant roar, the dragon energy coiled around the edict, morphing into a golden dragon that surged toward Xian Yue, its eyes blazing with fury.

"Scram!" Xian Yue said in a calm voice, and just as the golden dragon lunged toward him, it dissolved into nothingness all at once.

The decree of Human Sovereign shattered with a cracking sound as Tang Guan split in two, smashing down to the ground as its power was entirely dissipated.

Only just when Xian Yue spoke again, this time with immense force, flinging Tang Guan and Xia Li from the Xian family mansion into the cobble-street.


The two men spat blood, the droplets of red landing on the clean cobblestones. The onlookers looked at one another and stared in sheer incredulity. Was it that even the great Yunxiao Dynasty was no match for the Xian family?

There was a shiver that ran down his back as he stood amidst that crowd of people. He vanished into the swarm even before it dawned on him the gravity of the situation.

Tang Guan let out a gasp, horror etched on his face. "We have to tell the emperor!" Reality began to sink in: these powerful men they had underestimated were above even their wildest expectations; the Human Sovereign's edict made no difference.

Because it made its way to their supposed escape griffon of gold, a mammoth hand sprang out from the Xian family estate to bar their exit. In one fluid motion, it snatched up the hovering griffon in its fist as if the bird were a mere insect.

"Those wings look plump; they'll make for a tasty roast!" called out a voice, dripping with casual menace from within.

Tang Guan and Xia Li locked fearful glances at one another, their hands uncontrollably trembling. They spun around on their heels and ran off from the city of Feihua without a second glance.

People at the scene stood silently gaping, staring at the compound of the Xian's family as if they just witnesses something phenomenal, something unfathomable, some kind of monstrous power unfolding in front of them.

Xian Yue handed over a million "spiritual power pills" to the great elder, valuable assets for cultivation in the Golden core Realm and Soul formation Realm, in the meeting hall.

He stomped out to the backyard very eagerly, ready to grill the wings of the giant golden griffon. Zhou Yue and others are running over from all sides to join in the battle, for they would love to taste that delicacy.

"What a pity to let such a stunning creature go to waste," says Zhou Yue, staring at the monster being prepared for dinner. "It would have been quite a magnificent riding animal, don't you think?

"I saw it flying in the sky; magnificent! It feels like a waste when cooking it. That creature could have grown into a very good ally if raised within the family," Xian Yan added, swallowing hard as he took in the delicious aroma wafting from the grilling beast.

Xian Yue tended to the fire like a pro, making sure the wings cooked on an equal level. If it was heated too high, they could burn and destroy the whole dish.

Shaking his head, Xian Yue said, "A creature of this caliber isn't worth it to the Xian family. If we were to look for a mount, it should be something of incredible standards—a real dragon, divine phoenix, or unicorn.".

"True dragons and divine phoenixes? You speak as if they exist! Those are just legends, if you ask me," Xian Lang scoffed with a headshake.